
Elementalism - Windmancy Ability The ability to control, manipulate and generate strong gusts of wind.

Air - Elementalism

XP Cost: 1   Prerequisites: Windmancy

Action Type(s) Motion, Action, Spell Attack
ARP Cost 2 (Motions Excluded)
Range 10 Meters
Area 4 Meters
Requirements 1 Free Hand
Sustain 1 ARP
Traits Visible, Audible

You can control and manipulate Strong Gusts of Wind.

Using a Motion: You can control, manipulate, disturb or recycle up to 4 Meters of Air within Range and concentrate them into powerful Gusts.

Wind Gust: Make a Melee or Ranged Spell Attack Roll.

If you Hit the target, it is dealt 3d8 + Spellcasting Modifier Blunt Damage and the target is Pushed 3 Meters.

Air Blast: While within Range of a Source of Air you may expend an Action to target a 4 Meter Cone starting adjacent to the caster. Creatures within the Area must roll a Dexterity or Strength Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC.

Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw dealt 2d8 Blunt Damage and are Pushed 2 Meters.

Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above Damage and are otherwise unaffected.

Wind Save: You can use this ability as a Reaction to allow yourself or another creature within Range to Resist up to 2 Meters of Forced Movement.

Sustain: Sustaining this Ability allows Manipulated Air Effects to persist until this Ability is no longer being Sustained.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional ARP to overpower this Ability and Increase the Range of this Ability by 5 Meters,

Or Increase the DC for any of this Ability’s Saving Throws by 2,

Or Increase the Push Effect of this Ability by 1 Meter,

Or Increase the Damage this Ability deals by 1d8 Blunt Damage.