Golems are statuesque creatures made of clay, stone or metal and given life through powerful magics.

Golems are Magically or Miraculously created, either through powerful spells or exposure to tremendous sources of power. There many methods of creating a golem, some of which are intentional, others are happenstance. A golem might be created by a powerful magical practitioner to serve, or may have been a gargoyle or statue exposed to a powerful blast of magic.
Magical Power Source
You possess an internal magical power source that was the spark of your creation and is responsible for your continued existence.
You do not require Sustenance or Sleep and you cannot suffer from the Tired, Drowsy, Sleepy or Suffocating Conditions. However it Takes 1d6+2 Hours to Repair any Wound.
Medium Automaton
Your size is considered to be Medium, similar in height to most bipedal species. Your Hit Die is a d8.
Walking Locomotion
You imitate the form of bipedal creatures, and as such, possess legs made in their image.
Spell Creation
Your creation was purely magical and it is the only thing tying you to the Planes of Existence. A Dispelling Spell or Ability of an Attribute Resource Pool Cost equal to, or higher than your current level x 2 immediately causes your character to be reduced to 0 HP, enter the Dying Condition and Lose 1 Death Saving Throw.
You cannot equip Heavy Armor or Shields.
You do not receive damage when you are dealt Poison, Venom, Toxic, Psychic or Necrotic Damage.
You cannot gain benefits from food or drink. You cannot gain healing or effects from medicine, potions, poisons, poultices or salves.
Body Material Selection
Choose a Material from which you were created from the below choices. Your selection will determine your golem's Movement Speed, AC Bonuses, additional Traits and Average Weight
Your body is made of wood, making you lightweight but less durable.
Trait - Flammable You are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage and your body can be Ignited by sufficiently hot fires.
Attribute Bonus: +2 DEX
Move Speed : 7
AC Bonus : +2
Average Weight : 50-120 kg
Your body is made of clay pottery, making you strong and Lightweight.
Trait - Brittle You are considered to be Vulnerable to Blunt Damage.
Attribute Bonus: +2 STR
Move Speed : 6
AC Bonus : +2
Armor Bonus : +5
Average Weight : 100-300 kg
Your body is made from hewn stone, Making you Sturdy and Heavy.
Trait - Clumsy You suffer a -2 Penalty to all Fine Motor Skill Rolls.
Attribute Bonus: +2 STR or CON
Move Speed : 5
AC Bonus : +3
Armor Bonus : +10
Average Weight : 150-320 kg
Your body is made from Shaped Metal, Making you Super-Hard and Super-Heavy.
Trait - Clumsy You suffer a -2 Penalty to all Fine Motor Skill Rolls.
Attribute Bonus: +2 STR or CON
Move Speed : 4
AC Bonus : +3
Armor Bonus : +20
Average Weight : 220-500 kg