A shriveled undead creature that requires the rotted flesh of the living for sustenance. This curse is traditionally considered to be a punishment for cannibalism.

A shriveled undead creature that requires the rotted flesh of the living for sustenance. This curse is traditionally considered to be a punishment for cannibalism. There is little evidence to support these claims, however the ghoulification process has been documented as a side effect caused by overexposure to necrotic energies. Some have even reported that while some corpses exposed to large amounts of magical energy often return as zombies or skeletons, some return as ghouls.
Playing a Ghoul
When you choose this curse you will trade out all traits and abilities granted by your Species for the following Ghoul Traits and Abilities.
Ghoulish Undead
You Cannot Drown or Suffocate. You Cannot Reproduce. You Do Not Age.
You are Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom and Toxic Damage and can no longer Contract Diseases or Viruses. You Receive -5 Damage from Critical Hits.
Occult Connection
The Undead curse has always been at its core, "Unholy" in nature and due to that connection all Undead are considered to be Vulnerable to Holy Damage.
Ghoul Blood
Your blood is highly Acidic and Deals 1d6+2 Acid Damage to Melee and Thrown Weapons that hit you and Destroys Projectiles that hit you.
While bleeding you can weaponize your blood by bottling and throwing it or successfully grappling a Creature. It Always deals 1d6+2 Acid Damage when Weaponized.
The Blood loses its Acidic properties after 30 Seconds(3 Rounds) of leaving your body.
Your own flesh and bones are Immune to Ghoul Blood Acid.
Deathly Visage
It is Difficult hide the fact that you are no longer among the world of the living.
While Undisguised, a Perception or Investigation Skill roll of 10 or higher is sufficient to discover your undead nature.
Rotted Flesh Feeder
You require the flesh of the living for sustenance and cannot consume standard food or drink nor can you gain the benefits of Potions, Salves or Medicine. You gain a Feed Pool equal to you Constitution Modifier. You must feed on Spoiled or Rotting Meat. Each creature’s weight in meat you consume restores your Feed Points. Creatures of various sizes will yield more or less Feed points when consumed, use the Table Below as a Reference.
Creature Size | Feed Point Yield | Weight in Kilograms |
Tiny | 1 | 1-10 kg |
Small | 2 | 11-50 kg |
Medium | 4 | 51-200 kg |
Large | 8 | 201-350 kg |
Huge | 16 | 351-500 kg |
Gigantic | 32 | 501-2,500 kg |
Massive | 64 | 2,501-5,000 kg |
Corpse Condition | Hours Old | Rot Bonus |
Fresh | 0-12 Hours | -4 |
Old | 13-24 Hours | -2 |
Spoiled | 25-48 Hours | +0 |
Rotting | 49-62 Hours | +2 |
Putrid | 63-100 Hours | +4 |
Ghoulish Variety
Not all Ghouls have the same Abilities, Choose one of the following Abilities at no XP Cost and later you may acquire new Ghoulish Abilities at their XP Cost during Level Up.
The ability to regenerate from Wounds and Injuries.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghoulification
Effect: You Regenerate 1 HP per Round. You Recover from Wounds twice as fast.
Ghoul’s Crawl
The ability to crawl on walls and ceilings.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghoulification
Effect: You can move at ½ your Walking Speed on Walls and 1/4th your walking speed on Ceilings. You do not need to Roll Athletic Skill Rolls to Climb this way unless the surface is particularly slick or scratch resistant.
Stone Skin
Unnaturally hard and thick skin covers your body.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghoulification
Effect: +2 AC and +10 Armor Points while wearing Medium or lighter Armor.
Ghoul’s Speed
You have been gifted with Unholy and Unnatural Speed.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghoulification
Effect: Increase all Movement Speeds you possess by 2.
Ghoul’ Strength
You have been gifted with Unholy and Unnatural Strength.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghoulification
Effect: Increase your STR Score by 4. You gain +2 to all rolls made to Grapple.
Blend Skin
Your skin actively mimics the colors and patterns of surrounding terrain.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghoulification
Effect: You can spend 1 Willpower or Stamina to be considered to have the Chameleon Condition until you Make an attack roll, cast a spell or perform a maneuver.
Chameleon - Creatures in this state add a Destiny Die to All Stealth Skill Rolls and are considered to make those stealth skill rolls with a miscellaneous +2. They can still be detected via scent, tracks and other evidence