A ghost is any creature that exists in one of the adjacent spirit realms with limited abilities to affect the material realm to which they are bound.

A ghost is any creature that exists in one of the adjacent spirit realms with limited abilities to affect the material realm to which they are bound. Ghosts who remain near their plane of origin are typically the spiritual remnants or remains of sentient creatures whose death occurred while they were not at peace.
Playing a Ghost
When playing a Ghost you will trade out all traits and abilities offered by your species for the following Ghost Traits and Abilities.
You cannot be Wounded. You cannot Suffer from the Hungry / Thirsty or Starving Conditions. You Cannot Drown or Suffocate. You Cannot Reproduce. You Do Not Age. You are Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom, Bleed and Toxic Damage and can no longer Contract Diseases or Viruses. You Receive -5 Damage from Critical Hits.
Spirit Energy
You are kept here in part due to sheer power of will. Because of this will after death you can interact with the physical realms by spending 1 Willpower Point at any point during your turn. You may continue interacting with the physical realm until the start of your next turn.
You regain Willpower at a rate of 1 per hour while resting. You cannot imbibe physical substances or gain beneficial effects from them.
Your natural state is ethereal in nature and you can pass through walls and objects with ease.
You are considered to be Invisible and Intangible.
Spirit Vision of any kind can view and detect you regardless of your visual status.
Spells and Abilities that Target Spirits can target you. You are not resistant to damage caused by magic and silver weapons.
Occult Connection
The Undead curse has always been at its core, “Unholy” in nature and due to that connection all Undead are considered to be Vulnerable to Holy Damage.
Ghostly Variety
Not all Ghosts have the same Abilities, Choose one of the following Abilities at no XP Cost and later you may acquire new Ghostly Abilities at their XP Cost during Level Up.
Beastly Possession
The ability to take control of the minds of animals and Beasts.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghost
Effect: Spend 1 Willpower and Target an Animal, Insect, Fish, Invertebrate or Beast within 10 Meters. That creature must roll an Intellect Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Ghost’s Wisdom Modifier + Training Modifier.
Fail: If the creature fails the saving throw the ghost possesses it and gains full control of its body and subdues its mind. This effect persists until the creature is wounded or reduced to 0 HP or fewer, in which case the possessing ghost is ejected from the creature’s body and is considered to be dazed until the end of their next turn.
Pass: If the creature succeeds on the saving throw they are unaffected but the ghost has the Willpower spent on this ability refunded.
Mortal Possession
The ability to take control of the minds of Sentient Creatures.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghost
Effect: Spend 2 Willpower and Target an Mortal Sentient Creature within 10 Meters. That creature must roll an Intellect Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Ghost’s Wisdom Modifier + Training Modifier.
Fail: If the creature fails the saving throw the ghost possesses it and gains full control of its body and subdues its mind. This effect persists until the creature is wounded or reduced to 0 HP or fewer, in which case the possessing ghost is ejected from the creature’s body and is considered to be dazed until the end of their next turn.
Pass: If the creature succeeds on the saving throw they are unaffected but the ghost has ½ the Willpower spent on this ability refunded.
Mechanical Possession
The ability to take control of Machinery and Software.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghost
Effect: Spend 1 Willpower and Target an automaton, digital device or system within 10 Meters. That automaton, device or system must roll an Intellect Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Ghost’s Wisdom Modifier + Training Modifier.
Fail: If it fails the saving throw the ghost possesses it and gains full control of its functions and subdues its operating system. This effect persists until the automaton, device or system is wounded, broken, powered down or reduced to 0 HP or fewer, in which case the possessing ghost is ejected and is considered to be dazed until the end of their next turn.
Pass: If it succeeds on the saving throw it is unaffected but the ghost has the Willpower spent on this ability refunded.
Floating Specter
The ability to float and hover in the air at will.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghost
Effect: You gain a Flying Speed of 6 Meters per movement and you can Hover at will indefinitely.
Ghostly Scream
A terrifying and haunting scream that can cause creatures to flee in terror.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Ghost
Effect: Spend 2 Willpower and designate a 5 Meter Cone starting adjacent to you. Living creatures in the area must roll a Wisdom Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Ghost’s Wisdom Modifier + Training Modifier.
Fail: Creatures that Fail the saving throw are considered to be Fleeing until the end of their next turn.
Pass: Creatures the Pass the Saving throw are considered to be Frightened until the end of their next turn.