Fluid to Fog

Cause a nearby fluid to gasify and become a fog cloud.

Tier I - Druid Spell

Cause a nearby fluid to gasify and become a fog cloud.

Spell Tier I
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 1
Range 10 Meters
Requirements Voice, 1 Free Hand, 1 Liter of Fluid
Sustain 1 Mana
Traits Audible, Visible

Creating fog, a trick so old it was passed by word of mouth.

Effect: You use your action to cause up to 1 Liter of fluid to instantly gasify and become a 1 Meter Blast Area of Fog, centered on the Liter of Fluid’s original location. Creatures within the area are Obscured and are considered to be blinded until they leave the area. If the substance was toxic, caustic or poisonous then creatures in the area must Roll a Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the caster’s Spell Save DC. The Fog Cloud persists until the end of the next round, until this spell is no longer being sustained or a strong wind or blast causes it to dissipate.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the saving throw are dealt damage based on the type of substance.

Acid: If the substance was caustic, creatures are dealt 2d12 Acid Damage. 

Toxic: If the substance was toxic, creatures are dealt 2d10 Toxic Damage.

Poison: If the substance was poisonous, creatures are dealt 2d8 Poison Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Sustaining: The Fog Cloud persists until this spell is no longer being sustained. While sustaining this fog cloud you may use your Action to move it up to 6 Meters.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the Range of this Spell by 5 Meters,

Or increase the number of Liters of Liquid targeted by this spell and thus the Blast Radius of this Spell by 1 Meter,

Or increase the Save DC for this instance of this Spell or Ability by 2, 

Or increase the Damage dealt by this Spell by 1d6 Damage of the same type.