Feudal Age - Picks

Contains all picks available in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Picks

Table of Picks

Picks are a type of weapon defined by their longer handles and puncturing weapon heads attached to the top. They are often utilized by militaries going up against heavy armor due to their armor piercing properties.

Weapon Type / Weapon Name Description Hands Damage Die / Dice Damage Type(s) Range Materials Item Traits Cost
Meat Hook A butcher’s meat hook, designed to hang sides and quarters of butchered animals. 1 1d4 Puncture 1 M Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Grapple Weapon 60 Silver
Fire Poker A common fire poker, there’s one beside every fireplace. 1 1d6 P 1d4 B Puncture or Blunt 1 M Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Quick Strike 40 Silver
Climber’s Pick A small one-handed pick designed to aid climbers in icy conditions. 1 1d6 Puncture 1 M Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Quick Strike 60 Silver
Pickaxe A common pickaxe for digging into earth and stone. 2 1d6 Puncture 1 M Wood, Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Awkward, Armor Piercing I 80 Silver
Mantis Claw Pick A pick fashioned from the claw of a giant insect. 1-2 1d8 Puncture 1 M Chitin Uncommon, Crafted, Beast Harvest, Armor Piercing I, Variable 300 Silver
War Pick A cruel military weapon, like a hammer stretched down into a single point, designed to penetrate armor. 1-2 1d8 Puncture 1 M Wood, Metal Military, Forged, Armor Piercing I, Variable 250 Silver
Battlepick A cruel military weapon, like a massive double headed hammer whose heads narrow to a single point, designed to penetrate armor. 2 1d10 Puncture 1 M Wood, Metal Military, Forged,  Long, Awkward, Armor Piercing II 500 Silver
Greatpick A massive war pick too heavy for most mortals to wield.  2 1d12 Puncture 1 M Metal Rare, Forged, Long  Heavy, Awkward, Armor Piercing III 800 Silver
Anchor & Chain A massive anchor intended for large ships used as a melee weapon. 2 1d12 Blunt, Puncture 2 M Metal Common, Forged, Long, Grapple Weapon, Impact II, Armor Piercing II, Super Heavy, Awkward 1,000 Silver