Fairies are vaguely humanoid in appearance. They have small feet and hands and angular faces, with large butterfly-like wings protruding from their backs. They tend to have clear skin of various hues and thick brightly colored hair

Medium / Fey / Biped
Fairies are vaguely humanoid in appearance. They have small feet and hands and angular faces, with large butterfly-like wings protruding from their backs. They tend to have clear skin of various hues and thick brightly colored hair in non-humanoid hues, such as blue, green, pink and violet. Their eyes tend to be bright and outlandishly large and come in rare hues, such as violet, pink, silver and gold. Fairies hail from a realm unlike most others. A realm where magic exists potently in every aspect of life. It's in the air they breathe and the food they eat, it is in their very blood and very few fairies can resist its alluring call.
Court Society
Fairies function within a highly structured court society. Each Court has a queen and each queen is both the embodiment and representation of one of the four seasons and its virtues. All fairies that swear fealty to a court ultimately answer to that court’s queen and must do her bidding when called to do so.
Choose a Subspecies
Spring Fairy
Spring Fairy Subspecies
Medium / Fey / Biped
Average Height | 140cm |
Average Weight | 60 kg |
Lifespan | 6,000-9,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 111 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 WIS or +2 CHA |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters F, 6 Meter W |
Movement Types | Walking, Flying |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Fey’ya and Uman |
Spring Fairies are the embodiment of new growth, life and flowering beauty. They often have brighter skin, hair and eye colorations of greens, teals, tans, yellows, violets, whites and blues.
Fragile Anatomy
The wings of fairies are extremely delicate and can easily be damaged by a targeted attack of any damage type. A wing that has been damaged causes the fairy to lose Winged Flight until they regain HP equal to the value of the targeted damage. A fairy’s wings will naturally regrow either from a damaged or destroyed state in 12-24 hours. Roll 1d12 to determine, 12 + 1d12 Hours.
Iron Allergy
All fairies are allergic to Iron and will immediately break out when it comes into contact with their skin and have a 20% chance to go into anaphylactic shock when they are wounded by Iron Weapons. Fairies are Vulnerable to Damage dealt by Iron or Steel Weapons.
Magic Born
All fairies have a little bit of magic in their blood. The cost to purchase Spell Casting of any kind is reduced by -1 XP.
Spring Magic
You gain the Faye Witchcraft "Fairy Lights" and the ability to cast it.
Add a Destiny Die to all skill rolls to create magical illusions.
Winged Flight
You gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed. Every Minute(6 Rounds) of Combat flight causes you to lose 1 Stamina and you cannot rest while flying. You lose 1 Stamina for every Hour of Sustained Travel Flight. Having one or more of your wings wounded causes you to immediately lose the ability to fly until recovered. Being knocked prone while flying causes you to fall until you are able to use 3 meters of movement to “stand” and resume flying. You cannot Fly while wearing Heavy Armor. You can carry 1 small or smaller creature while flying.
Increased Space Requirements: While walking requires only as much space as your character occupies to continue movement, Flying upward or horizontally requires an additional Meter of space on any one side of your character. Smaller spaces do not allow your wings to flap and provide lift. If you are traveling downward during your flying movement then the above rule does not apply.
Summer Fairy
Summer Fairy Subspecies
Medium / Fey / Biped
Average Height | 140cm |
Average Weight | 60 kg |
Lifespan | 6,000-9,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 111 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 WIS or +2 CHA |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters F, 6 Meter W |
Movement Types | Walking, Flying |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Fey’ya and Uman |
Summer Fairies are the embodiment of overwhelming growth, heat and fruiting beauty. They often have bold skin, hair and eye colorations of greens, browns, reds, yellows, violets, oranges and blues.
Magic Born
All fairies have a little bit of magic in their blood. The cost to purchase Spell Casting of any kind is reduced by -1 XP.
Summer Magic
You gain the Faye Witchcraft "Fairy Fire Bolt" and the ability to cast it.
All Witchcrafts you cast that deal Burn Damage deal an additional 1d6 Burn Damage.
Winged Flight
You gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed. Every Minute(6 Rounds) of Combat flight causes you to lose 1 Stamina and you cannot rest while flying. You lose 1 Stamina for every Hour of Sustained Travel Flight. Having one or more of your wings wounded causes you to immediately lose the ability to fly until recovered. Being knocked prone while flying causes you to fall until you are able to use 3 meters of movement to “stand” and resume flying. You cannot Fly while wearing Heavy Armor. You can carry 1 small or smaller creature while flying.
Increased Space Requirements: While walking requires only as much space as your character occupies to continue movement, Flying upward or horizontally requires an additional Meter of space on any one side of your character. Smaller spaces do not allow your wings to flap and provide lift. If you are traveling downward during your flying movement then the above rule does not apply.
Fall Fairy
Fall Fairy Subspecies
Medium / Fey / Biped
Average Height | 140cm |
Average Weight | 60 kg |
Lifespan | 6,000-9,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 111 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CHA or +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters F, 6 Meter W |
Movement Types | Walking, Flying |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Fey’ya and Uman |
Fall Fairies are the embodiment of fading growth, change and plentiful bounty. They often have fiery skin, hair and eye colorations of browns, reds, yellows, violets, oranges and blues.
Magic Born
All fairies have a little bit of magic in their blood. The cost to purchase Spell Casting of any kind is reduced by -1 XP.
Fall Magic
You gain the Faye witchcraft "Fairy Affection" and have the ability to cast it.
Witchcrafts you cast that restore HP restore an additional 1d4 HP per casting.
Winged Flight
You gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed. Every Minute(6 Rounds) of Combat flight causes you to lose 1 Stamina and you cannot rest while flying. You lose 1 Stamina for every Hour of Sustained Travel Flight. Having one or more of your wings wounded causes you to immediately lose the ability to fly until recovered. Being knocked prone while flying causes you to fall until you are able to use 3 meters of movement to “stand” and resume flying. You cannot Fly while wearing Heavy Armor. You can carry 1 small or smaller creature while flying.
Increased Space Requirements: While walking requires only as much space as your character occupies to continue movement, Flying upward or horizontally requires an additional Meter of space on any one side of your character. Smaller spaces do not allow your wings to flap and provide lift. If you are traveling downward during your flying movement then the above rule does not apply.
Winter Fairy
Winter Fairy Subspecies
Medium / Fey / Biped
Average Height | 140cm |
Average Weight | 60 kg |
Lifespan | 6,000-9,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 111 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 INT or +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters F, 6 Meter W |
Movement Types | Walking, Flying |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Fey’ya and Uman |
Winter Fairies are the embodiment of cold, death and haunting beauty. They often have cool skin, hair and eye colorations of whites, grays, blacks, violets, teals and blues.
Magic Born
All fairies have a little bit of magic in their blood. The cost to purchase Spell Casting of any kind is reduced by -1 XP.
Winter Magic
You gain the Faye Witchcraft "Fairy Frost Bolt" and have the Ability to cast it.
Witchcrafts you cast that deal Frost Damage deal an additional 1d6 Frost Damage.
Winged Flight
You gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed. Every Minute(6 Rounds) of Combat flight causes you to lose 1 Stamina and you cannot rest while flying. You lose 1 Stamina for every Hour of Sustained Travel Flight. Having one or more of your wings wounded causes you to immediately lose the ability to fly until recovered. Being knocked prone while flying causes you to fall until you are able to use 3 meters of movement to “stand” and resume flying. You cannot Fly while wearing Heavy Armor. You can carry 1 small or smaller creature while flying.
Increased Space Requirements: While walking requires only as much space as your character occupies to continue movement, Flying upward or horizontally requires an additional Meter of space on any one side of your character. Smaller spaces do not allow your wings to flap and provide lift. If you are traveling downward during your flying movement then the above rule does not apply.