Enchanted Weapons
Weapons that have been magically enchanted.

Enchanted weapons are any item whose primary function or design is to deal harm or act in self defense that has been magically enchanted.
Glint, The Golden Blade
A beautiful and ornate Sword, seemingly made entirely of gold, with an emerald jeweled pommel.
XP Cost: 8 Cost: Priceless Traits: Artifact, Equipment, Weapon, Long, Heavy
Enchantments: 5
This weapon functions as an Enchanted Sword.
Melee Attack Bonus: +1
Damage: 2d4+1 Slash or Puncture
*All Damage and Attack Bonuses included.
Enhancement I
The Weapon gains +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls. The Additional Damage is considered to be the same Damage Type as the Weapon’s
Usage: Limitless
The item will only grant its magic to creatures of a certain Type, Archetype, Species or Moral Compass.
If it is a weapon it will only allow itself to be wielded by creatures of a certain Type, Archetype, Species or Moral Compass, becoming Invisible for all others while not equipped. This effect begins the Round after the Item stops being Equipped.
Usage: Limitless
Blade Arsenal
Using the Wielder’s Motion, the weapon can take on the shape and size of any Knife, Light-Blade, Sword or Large Sword the wielder sees, has seen or can remember. When it does so it takes on the Damage Die, Range and all Traits of that Weapon until it takes on another shape or reverts to its original form. The Wielder is considered to be temporarily Trained in whatever weapon type the weapon is currently mirroring.
The item returns to the user when separated.
Activation: Motion or Reaction
Effect: The Item Returns to its user at a rate of 8 Meters of Flying Movement per Round.
Requires a DC 16 or Higher Athletics Skill Roll from an Adjacent Creature to Stop the Item from Returning.
Will Continue Returning once Free.
If it is a Weapon, Creatures who attempt to stop this item and Fail receive that Weapon's Damage with a +1 to Damage for every 2 Meters the Weapon has traveled that Round.
Usage: Limitless
The Item cannot be destroyed by normal means.
Usage: Limitless
Maw, The Golden Ax
A beautiful and ornate greataxe, seemingly made entirely of gold, with a ruby jeweled pommel and a grotesque face carved into the flat sides of the ax.
XP Cost: 8 Cost: Priceless Traits: Artifact, Equipment, Weapon, Long, Heavy
Enchantments: 5
This weapon functions as an Enchanted Greatax.
Melee Attack Bonus: +1
Damage: 2d4+1 Slash
*All Damage and Attack Bonuses included.
Enhancement I
The Weapon gains +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls. The Additional Damage is considered to be the same Damage Type as the Weapon’s
Usage: Limitless
The item will only grant its magic to creatures of a certain Type, Archetype, Species or Moral Compass.
If it is a weapon it will only allow itself to be wielded by creatures of a certain Type, Archetype, Species or Moral Compass, becoming immovable for all others.
Usage: Limitless
The item is Sentient and aware of its surroundings and most likely possesses a means of communication.
Usage: Limitless
Golden Growth
The Weapon Immediately grows and gains an increase in Damage by +1d4 of the same Damage Type as the Weapon each time it absorbs 100 GC or an equivalent amount of gold. It loses this increase in damage if the item absorbs less than 10 GC in 3 Months. The Weapon can grant a Maximum of +3d4 from this effect.
Usage: Limitless
The Item cannot be destroyed by normal means.
Usage: Limitless
Pain and Agony, The Golden Knuckles
A beautiful and ornate set of knuckle dusters, seemingly made entirely of gold, with large onyx jewels set into the knuckles.
XP Cost: 8 Cost: Priceless Traits: Artifact, Equipment, Weapon, Long, Heavy
Enchantments: 5
Knuckle Dusters
This weapon functions as an Enchanted set of Knuckle Dusters.
Melee Attack Bonus: +1
Damage: 1d8+1 Necrotic
*All Damage and Attack Bonuses included.
Enhancement I
The Weapon gains +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls. The Additional Damage is considered to be the same Damage Type as the Weapon’s.
Usage: Limitless
Unarmed Combat Boost
Your Unarmed Attacks are considered to deal the next highest die type in Damage while wielding this Weapon, 1d2 becomes 1d4, 1d4 becomes 1d6 and so on.
The item will only grant its magic to creatures of a certain Type, Archetype, Species or Moral Compass.
If it is a weapon it will only allow itself to be wielded by creatures of a certain Type, Archetype, Species or Moral Compass, becoming Intangible for all others while not equipped.
Usage: Limitless
Necro Weapon
The Weapon's Damage that it deals is all considered to be Necrotic Damage.
Usage: Limitless
The Item cannot be destroyed by normal means.
Usage: Limitless
Skewer, The Golden Arrow
A beautifully crafted arrow. Made using golden thread, with multi-colored fletching and a large, ornately carved, golden arrowhead at its tip. When it transforms it simply resembles a massive version of the arrow, but functions as a spear.
XP Cost: 8 Cost: Priceless Traits: Artifact, Equipment, Weapon
Enchantments: 5
Arrow / Spear
This weapon functions as an Enchanted Arrow or Greatspear.
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2
Melee Attack Bonus: +2
Arrow Damage: +2 Puncture Damage
Spear Damage: 1d12 + 2 Puncture Damage / +8 Puncture Damage(when transformed after being launched from a bow)
Enhancement II
This Weapon gains +2 to Attack and Damage Rolls. The Additional Damage is considered to be the same Damage Type as the Weapon’s.
Usage: Limitless
Dual Transformation
The Item is capable of transforming from one thing to another. The user can cause the item to transform using a Motion or Reaction. The item has two Forms.
Form 1: The Golden Arrow - While in this state, this item takes the form of an arrow that can be fired from any bow and always has a Range of 100/200 Meters, regardless of the bow from which it was fired.
Form 2: The Golden Spear - While in this state, this item takes the form of a Greatspear. The user is considered to have Training with this weapon while wielding it. In addition, this Spear is Considered to have the “Thrown Weapon” Trait.
The transformation may occur while this item is in mid air or launched as a projectile.
If there is not room for the spear to fit in the space available the item cannot successfully transform into its spear form.
Usage: 5 Charges, Recharges 1 charge every hour.
The item magically returns to the user via a Motion or Reaction. It can travel through the air, slide along the ground or even teleport to reach its user.
Usage: Limitless
The item will only grant its magic to creatures of a certain Type, Archetype, Species or Moral Compass.
If it is a weapon it will only allow itself to be wielded by creatures of a certain Type, Archetype, Species or Moral Compass, becoming Unliftable for all others while not equipped. This effect begins the Round after the Item stops being Equipped.
Usage: Limitless
The Item cannot be destroyed by normal means.
Usage: Limitless