Enchanted Apparel
Everything enchanted, from armor, to clothing, to jewelry.

Enchanted apparel is any magical equipment that is primarily worn for modesty, decoration or protection.
Light Armors
Light and flexible armor that anyone can wear.
Quicksilver Armor
A suit of darkly dyed fine leather armor with silver accents. Once the favored armor of an infamous assassin.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 50,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Crafted, Forged, Equipment
Materials: Leather, Silver Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 3 AC and 8 Armor Points to the wearer.
You are granted 3 Meters of additional Movement and 1 additional Melee Attack Action whenever you reduce a creature to 0 or fewer HP.
Medium Armors
Tough yet mobile armor that requires training to wear properly.
Armor of Resistance
An armored breastplate of polished steel, with etched decorations.
XP Cost: 4 Cost: 60,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Forged, Equipment
Materials: Steel, Leather Enchantments: 3
Effects: Grants 8 AC and 12 Armor Points to the wearer.
Resistance III
Adds Resistance to Slashing, Puncture and Blunt Damage to the Wearer of the item.
Heavy Armors
Super durable armor that requires extensive training to wear properly.
Armor of the Juggernaut
A suit of heavy platemail with reinforced joints and a large and imposing matching helm.
XP Cost: 6 Cost: 120,000 Silver Traits: Priceless, Forged, Equipment
Materials: Steel, Leather Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 12 AC and 30 Armor Points to the wearer.
Effect: Grants +1 damage to the user's first melee attack damage roll after moving for each meter moved.
A cinchable covering used to protect one's clothing during various tasks and jobs.
Crafter's Apron
A simple leather apron with many pockets for tools around the belt.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 40,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon
Materials: Mage Weave, Leather or Cloth Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 3 Armor Points to the wearer.
While this item is equipped, the user is considered to have access to all toolkit types and is considered to be trained to use those tools. Tools that are removed from the toolkit instantly reappear within the toolkit when the user is no longer within 10 meters of the tool.
Clothing designed to be worn on a creature’s head, usually as a means of protection from the elements.
Blueblood Hat
A type of hat that is used heavily by royalty and mercenaries. For that extra layer of protection in any outdoor situation. Typically made of a silken blend of various colors.
XP Cost: 1 Cost: 10,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Small, Armor 1, Equipment
Materials: Silk, Cloth Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 1 Armor point to the wearer.
Grants an additional 5 Armor Points to the wearer.
Mage's Hat
A sign of graduation in many arcane orders. Wizards are often gifted a mage's or "wizard's" hat when they complete a major milestone in their training.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 50,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon
Materials: Mage Weave, Leather or Cloth Enchantments: 2
Effects: Grants 3 Armor Points to the wearer. Self Cleaning material known as “Mage Weave” is Hydrophobic, does not stain, collect odors or become soaked.
Activation: Motion(reaching into the opening or placing an item, object or creature within).
Effect: Adds a .25 Sq. Meter/ 50 kg. magical storage compartment to the item.
The Opening cannot be larger than 25 cm(roughly 10 in.). wide/tall and is considered to be closed when the item is not being activated.
Items inside spoil, rot and ferment at half the normal rate while inside this compartment.
Creatures smaller than the opening can enter or be placed into the storage compartment via activation of the item. The air supply within is limited to the air let in when the compartment is opened and it cannot be opened from the inside. Sounds, scents and light do emanate from the compartment unless the compartment is currently open.
Usage: Limitless
Multiform Hat
The Item can take on various forms of Hat.
Activation: Motion
Effect: The item takes on the form of hat the user desires. Imitating or replicating a specific hat requires an accompanying Knowledge or Arcane Skill Roll. The higher the skill roll, the more convincing the results.
Usage: 3 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 1 Minute.
Silent Council’s Crown
A simple crown made of hammered bronze with a piece of polished jade in the brow setting.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 75,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Small, Equipment
Materials: Bronze, Sea Glass Enchantments: 1
Psychic Communication
The item grants the user the ability to form psychic lines of communication with nearby intelligent creatures.
Activation: Motion
Range: 100 Meters
Effect: The user can form a line of psychic communication with a creature within range(100 m) with an intellect of 10 or higher. The creature internally hears the voice of the user in whatever language the thoughts were projected and can respond by projecting their own thoughts back. The user can end communications at any time using a motion. The enchantment effect also ends when the user and target are no longer within range(100 m).
Usage: Limitless
The Thinking Cap
Originally taking the form of a simple bowler’s cap, this enchanted headwear has a long history of interdimensional travel and has taken many shapes over the centuries.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 60,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Small, Equipment
Materials: Bronze, Sea Glass Enchantments: 2
False Intellect
The item magically changes the Intellect of the user.
Activation: Equip
Effect: When worn the enchanted item causes the user’s Intellect to be an 18. Any other Intellect modifiers are suppressed while the enchantment is in effect.
Usage: Limitless
Multiform Headwear
The Item can take on various forms of headwear.
Activation: Motion
Effect: The item takes on the form of Headwear. The user may decide what design the headwear takes. Imitating or replicating a specific headwear requires an accompanying Knowledge or Arcane Skill Roll. The higher the skill roll, the more convincing the results.
Usage: 3 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 1 Minute.
Accessories designed to be worn over a creature’s eyes. Typically as a form of vision correction or protection from sunlight, wind or sand.
Arcane Eyepieces
A pair of finely crafted glasses with gold frames and rune etched amethyst lenses.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 20,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Gold, Amethyst Enchantments: 1
Arcane Vision
The item grants the user the ability to Perceive the Arcane Realm. An ability usually reserved for magic users.
Activation: Motion
Range: 20 Meters
Effect: While the enchantment is active, the user can see all things Arcane, including: Arcane Auras, Arcane Energy and Arcane Runes. They may use their perception in place of their arcane skill when attempting to view magic of any kind.
Usage: Limitless
Catseye Goggles
A pair of finely crafted leather goggles with slices of emerald used in the eyepieces, secured with silver jewelry settings.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 20,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Leather, Silver, Emerald Enchantments: 1
The item grants the user the ability to See in Dim or Dark lighting conditions.
Activation: Motion
Range: 20 Meters
Effect: The user can see in Dim or Dark Lighting Conditions at no penalty while the enchantment is active.
Usage: Limitless
Eagle Eye Goggles
A pair of finely crafted leather goggles with slices of opal used in the eyepieces, secured with silver jewelry settings.
Cost: 20,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Leather, Silver, Opal Enchantments: 1
Eagle Eye
The item grants the user the ability to See and Focus on Creatures and Objects over great distances when Activated.
Activation: Motion
Effect: Once activated, the user clearly sees with the aid of the item without penalty at up to a distance of 250 Meters, rather than the standard 60.
Usage: Limitless
Spirit’s Spectacles
A pair of finely crafted sunglasses with Silver frames and rune etched onyx lenses.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 20,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Silver, Onyx Enchantments: 1
Spirit Eye
The item grants the user the ability to Perceive the Spirit Realms.
Activation: Motion
Range: 20 Meters
Effect: The user can see all things related to the Spirit Realm, Including: Ghosts, Haunts, Spirits and Specters, even if they are currently Invisible or Phasing.
Usage: Limitless
Viper Eye Goggles
A pair of finely crafted leather goggles with slices of amber used in the eyepieces, secured with silver jewelry settings.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 30,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Leather, Silver, Amber Enchantments: 1
Viper Eye
Grants the user the ability to see in Infrared.
Activation: Motion
Range: 10 Meters
Effect: Once Activated, the user can detect warm blooded creatures without penalty in Dark or Dim lighting conditions, in Fog or Smoke, or even if the target is Chameleoned or Invisible. This essentially allows the user to ignore the stealth modifiers of any of those conditions, making warm blooded creatures significantly easier for the user to detect while the enchantment is active.
Usage: Limitless
Clothing and accessories designed to be worn around a creature's neck, usually as decoration or additional protection from the elements.
Mana Pendant
A brightly colored quartz crystal fashioned into a necklace pendant. It seems to glow faintly.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 80,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Leather, Silver, Quartz Enchantments: 1
Mana Battery
The item grants the user Mana when Activated.
Activation: Motion
Effect: The user has 3 Mana Restored when they Activate the Item.
Usage: 1 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 3 Hours.
Clothing designed to be worn on a creature's hands and/or grasping appendages, usually as a form of protection from the elements or decoration.
Blueblood Gloves
A type of glove that is used heavily by royalty and mercenaries. For that extra layer of protection in any outdoor situation. Typically made of leather of various colors.
XP Cost: 1 Cost: 10,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Small, Armor 1, Equipment
Materials: Soft Leather Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 1 Armor point to the wearer.
Grants an additional 5 Armor Points to the wearer.
Longarm Gloves
These darkly stained fine leather gloves have intricate silver threading on the backs of each finger and the hand.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 20,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Small, Equipment, Armor 2, Status Symbol
Materials: Leather, Silver Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants +2 Armor points to the wearer.
Remote Animation
The item can, when Activated, be remotely controlled and/or Animated by the user.
Activation: Motion
Range: 10 Meters
Weight Limit: 2 kg.(4.4 lbs.)
Effect: Once activated, the user can cause the item(s) to move or animate as they desire. Performing complex tasks requires an appropriate skill roll from the item’s current user. The enchanted item(s) can move up to 10 meters per round. Skills used through this enchantment suffer a -2 penalty and a -5 penalty if the user does not have line of sight to the target. Attacks made through this enchantment suffer a -2 penalty and a -5 penalty if the user does not have line of sight to the target. Actions are performed remotely by the user through the enchantment, and require the user to expend their turn portions when using this enchantment.
Usage: Limitless
Clothing designed to be worn over other clothes, typically to protect the wearer from the elements.
Chameleon Cloak
A brightly colored cloak made of a blend of silk and wool.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 30,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Medium, Equipment, Armor 2
Materials: Silk, Linen Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants +2 Armor points to the wearer.
The item grants the user the ability to blend in with their surroundings when activated.
Activation: Motion
Effect: The wearer becomes Chameleoned for up to 10 Minutes.
While Chameleoned you gain +5 to all Stealth Skill Rolls.
You are nearly impossible to detect visually but your shadow, movement sounds and scent can all still be detected normally.
Usage: 1 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 1 Hour.
Shadowstrider Cloak
A midnight blue dyed, hooded leather and linen lined cloak that is frayed heavily around its edges.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 100,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Medium, Equipment, Armor 2
Materials: Leather, Linen Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants +2 Armor points to the wearer.
The item causes the wearer/wielder to be shrouded in shadow.
Effect: While wielded or equipped, the enchanted item causes the user to be in 1 light condition lower than the surrounding area. Bright, becomes Well Lit, Well Lit becomes Dim, Dim becomes Dark.
Usage: Limitless
Clothing designed to cover the majority of a creature’s body.
Priest’s Robes
Robes of finely woven linens with gold threads at its outer seams. The sign of a priest's graduation into the ranks of their peers.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 40,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Medium, Equipment, Armor 2, Light Armor
Materials: Linen, Gold Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants +2 Armor points to the wearer.
Protection II
+2 to the wearer’s AC.
Traits: Uncommon, Uncombinable
Mage’s Robes
A colored full length robe, typically with a hood, designed to be worn by trained magic initiates as a sign of their grade and rank. Different colors have different meanings in various realms, regions and schools.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 60,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Medium, Equipment, Armor 2, Light Armor
Materials: Mage Weave, Silver Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants +3 Armor Points to the wearer. Self Cleaning material known as “Mage Weave” is Hydrophobic, does not stain, collect odors or become soaked.
Protection II
+2 to the wearer’s AC.
Traits: Uncommon, Uncombinable
Monk’s Robes
Robes of finely woven silks, immaculately layered. Each addition and layer symbolizes a lesson fully learned.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 50,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Medium, Equipment, Armor 2, Light Armor
Materials: Silk Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants +2 Armor points to the wearer.
Protection II
+2 to the wearer’s AC.
Traits: Uncommon, Uncombinable
Accessories designed to be worn on various parts of the creature’s body, usually as a form of decoration.
The Amber Binding Ring
A deceptively simple ring made of a blue hued metal with a large lustrous piece of Amber in a modest jewel setting. The gem seems to flow like liquid when turned in the light.
XP Cost: 9 Cost: 1,000,000 Silver Traits: Priceless, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Metal, Ruby Enchantments: 4 Curses: 1
Eagle Eye
The item grants the user the ability to See and Focus on Creatures and Objects over great distances when Activated.
Activation: Motion
Effect: The user can see without penalty at up to a distance of 250 Meters, rather than the standard 60.
Usage: Limitless
The Item Restores Item HP or Armor Points when Activated.
Range: 5 Meters
Activation: Motion
Effect: The can Restore 2d6+6 HP or Armor Points to an Object or Item within Range
Usage: 1 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 1 Hour.
The Item cannot be destroyed by normal means.
Usage: Limitless
The Curse causes the item to return to the user in strange and unpredictable ways, no matter how they try to get rid of the thing.
This item's Curse is linked to other Creatures afflicted by the same Curse. If any of the Creatures affected by the Lifelink Curse dies, all Creatures Affected by the Lifelink Curse die.
When any one of the cursed creatures is dying they can either request or win a contested WIS Saving Throw, when they do so they reduce that creature's Death Saving Throws by 1 and grant themselves a destiny die on their next Death Saving Throw Roll. This can only be used twice per instance of dying.
You instinctively know which direction(north, east, south or west) other members of the Lifelink curse are, but not how far they are from you.
When one member of the curse experiences pain, injury or sickness the other members of the curse feel discomfort or pain in extreme cases.
The Amethyst Binding Ring
A deceptively simple ring made of a blue hued metal with a large lustrous amethyst in a modest jewel setting. The gem seems to crack like lightning when turned in the light.
XP Cost: 9 Cost: 1,000,000 Silver Traits: Priceless, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Metal, Ruby Enchantments: 5 Curses: 1
Translating Ear
The Item translates or interprets spoken languages for the wearer.
Effect: The user can understand any Spoken language they hear while wearing this item.
Usage: Limitless
Voice Thief
The wearer can use the ring to store the voice of an individual they can hear speaking using a Motion or Reaction.
Usage: 1 Stored Voice, 1 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 1 Hour.
The item resizes when placed on a new finger or body part.
Usage: Once per 24 hour period.
The Item cannot be destroyed by normal means.
Usage: Limitless
The Curse causes the item to return to the user in strange and unpredictable ways, no matter how they try to get rid of the thing.
This item's Curse is linked to other Creatures afflicted by the same Curse. If any of the Creatures affected by the Lifelink Curse dies, all Creatures Affected by the Lifelink Curse die.
When any one of the cursed creatures is dying they can either request or win a contested WIS Saving Throw, when they do so they reduce that creature's Death Saving Throws by 1 and grant themselves a destiny die on their next Death Saving Throw Roll. This can only be used twice per instance of dying.
You instinctively know which direction(north, east, south or west) other members of the Lifelink curse are, but not how far they are from you.
When one member of the curse experiences pain, injury or sickness the other members of the curse feel discomfort or pain in extreme cases.
The Emerald Binding Ring
A deceptively simple ring made of a blue hued metal with a large lustrous emerald in a modest jewel setting. The gem seems to shimmer like sunlight through leaves when turned in the light.
XP Cost: 9 Cost: 1,000,000 Silver Traits: Priceless, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Metal, Ruby Enchantments: 4 Curses: 1
The Item Restores HP when Activated.
Range: 5 Meters
Activation: Motion
Effect: The can Restore 2d6+6 HP to a Creature within Range.
Usage: 1 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 1 Hour.
The item glows brightly when Activated, increasing the surrounding light level.
Activation: Motion
Effect: Generates Bright light up to 10 Meters Away and/or Dim Light up to 30 Meters Away.
Usage: Limitless
The Item cannot be destroyed by normal means.
Usage: Limitless
The Curse causes the item to return to the user in strange and unpredictable ways, no matter how they try to get rid of the thing.
This item's Curse is linked to other Creatures afflicted by the same Curse. If any of the Creatures affected by the Lifelink Curse dies, all Creatures Affected by the Lifelink Curse die.
When any one of the cursed creatures is dying they can either request or win a contested WIS Saving Throw, when they do so they reduce that creature's Death Saving Throws by 1 and grant themselves a destiny die on their next Death Saving Throw Roll. This can only be used twice per instance of dying.
You instinctively know which direction(north, east, south or west) other members of the Lifelink curse are, but not how far they are from you.
When one member of the curse experiences pain, injury or sickness the other members of the curse feel discomfort or pain in extreme cases.
The Ruby Binding Ring
A deceptively simple ring made of a blue hued metal with a large lustrous ruby in a modest jewel setting. The ruby seems to flicker like flames when turned in the light.
XP Cost: 9 Cost: 1,000,000 Silver Traits: Priceless, Tiny, Equipment
Materials: Metal, Ruby Enchantments: 5 Curses: 1
When activated by the wearer using a Motion the Enchantment scans a target creature within line of sight and executes the scan of the wearer’s choice from the following options:
Psychological Scan
Ascertains and communicates the Moral Compass, Moral Position and Moral Trend of the Creature to the Wearer,
Threat Assessment Scan
Ascertains and communicates the Archetype(s) and Current Level of the Creature to the Wearer,
Energy Levels Scan
Ascertains and communicates the Amount, Type and Tier of Spells and/or Maneuvers the Creature currently possesses to the wearer.
The scan is subtle but detectable with a DC 14 Perception Skill Roll from an observing creature.
Usage: 1 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 1 Hour.
Pale Elf Detection
The item constantly scans for the presence of pale elves.
Activation: Always Active
Range: 20 Meters
Effect: The enchantment Senses and is capable of Detecting any Creatures of the chosen Type within Range, even through walls or opaque materials.
Unrolled Perception of 18. If it detects a creature of the chosen type it will Hum or Glow Red to warn its wearer.
Usage: Limitless
The item grants the user the ability to move incredibly quickly when Activated.
Activation: Motion
Effect: +10 Meters Move Distance per Movement until the end of your Next Turn.
Weight Limit: 200 kg.
Usage: 1 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 1 Hour.
The Item cannot be destroyed by normal means.
Usage: Limitless
The Curse causes the item to return to the user in strange and unpredictable ways, no matter how they try to get rid of the thing.
This item's Curse is linked to other Creatures afflicted by the same Curse. If any of the Creatures affected by the Lifelink Curse dies, all Creatures Affected by the Lifelink Curse die.
When any one of the cursed creatures is dying they can either request or win a contested WIS Saving Throw, when they do so they reduce that creature's Death Saving Throws by 1 and grant themselves a destiny die on their next Death Saving Throw Roll. This can only be used twice per instance of dying.
You instinctively know which direction(north, east, south or west) other members of the Lifelink curse are, but not how far they are from you.
When one member of the curse experiences pain, injury or sickness the other members of the curse feel discomfort or pain in extreme cases.
Clothing designed to cover the upper half of a creature’s body.
Blueblood Shirt
A type of enchanted shirt or blouse that is used heavily by royalty and mercenaries. For that extra layer of protection, even when unarmored. Typically made of a silken blend of various colors.
XP Cost: 1 Cost: 10,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Small, Armor 1, Equipment
Materials: Silk, Cloth Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 1 Armor point to the wearer.
Grants an additional 5 Armor Points to the wearer.
Clothing designed to cover the lower half of a creature’s body.
Blueblood Bottoms
A type of enchanted leggings, pants or skirt that is used heavily by royalty and mercenaries. For that extra layer of protection, even when unarmored. Typically made of a silken blend of various colors.
XP Cost: 1 Cost: 10,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Small, Armor 1, Equipment
Materials: Silk, Cloth Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 1 Armor point to the wearer.
Grants an additional 5 Armor Points to the wearer.
Clothing designed to cover the creature’s sex organs or designed for societal modesty norms.
Blueblood Underwear
A type of underclothing that is used heavily by royalty and mercenaries. For that extra layer of protection in any situation. Typically made of a silken blend of various colors.
XP Cost: 1 Cost: 10,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Small, Armor 1, Equipment
Materials: Silk, Cloth Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 1 Armor point to the wearer.
Grants an additional 5 Armor Points to the wearer.
Equipment designed to cinch around the waist.
Belt of the Mighty
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 100,000 Silver Traits: Rare
Item HP: 10 Enchantments: 2
Strength Boost
The item temporarily grants the user +10 to Strength.
Activation: Motion
Effect: The Wearer Gains +10 to Strength(+5 to associated rolls) for up to 1 Minute(6 Rounds).
Weight Limit: 1,000 lbs.
Usage: 1 Charge, Recharges 1 Charge after 8 Hours.
The item resizes when placed on a new user.
Usage: Once per 24 hour period.
Clothing/Equipment designed to be worn on or around the feet.
Blueblood Boots
A type of footwear that is used heavily by royalty and mercenaries. For that extra layer of protection. Typically made of leather of various colors.
XP Cost: 1 Cost: 10,000 Silver Traits: Uncommon, Small, Armor 2, Equipment
Materials: Leather Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants 2 Armor point to the wearer.
Grants an additional 5 Armor Points to the wearer.
Winged Sandals
A pair of fine leather thronged sandals with white dove feathers sprouting from the outside of each ankle.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 100,000 Silver Traits: Rare
Item HP: 10 Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants +2 Armor points to the wearer.
The item functions as a Flying Vehicle.
Driver required to control flight path.
Speed: 10 Meters per Round
Handling: 4 Meters per Movement
Weight Limit: 200 kg.
Usage: Limitless
Swiftstep Boots
Fine leather boots with decorative silver accents and spurs.
XP Cost: 2 Cost: 40,000 Silver Traits: Rare
Item HP: 10 Enchantments: 1
Effects: Grants +2 Armor points to the wearer.
The item grants the user the ability to move incredibly quickly when Activated.
Activation: Motion
Effect: +10 Meters Distance per Movement until the end of your Next Turn.
Weight Limit: 150 kg.(330lbs)
Usage: 1 Charge Capacity, Recharges 1 Charge after 3 Hours.
Red velvet boots with gold and silver filigree.
XP Cost: 3 Cost: 50,000 Silver Traits: Rare
Item HP: 10 Enchantments: 1
The item grants the user the ability to Hover up to 6 Meters per Round.
Distance: 6 Meters
Weight Limit: 500 lbs.
Usage: Limitless
Equipment that can typically be worn and serves a function, such as storage or decoration.
Pocket Pocket
A finely pouch pocket that is larger on the inside.
XP Cost: 4 Cost: 60,000 Silver Traits: Rare, Medium, Equipment
Materials: Cloth, Beads Item HP: 10 Enchantments: 2
The bag contains a 1 Sq. Meter/ 250 kg(550 lbs.). magical storage compartment.
The Opening cannot open more than 30 cm(10 in). wide/tall.
The Item cannot be destroyed by mundane means.
Usage: Limitless
Silverflow Purse
A highly decorative purse made with a metallic weave of copper and silver threads, accented with pearls.
XP Cost: 4 Cost: 120,000 Silver Traits: Rare
Materials: Silver, Copper, Pearl
Item HP: 10
Enchantments: 1
The item contains an unlimited supply of Silver Coins.
Activation: Motion
Effect: When activated by reaching into or pouring out the container, the enchantment releases up to 50, 20 gram, Silver Coins/1 kg(2.2 lbs) of Silver per hour. The purse must be tipped upright and back down via a motion once per hour in order to generate a constant flow of silver. The mint is whatever form of coin with which the user is most familiar. Narrator decides.
Usage: Limitless