Elves resemble humans in many ways, including hair, skin hair and eye color. Elves differ in that they have long pointed ears and exceptionally lithe and light frames. They also tend to have sharp elongated features, clear skin and are incapable of growing facial hair.

Elves resemble humans in many ways, including hair, skin hair and eye color. Elves differ in that they have long pointed ears and exceptionally lithe and light frames. They also tend to have sharp elongated features, clear skin and are incapable of growing facial hair.
Choose a Subspecies
Golden Elf
Classic Elf Subspecies
Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 210 cm |
Average Weight | 50 kg |
Lifespan | 1,000-2,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 77 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CHA |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Elvish and Uman |
Golden elves see themselves as the most pure descendants of true or ancient elves. Their olive skin often has metallic properties reminiscent of gold. Their hair is often shades of golden and silver blondes adding to their mystique. They are also taller than most elves, measuring in at an average of 210 cm; All traits believed to be associated with the original elves. Because of these qualities, many humanoids find them to be unnaturally charming.
Golden Child
Gain a Miscellaneous +2 on Charm Skill Rolls.
Fey Touched
Acquire a Tier I Faye Witchcraft of your choice. You may cast it using Panache in place of the Mana Cost.
Long Lived
All elves are exceptionally long lived and it is said that elves that live in the fey realm are truly immortal.
Gain training in 2 Skills of your choice.
Skill Diligence
Elves tend to master skills more completely due to their long lives and natural propensity towards perfectionism.
Gain a Miscellaneous +1 on all Trained Skills.
Twilight Elf
Jungle Dwelling Elf Subspecies
Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 170 cm |
Average Weight | 45 kg |
Lifespan | 1,000-2,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 77 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 DEX |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Elvish and Uman |
The jungle and rainforest dwelling Twilight Elves have distinctly darker skin, hair and eyes compared to other subspecies of elf. Twilight elves rarely venture out of the deep jungles they call home, but when they do they are highly sought after as thieves, scouts, guides and mercenaries.
Jungle Survivalist
You can identify Jungle and Forest Creature and Plant types with a DC 10 Perception, Investigation or Survival Skill Roll. You always know which direction is north and the current time while in Jungles or Forests.
Natural Camouflage
Misc. +2 to stealth Skill Rolls in Dim or Dark Lighting Conditions.
Long Lived
All elves are exceptionally long lived and it is said that elves that live in the fey realm are truly immortal.
Gain training in 2 Skills of your choice.
Skill Diligence
Elves tend to master skills more completely due to their long lives and natural propensity towards perfectionism.
Gain a Miscellaneous +1 on all Trained Skills.
Pale Elf
Subterranean Elf Subspecies
Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 170 cm |
Average Weight | 45 kg |
Lifespan | 1,000-2,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 77 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 INT |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Elvish and Uman |
The cave dwelling Pale Elves have distinctly lighter hair, skin and eye colorations and improved night vision. Pale Elf society is very different from that of most other humanoid species, because of this, Pale Elves tend to have a hard time adjusting to all these new concepts such as courtesy and kindness and are often treated poorly by other humanoid species due to their reputation for callous behavior and cruelty.
Tunnel Senses
You can identify stone types with a DC 10 Perception, Investigation or Survival Skill Roll. You always know which direction is north and the current time while underground.
Night Vision
Can see without penalty in Dim and Dark light levels.
Light Sensitive: You have -2 to Perception, Investigation and Survival Skill Rolls while in Well Lit or brighter Lighting Conditions.
Long Lived
All elves are exceptionally long lived and it is said that elves that live in the fey realm are truly immortal.
Gain training in 2 Skills of your choice.
Skill Diligence
Elves tend to master skills more completely due to their long lives and natural propensity towards perfectionism.
Gain a Miscellaneous +1 on all Trained Skills.
Wood Elf
Forest Dwelling Elf Subspecies
Small / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 120 cm |
Average Weight | 40 kg |
Lifespan | 3,000-5,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 111 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 DEX or +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Small / d6 |
Languages | Elvish and Uman |
Wood elves are much shorter than other elven subspecies and are more closely bonded to the forests they inhabit than any other sentient race. Due to reasons still not completely understood, wood elves live even longer than their taller cousins. Many wood elves serve as druidic servants of nature at some point in their life due to their societal dedication to the natural cycle of life. Wood elves are famous for their grown homes that take hundreds of years to build but are grown entirely out of trees and other plants, making it a natural and self-sustaining dwelling for several generations to come.
Hidden Knowledge of Botany
Add a Destiny Die to all Survival and Knowledge Skill Rolls that involve plants, vegetation or botany of any kind.
Long Lived
All elves are exceptionally long lived and it is said that elves that live in the fey realm are truly immortal.
Gain training in 2 Skills of your choice.
Skill Diligence
Elves tend to master skills more completely due to their long lives and natural propensity towards perfectionism.
Gain a Miscellaneous +1 on all Trained Skills.
This species can psychically communicate with plant life they can touch. This allows them to roll CHA based Skill Checks vs plants and if successful, convince them to do things like: grow, blossom, fruit or move. Grow and Move can never be more than one Meter total distance moved and the user can only make contact with one plant at a time.