Elementalism is the ability to control various "Elements" or forms of matter and metaphysical concepts via the elemental sprites which reside in and around all things.

Elementalism utilizes pre-existing elemental sprites in a highly magical world. Individuals with exceptional talent or rigorous training have learned to harness and control the power of these sprites and the elements they inhabit. Since there are sprites of various types they and the abilities based on their use are divided by the various elements of the Realms.
The 16 elements are: Air, Animal Life, Blood, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Flesh, Metaphysical, Light, Plant Life, Shadow, Spirit, Time, Void, Water and Weather. They are separated into two groups of eight. The Core Elements and the Combined Elements.
The Core Elements are: Earth, Fire, Flesh, Light, Metaphysical, Shadow, and Water.
The Combined Elements are: Animal Life, Blood, Electricity, Plant Life, Spirit, Time, Void and Weather. Each Combined element is derived from 2 other elements and thus requires a higher level of elemental mastery to achieve control over that element.