Dwarves tend to have short wide set bones and broad features. Most if not all dwarven cultures commonly wear beards of various stylings and lengths. Beard growth tends to be a universal trait on dwarves regardless of the individuals sex.

Small / Humanoid / Biped
Dwarves measure in with an average height of 130 cm and resemble humans in many ways. They have similar hair, skin and eye colors but their frames and features differ. Dwarves tend to have short wide set bones and broad features. Most if not all dwarven cultures commonly wear beards of various stylings and lengths. Beard growth tends to be a universal trait on dwarves regardless of the individuals sex.
Capitalistic Society
Most dwarves believe in values that have price tags and not much else. The hoarding, piling and stylistic stacking of wealth is a favorite pastime of dwarven culture. There was a time where dwarves were shunned as strange little men from beneath the earth, that was until they found the shiny metal, buried deep in the rock. Then people were glad to see the dwarves when they came into town and gladly took the shiny metals in exchange for goods and services. Since then dwarves have used this to their advantage and see the accumulation of wealth and then superior craftsmanship as the only viable mode of survival in the current age.
Choose a Subspecies
Mountain Dwarf
Classic Dwarf Subspecies
Small / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 140 cm |
Average Weight | 95 kg |
Lifespan | 200-300 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 42 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 STR |
Movement Speed | 5 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Duumlik and Uman |
Mountain dwarves are the generalists of dwarven cultures, they excel at mining and tunnel digging and are decent smiths, crafters and engineers in their own right. Unlike many dwarven cultures they have not chosen to specialize in any particular craft but still retain their dwarven ways of remaining mostly underground. They usually make their homes deep under mountains, often clearing massive chambers and elaborate tunnel systems within the roots of their chosen mountain.
Rock Logic
Mountain Dwarves have spent the entirety of their development underground and digging through rock. After a few centuries it kind of got lodged in the brains of all dwarves and now there isn’t a mountain dwarf alive who can’t tell his sandstone apart from his granite.
Mountain Dwarves get a conditional +2 to all skill checks related to Stone, Rock, Ore, or Digging/Mining. In addition all mountain dwarves can tell what time of day it is while underground and can find north while underground.
Sturdy Frame
The frame of the dwarven body designed for stability. Dwarves suffer a small movement penalty but they are considered to be a Medium sized creature for the purposes of health calculation.
Dim Sight
All Dwarves can see in Dim lighting Conditions, but not total darkness.
Despite their stature dwarves are quite quick over short distances and make for excellent sprinters. Dwarves gain an additional 2 meters of movement when they use their Action to Sprint as long as they did not spend the last round sprinting.
Dugmar Dwarf
Tunneling Dwarf Subspecies
Small / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 110 cm |
Average Weight | 65 kg |
Lifespan | 200-300 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 42 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CON |
Movement Speed | 5 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Duumlik and Uman |
A slightly smaller Subspecies of dwarf, famous for their sprawling tunnel systems with secret entrances everywhere.
Tunnel Logic
Can tell what time of day it is while underground and can find north while underground. Gain advantage on any skill rolls made to find secret tunnels or passageways.
Sturdy Frame
The frame of the dwarven body designed for stability. Dwarves suffer a small movement penalty but they are considered to be a Medium sized creature for the purposes of health calculation.
Dim Sight
All Dwarves can see in Dim lighting Conditions, but not total darkness.
Despite their stature dwarves are quite quick over short distances and make for excellent sprinters. Dwarves gain an additional 2 meters of movement when they use their Action to Sprint as long as they did not spend the last round sprinting.
Forgemound Dwarf
Blacksmith Dwarf Subspecies
Small / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 136 cm |
Average Weight | 95 kg |
Lifespan | 200-300 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 42 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 DEX |
Movement Speed | 5 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Duumlik and Uman |
The skilled crafter society that makes dwarves renowned around the realms for their fine craftsmanship and even finer weapons and armor.
Crafter’s Logic
Miscellaneous +2 to Fine Motor Skill.
Sturdy Frame
The frame of the dwarven body designed for stability. Dwarves suffer a small movement penalty but they are considered to be a Medium sized creature for the purposes of health calculation.
Dim Sight
All Dwarves can see in Dim lighting Conditions, but not total darkness.
Despite their stature dwarves are quite quick over short distances and make for excellent sprinters. Dwarves gain an additional 2 meters of movement when they use their Action to Sprint as long as they did not spend the last round sprinting.
Tinkerbag Dwarf
Industrious Dwarf Subspecies
Small / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 136 cm |
Average Weight | 95 kg |
Lifespan | 200-300 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 42 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 INT |
Movement Speed | 5 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Duumlik and Uman |
A society of engineers trying to find the most efficient and cost effective way to do just about everything. Design and crafting is in their blood and every scrap of ore they dig up is forged into another cog for the machine.
Gear Logic
Miscellaneous +2 to Engineering Skill.
Sturdy Frame
The frame of the dwarven body designed for stability. Dwarves suffer a small movement penalty but they are considered to be a Medium sized creature for the purposes of health calculation.
Dim Sight
All Dwarves can see in Dim lighting Conditions, but not total darkness.
Despite their stature dwarves are quite quick over short distances and make for excellent sprinters. Dwarves gain an additional 2 meters of movement when they use their Action to Sprint as long as they did not spend the last round sprinting.