Dryads are plant elementals or tree spirits that protect and preserve important great trees or groves of trees. When their environments are threatened or endangered Dryads will lend aid or fight as necessary.

Medium / Elemental / Biped
Dryads are plant elementals or tree spirits that protect and preserve important great trees or groves of trees. When their environments are threatened or endangered Dryads will lend aid or fight as necessary.
Dryads have no society to speak of. Each one remains close to their protected grove unless on some kind of epic quest, so they rarely have opportunities to meet. Naiads sometimes befriend creatures of the forests, besides that they rarely have a chance to socialize.
Choose a Subspecies
Deciduous Dryad
Leafy Tree-esque Subspecies
Medium / Elemental / Biped
Average Height | 220 cm |
Average Weight | 250 kg |
Lifespan | 2,000-3,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 88 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Elemental and Uman |
Deciduous Dryads resemble leafy bipedal tree people that change appearance with the seasons. They gain leaves in the spring and often flower at that time. They grow fruit or nuts in the summer. Their leaves change colors in the fall and they lose their leaves in winter. Deciduous Dryads lack the frost resistance of their evergreen cousins.
Nature Connection
You are Vitally connected to a Tree or Grove. The Healthier and more diverse your Tree(s) the more Powerful you Feel. If your Tree(s) become Sick or dried up you feel weak and feeble.
Healthy: While your Tree(s) are Healthy you gain +1 to all Skill and Attack Rolls.
Sick / Dry: While your Tree(s) are Sick or Dry you add a Fate Die to all Skill Rolls and Attack Rolls.
Your body is 100% Plant Matter making you vulnerable to bursts of extreme heat. You are considered to be Vulnerable to all Burn Damage Points.
Change With Seasons
You are considered to have +1 Movement Speed in Spring or Warm Weather Climates.
You are considered to have +2 Stamina in Summer or Hot Weather Climates.
You are considered to grow 1d4, 2 HP Healing Fruits Per Day in Autumn or Cool Weather Climates. They Rot within 12 Hours of being picked and offer no healing benefits once cooked or preserved.
You are considered to Have -1 Movement Speed in Winter or Cold Weather Climates.
Plant Elemental
You gain 3 Tier I, 2 Tier II or 1 Tier III Plant Element or Druid Spell(s) and the Ability to Cast and Learn New Plant Element or Druid Spells. You do not need to purchase these archetypes in order to gain spells from their Section. An XP expenditure is required to acquire the Traits in those sections that grant additional Spells.
Evergreen Dryad
Evergreen Tree-esque Subspecies
Medium / Elemental / Biped
Average Height | 220 cm |
Average Weight | 250 kg |
Lifespan | 2,000-3,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 88 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Elemental and Uman |
Evergreen Dryads resemble bipedal tree people that remain unchanged throughout the seasons. They typically have either pine needles or thick waxy leaves for hair and body coverings. They are more flammable than their deciduous cousins but are resistant to Frost.
Nature Connection
You are Vitally connected to a Tree or Grove. The Healthier and more diverse your Tree(s) the more Powerful you Feel. If your Tree(s) become Sick or dried up you feel weak and feeble.
Healthy: While your Tree(s) are Healthy you gain +1 to all Skill and Attack Rolls.
Sick / Dry: While your Tree(s) are Sick or Dry you add a Fate Die to all Skill Rolls and Attack Rolls.
Your body is 100% Plant Matter making you vulnerable to bursts of extreme heat. You are considered to be Vulnerable to all Burn Damage Points.
Evergreen Resilience
You gain Resistance to Frost Damage and all adverse effects caused by Cold Climates.
You can use a Motion and spend 1 Willpower to Increase your size by 1 size category. You can maintain this size for a number of rounds equal to your WIS Modifier. While you are larger you gain +10 Armor Points for each size category above your standard and have your Reach increased by 1 Meter.
Plant Elemental
You gain 3 Tier I, 2 Tier II or 1 Tier III Plant Element or Druid Spell(s) and the Ability to Cast and Learn New Plant Element or Druid Spells. You do not need to purchase these archetypes in order to gain spells from their Section. An XP expenditure is required to acquire the Traits in those sections that grant additional Spells.