Druid's Call
Call nearby animals to your location.
Tier I - Druid Spell
Call nearby animals to your location.
Spell Tier | I |
Action Type | Action |
Mana Cost | 1 |
Range | 500 Meters |
Requirements | Voice, 1 Free Hand |
Sustain | 1 Mana |
Traits | Audible, Visible |
When they call for aid, nature itself leaps to protect them.
Effect: You use your Action to sound an echoing call in the language of the druids. Any visible animals within range immediately begin making their way to within 10 meters of the caster. By the start of the caster’s next turn any visible animals within range are within 10 meters of the caster. The animals will behave normally for animals of their types but will remain within 10 meters of the caster for the next Minute, or until this spell is no longer being sustained.
Sustaining: While sustaining this spell all called animals will remain within 10 meters of the caster.
Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the Range of this Spell by 500 Meters,
Or cause this spell to additionally summon visible Beasts within Range.