Druid Archetypes
Druids draw their power from the life-force of the world itself. They strive to keep the balance between nature and civilization.

Druids follow the teachings of the leaf, paw, sun, moon and stars. Their Druidic Orders often predate historical records and some believe this to be the first type of magic discovered by sapient creatures. Druids draw their power from the life-force of the world itself. The more the world grows in harmony with nature, the more powerful they become. The more excavation, development and pollution the world accumulates, the more their power dwindles. Druids usually believe it is their duty to keep the balance between nature and civilization, pruning and cutting where necessary. Traditionally, Druids keep only the laws of nature and the greater good, and are typically unconcerned with most social rules and constructs. This may or may not include concepts such as: manners, customs, traditions, economics, ownership, property and gender roles and/or norms. Some Druids may be curious about these social constructs when exposed to them, while others may be disgusted or indifferent.
Many historians believe that druidism is one of the first forms of magic use in which most sapient creatures gain access. This is theorized to be due to its abundance in wilder worlds and decline in more developed and industrialized worlds.