DraKins greatly resemble dragons, albeit smaller bipedal versions. They have scaled hides, tails, horns, claws and a short reptilian snout. Many Dragonkin have hereditary head or face tails which they wear and adorn like the head and facial hair of mammalian species.

Medium / Reptilian / Biped
Drakins greatly resemble dragons, albeit smaller bipedal versions. They have scaled hides, tails, horns, claws and a short reptilian snout. Many Drakin have hereditary head or face tails which they wear and adorn like the head and facial hair of mammalian species. Their scaly hides can vary drastically in color, and their eyes are usually a bright orange or yellow with colors like blue, green and violet being rare genetic mutations.
Nomad Society
Drakin societies are primarily nomadic in nature. Many drakin believe in a harmonic symphony that can be achieved with nature. Never settling in one place for too long ensures they do not change the lands they roam or allow the wildlife to become attuned to their presence. This lifestyle is deeply ingrained in Drakin culture and was supposedly passed down to them by their true dragon forefathers.
Draconic Reverence
Most drakin truly believe they are direct descendants of dragons and as such they take quite a bit of pride in their heritage and will often see the good in the actions of dragons that others cannot. They revere true dragons as both the symbol of their forefathers and the pinnacle of their evolution. Because of this, many drakin are more susceptible to dragon cults and would view the slaying of a true dragon as a most unforgivable crime.
Choose a Subspecies
Outcast Drakin
Outcast Dragon-like Subspecies
Medium / Reptilian / Biped
Average Height | 210 cm |
Average Weight | 115 kg |
Lifespan | 120-150 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 22 |
Attribute Modifiers | +1 INT and +1 WIS |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
HP Die Type | d8 |
Languages | Drac’Maue and Uman |
Outcast Drakin have rejected the traditionalist teaching of their kin and neither revere or worship dragons in any form. These dissenters are typically branded with the mark of ungratefulness and are banished from any and all Drakin tribes.
Draconic Hatred
You do not revere true Dragons as many of your fellow Drakins do. You resent them for their manipulation of your species over the ages and feel no reason to do their bidding. You enjoy defying Dragons or their emissaries.
You gain resistance to all CHA Skill checks made vs you by Dragons or in the name of dragons. You gain resistance to all WIS Saves that dragons cause you to make.
Scaled Hide
All Drakin are covered in a thick diamond pattern scaled hide, except on the underside of their arms, legs and tails, which is covered with softer corrugated scales. Their scales harden when regularly stressed allowing dedicated warriors to hone their scales to eventually be tougher than Iron and much lighter.
Drakin find metal armors to be uncomfortable on the already hardened scales and thus cannot gain training in Medium or Heavy Armor. At higher levels Drakin warriors can purchase IronScale and SteelScale from the Species Traits section to increase their Natural Armor to a higher value.
AC Bonus | Reflex Saving Throw Bonus | Armor Points | Traits |
3 | 1 | 12 | Natural Armor |
Draconic Adaptations
Choose 2 of the following Natural Weapons: Drakin Breath, Great-Horns, Club Tail, Whip Tail, Razorclaw or Clampjaw.
Drakin Breath
Some Drakin have retained the ability of their ancestors to exhale harmful substances, chemical reactions or energies.
Breath Blast: This Natural Weapon can be used as a Cone shaped Area Attack with a Range of 3 Meters, Creatures in the Area can Pass a DC 10 + the casting Drakins CON Modifier to reduce the damage dealt by ½. The damage dealt by this breath weapon is always 2d6+CON Modifier Burn, Electrical, Frost, Acid or Toxic and is Chosen once at time of character creation.
Recharging Weapon: If this weapon is not currently recharged, roll 1d6 at the end of your turn. If you roll a 5 or 6 this weapon recharges. If you choose to use this weapon while it is not recharged, spend 1 Stamina.
Breath Shot
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d8+2 | Burn, Electrical, Frost, Acid or Toxic | 10 Meters | Natural Weapon, Recharging Weapon |
Drakin Great Horn(s)
Horned Drakins possess one or more long reinforced horns that they can utilize as deadly weapons.
Charging Weapon: Additional +1 to Hit and Damage on Charge attacks with this weapon.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d10+2 | Puncture | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon, Charging Weapon |
Drakin Club Tail
The adaptation of a large club-like tail is fairly common among Drakin kind.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d12+2 | Blunt | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon |
Drakin Whiptail
Many DraKin posses a large tail that many use as their primary striking weapon in an unarmed fight.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d4+2 | Slash | 2 Meters | Natural Weapon, Grapple Weapon |
Drakin Razor Claws
Some Drakin have retained the large and deadly claws of their ancestors.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d8+2 | Slash | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon, Brutal I |
Drakin Clampjaw
Grapple Weapon: This weapon can be used to grapple target creatures in addition to or instead of Free Hands. You automatically hit on Jaw Attacks when you start your turn with a creature grappled in your jaws. Roll the attack anyway, you can still critically hit.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d10+2 | Slash | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon, Grapple Weapon |
Heretic Drakin
Faithful Dragon-like Subspecies
Medium / Reptilian / Biped
Average Height | 210 cm |
Average Weight | 115 kg |
Lifespan | 120-150 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 22 |
Attribute Modifiers | +1 CHA and +1 CON |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
HP Die Type | d8 |
Languages | Drac’Maue and Uman |
Heretic Drakins that have sworn fealty directly to a dragon lord and may serve them both professionally and/or religiously.
Knowledge of Dragons
Gain Training in a Single Skill of your choice.
Scaled Hide
All Drakin are covered in a thick diamond pattern scaled hide, except on the underside of their arms, legs and tails, which is covered with softer corrugated scales. Their scales harden when regularly stressed allowing dedicated warriors to hone their scales to eventually be tougher than Iron and much lighter.
Drakin find metal armors to be uncomfortable on the already hardened scales and thus cannot gain training in Medium or Heavy Armor. At higher levels Drakin warriors can purchase IronScale and SteelScale from the Species Traits section to increase their Natural Armor to a higher value.
AC Bonus | Reflex Saving Throw Bonus | Armor Points | Traits |
3 | 1 | 12 | Natural Armor |
Dragon Cultist
You currently serve and worship a dragon lord. You gained a small boon of power from your lord in the form of a Dragon Mark. You must do your dragon lord's bidding when they ask it of you or the mark causes you pain(1d10 Non-Lethal Psychic damage per round of disobedience).
Dragon Mark
Choose one of the following marks and their associated abilities. The spell that placed the mark on you had a Mana cost of 10. Only a spell of higher power can dispel this mark.
Mark of Fire
You can cast an unempowered version of the Evocation Spell "Arcane Flame" at no Mana cost and without any Spell Casting Ability.
Mark of Water
You can cast an unempowered version of the Transmutation Spell "Water to Mist" at no Mana cost and without any Spell Casting Ability.
Mark of Wind
You can cast an unempowered version of the Evocation Spell "Kinetic Bolt" at no Mana cost and without any Spell Casting Ability.
Mark of Earth
You can cast an unempowered version of the Transmutation Spell "Earth to Mud" at no Mana cost and without any Spell Casting Ability.
Mark of Frost
You can cast an unempowered version of the Evocation Spell "Frost Ball" at no Mana cost and without any Spell Casting Ability.
Mark of Lightning
You can cast an unempowered version of the Evocation Spell "Arcane Volt" at no Mana cost and without any Spell Casting Ability.
Mark of Death
You can cast an unempowered version of the Necromancy Spell "Grave Hand" at no Mana cost and without any Spell Casting Ability.
BrewBelly Drakin
Fire* Breathing Dragon-like Subspecies
*They can breath other elements besides fire as well.
Medium / Reptilian / Biped
Average Height | 210 cm |
Average Weight | 115 kg |
Lifespan | 120-150 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 22 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CON or +2 DEX |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
HP Die Type | d8 |
Languages | Drac’Maue and Uman |
Brewbelly Drakins have retained the hereditary ability to breath elemental destruction upon their foes. Many Drakins believe brewbellies to have genetics most similar to that of true Dragons.
Knowledge of Dragons
Gain Training in a Single Skill of your choice.
Scaled Hide
All Drakin are covered in a thick diamond pattern scaled hide, except on the underside of their arms, legs and tails, which is covered with softer corrugated scales. Their scales harden when regularly stressed allowing dedicated warriors to hone their scales to eventually be tougher than Iron and much lighter.
Drakin find metal armors to be uncomfortable on the already hardened scales and thus cannot gain training in Medium or Heavy Armor. At higher levels Drakin warriors can purchase IronScale and SteelScale from the Species Traits section to increase their Natural Armor to a higher value.
AC Bonus | Reflex Saving Throw Bonus | Armor Points | Traits |
3 | 1 | 12 | Natural Armor |
Hardy Belly Brew
Add +4 to the DC to resist the effects of your "Breath Blast".
Add +2 to you "Breath Shot" Attack and Damage Rolls.
Drakin Breath
Some Drakin have retained the ability of their ancestors to exhale harmful substances, chemical reactions or energies.
Breath Blast: This Natural Weapon can be used as a Cone shaped Area Attack with a Range of 3 Meters, Creatures in the Area can Pass a DC 10 + the casting Drakins CON Modifier to reduce the damage dealt by ½. The damage dealt by this breath weapon is always 2d6+CON Modifier Burn, Electrical, Frost, Acid or Toxic and is Chosen once at time of character creation.
Recharging Weapon: If this weapon is not currently recharged, roll 1d6 at the end of your turn. If you roll a 5 or 6 this weapon recharges. If you choose to use this weapon while it is not recharged, spend 1 Stamina.
Breath Shot
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d8+2 | Burn, Electrical, Frost, Acid or Toxic | 10 Meters | Natural Weapon, Recharging Weapon |