Dragon Witch
Dragon witches have made a pact with a powerful or ancient dragon and have been granted unique dragon witchcrafts.
Dragon Witches are powerful and potentially resilient spellcasters. All Dragon witches and warlocks have made a pact with an immensely powerful dragon in exchange for their magical powers. They often have these powers increased over time by doing the bidding of their draconic benefactor. The terms "witch" and "warlock" are interchangeable and not gendered, as some people simply prefer one term over the other.
As a Dragon Witch, players can tap into a range of draconic incantations to level the playing field. Their pure magics and draconic spells can provide surprising solutions to difficult challenges.
Playing a Dragon Witch
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Charisma, Intellect or Wisdom Score of 12 or higher.
When you Choose this Archetype and pay its XP cost you gain the Following:
Dragon Pact
Dragons are creatures of pure magic with near infinite lifespans. As they grow so does their magic and in rare instances dragons can grow in power to rival that of a god. They often utilize creatures that revere them to accomplish tasks and machinations that they feel are beneath them and grant those that choose it, a small stipend of their power.
Dragon Pacts
Choose a pact in exchange for your powers.
You have sworn to regularly convert souls to the teachings of your chosen entity in exchange for your Powers.
Lineage Service Tour
You have sworn yours and the service of your entire lineage to a 7 year tour of duty unto your chosen entity in exchange for your Powers.
Servant in Life
You have sworn and have been magically bound to do the bidding of your Chosen Entity for as long as you live in exchange for your Powers.
Gain Training in Arcana and 2 of the following Skills: Medicine, Knowledge, Engineering, Investigation, Perception, Insight, Charm, Debate, Intimidate, Deception, Apocathy and Survival.
You gain Training in the use of 1 Melee Ranged or Thrown Weapon Type.
You may acquire a Common suit of Light Armor of your choice.
Acquire a Common Weapon of your choice.
Acquire a Common Bundle of your choice.
Dragon Witch Magic - You gain access to and the Ability to Cast Dragon Magic Spells.
You memorize every Dragon Spell you Acquire and Never need a spell book or to consult notes while casting.
Dragon Pact Mana Pool - You gain +2 Maximum Mana and you may convert Panache Points into Mana.
Archetype Ability
Dragon Witch’s Defense When you Roll Initiative you may Reduce your Mana Maximum by -1 to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your CHA Modifier until the end of Active Combat. You may use a Motion or Reaction to Drop this Magic Defense and Immediately Regain the Mana Used to Initiate this Ability.
You may never gain the benefit of more than 1 Magic Defense type at any time.
Traits and Abilities
Purchase with XP
Dragon Spell Bank
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
You have acquired a standard collection of Dragon Spells.
Choose one of these options.
Acquire 3 Tier I Dragon Spells,
Or 2 Tier II Dragon Spells.
Dragon Spell Vault
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch, Spell Bank
You have acquired more than the average accompaniment of Dragon Spells.
Choose one of these options.
Acquire 4 Tier II Dragon Spells,
Or 6 Tier I Dragon Spells,
Or 2 Tier II and 3 Tier 1 Dragon Spells,
Or 1 Tier III Dragon Spell.
Dragon Spell Hoard
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch, Spell Vault
You have acquired a trove of Dragon Spells.
Choose one of these options.
Acquire 2 Tier III Dragon Spells,
Or 1 Tier III Dragon Spell, 2 Tier II Dragon Spells and 3 Tier I Dragon Spells,
Or 1 Tier III Dragon Spell and 4 Tier II Dragon Spells,
Or 1 Tier III Dragon Spell and 6 Tier I Dragon Spells,
Or 6 Tier II Dragon Spells,
Or 9 Tier I Dragon Spells.
Strong Willed
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Gain Training in Wisdom Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Wisdom Saving Throws.
Mental Fortitude
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Gain Training in Intellect Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Intellect Saving Throws.
Emotional Awareness
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Gain Training in Charisma Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Charisma Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Gain Training in Strength Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Strength Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws.
Dragon’s Wrath
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
You deal an additional 1d6 Burn Damage on all Targeted Dragon Spells and and Dragon Spell Attacks while you currently have 50% or less of your Maximum HP.
Lethal Spells
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Whenever a Dragon Spell you cast deals Damage you may add an additional 1d4 of the same type of Damage as the triggering Spell.
Font of the Dragon
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
All your Dragon Spells Sustain Mana costs are reduced by ½ .
Mana Recycling
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
You have learned to reabsorb the energy from spells that do not connect with their intended target. You do not lose the Initial Mana when your Targeted Spells Miss, only when they Hit. Any Mana used to Overpower a Spell is still considered to have been spent. This effect only applies to spells that have an attack roll and/or require a Spell Attack Action to Cast.
Dragon’s Vitality
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
You gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws.
You gain +5 to your Maximum HP at the time of this selection and +1 HP Each time you level up.
Battle Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
You can now choose to exclude a number of tiles in the area of your spell effects equal to your Spell Casting Modifier. Items and Creatures in those excluded tiles are not targeted and do not receive damage or effects from the spell.
Subtle Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Spells that would usually require a full free arm or hand to execute now only require a single free finger. Essentially allowing you to cast spells in a less noticeable manner and even cast some spells while moderately bound or restricted.
Silent Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
You have found the Mana Stream can hear your thoughts if you speak them loud enough and you may use this method to cast rather than using any Verbal Components for your spells. This allows the caster to only need to perform the hand movements required to cast the spell. Ideal for casters that need to be stealthy or incognito.
Draconic Incantations
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Your Dragon Witch/Warlock Spells Saving Throw DC’s are increased by 2 and you deal + 2 Damage on all Ranged and Melee Dragon Spell Attacks.
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Your spells pour out of you like dragon-fire, allowing you to cast more quickly than the average caster.
Gain an Additional Spell Attack Action.
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
Your spells pour out of you like the words of a dragon, allowing you to spell rapidly.
Gain an Additional Spell Attack Action.
Wellspring of the Dragon
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
You’ve been granted a greater portion of your benefactors power.
Gain +1 to your Maximum Mana Pool.
Dragon's Boon
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch, Wellspring of the Dragon
You’ve been granted an even greater portion of your benefactors power.
Gain +2 to your Maximum Mana Pool.
Dragon Communion
XP Cost: 6 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch, Dragon's Boon
You have formed a deep a permanent connection to your draconic benefactor and are considered to be in constant communion.
Gain +3 to your Maximum Mana Pool.
Dragon’s Power
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
A gift from your Dragon benefactor. You gain your choice of one of the following:
Ethereal Wings - You may use the Ethereal Wings Ability as a Reaction whenever you are falling. Spend 1 Mana to Activate. When you do so you may immediately Glide up to 10 Meters. If this allows you to grab a ledge, branch or secure object or land on a structurally sound surface during the course of this movement you may prevent the effects of a Hard Landing. Otherwise, you still reduce the damage of a hard landing by 5 Meters.
Creative Caster - You can substitute the damage of any Targeted Dragon Spell or Dragon Spell Attack to instead be considered to be Immobilized, Knocked Prone or Silenced until the end of their next turn.
Dragon Crystal Formation - Your Dragon's Breath Spells may be cast as if they were Overpowered once, at no additional cost.
Mana Vampire
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
When you have no remaining Mana you may make a Melee Spell attack vs a creature that requires no Mana. If the Attack Hits, the creature loses 1 Willpower and the caster regains 1 Mana. If the Attack misses the caster is considered to be Dazed until the end of their next turn.
Self Siphoning
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
When you have no remaining Mana you may use a Motion to Sacrifice 2d6 HP to regain a single point of Mana.
Draconic Mana Surge
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Dragon Witch
When you use your action to regain Mana in active combat you regain 2 Mana instead of the standard 1.