Cyber Age - Axes

Contains a sample of axes available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Axes

Table of Axes

Weapon Type / Weapon Name Description Hands Damage Die / Dice Damage Type(s) Range Materials Item Traits Cost
Hatchet A small antique handaxe, perfectly balanced for throwing. 1 1d4 Slash 1 M Wood, Metal or Stone Collectors Item, Crafted, Uncommon, Useful, Thrown Weapon, Brutal I 250 Dollars
Handaxe A small handaxe, made for chopping. 1 1d4 Slash 1 M Wood, Metal Crafted, Common Useful,  Brutal I 300 Dollars
Woodcutter’s Ax A large wood-cutting ax with a  painted steel blade. 1-2 1d6 Slash 1 M Wood, Metal Forged, Common, Useful, Variable, Brutal I 500 Dollars
Kinetic Ax A large ax with a flexible handle that allows it to store kinetic energy during swings. 2 2d4 Slash 1 M Metal, Polymold Forged, Manufactured, Long, Brutal II 1,000 Dollars
Rocket Ax A large ax with a installed fuel canister and activatable rear mounted rocket for increased power per chop. 2 3d4 Slash 1 M Metal, Polymold, Electronics, Mechanics, Combustables Forged, Manufactured, Mechanical, Combustible, Long,  Heavy, Brutal II 10,000 Dollars
Auto-Ax A large modern ax with high oscillation vibro-engines installed that drastically increase cutting power. 2 4d4 Slash 1 M Metal, Polymold, Electronics, Mechanics, Combustables Forged, Manufactured, Mechanical, Long,  Heavy, Brutal III 20,000 Dollars