Cyber Age - Cybernetics
A sample of cybernetic augmentations available in the Cyber Age.

In Altered Realms cybernetic enhancements come in two varieties:
1. Wearables, which are sometimes referred to as Exo-Mods or Kits. The heavy use of such Mods is often called being “Decked Out”. Wearables are more common but can be costly depending on their function. They can range from anything from a replacement bionic leg to an augmented reality Heads-Up Display (HUD) display. Some, but not all Exo-Mods are only accessible to the wealthy or those covered by insurance during a loss of limb or bodily function. Many Exo-Mods, commonly referred to as "Eco-Mods" are marketed to the middle and lower classes as affordable alternatives to the name brands. They are often not as functional as the real deal, but can still be useful for a chip-head on a budget. Anyone and everyone could be decked out with some Exo-Mods, they're fun, trendy and popular. Much like the accumulation of clothing or gadgets, Exo-Mods can often become an obsession for certain susceptible individuals.
2. Implants are sometimes referred to as Endo-Mods or Augments. The heavy use of such implants is often called “Going Cyber”. Implants are definitely the more uncommon and hardcore of the two varieties, as surgery is required in every case. In addition, even though modern materials have decreased the risk of rejection, the body or mind can have difficulty coping with the loss of self, replacements and the forming of new connections that were not part of their original anatomy. Implants are typically offered to those that have no other options, as replacement limbs or organs. Otherwise, they are sold by dark market dealers and surgeons who care little about the survival of their patients, so long as they pay up front. The average person wouldn’t know where to find an Implant Shop, much less be able to gain entry without having the right connections first. Hardcore mercenaries, gangsters and mafias are the main purchasers and users of such augmentations with very few exceptions. The abilities and enhancements associated with cybernetic implants can often cause individuals with such mods to become more aggressive and compulsive and can often lead to an addiction to cybernetic implants and the new sensations and powers they can grant.
Table of Wearable Cybernetics
Cybernetic Wearable | Description | Features | Materials/ HP | Traits | Prerequisites | Cost |
Bionic Replacement Hand | A standard replacement for a lost or malfunctioning hand. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. | Polyfiber, Steel (10 HP) | Hand | None | 50,000 Dollars |
Bionic Replacement Arm | A standard replacement for a lost or malfunctioning arm. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. | Polyfiber, Steel (16 HP) | Arm | None | 100,000 Dollars |
Bionic Replacement Leg | A standard replacement for a lost or malfunctioning leg. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. | Polyfiber, Steel (18 HP) | Leg | None | 100,000 Dollars |
Bionic Replacement Foot | A standard replacement for a lost or malfunctioning foot. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. | Polyfiber, Steel (10 HP) | Foot | None | 50,000 Dollars |
Mindlink- Expressa-Ears | Small robotic ears that are usually secured on one's head, equipped with synaptic sensors and capable of portraying one's mood through ear movements and positions. | Grants +1 to Charm Skill Rolls. | Polyfiber, Aluminum (4 HP) | Headwear | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Mindlink- Emota-Tail | A robotic tail, equipped with synaptic sensors and capable of portraying one's mood through tail movements and positions. | Grants +1 to Charm Skill Rolls. | Polyfiber, Aluminum (4 HP) | Equipment | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Mindlink- Grasping Appendage | A robotic grasping appendage complete with articulating digits, equipped with synaptic sensors and capable of responding to the thoughts and will of the wearer. | Allows the user to control a bionic arm and hand via synaptic sensors. | Polyfiber, Steel (16 HP) | Equipment | Training - 3XP | 250,000 Dollars |
Mindlink- Grasping Tail/ Tentacle | A robotic grasping tail, equipped with synaptic sensors and capable of responding to the thoughts and will of the wearer. | Allows the user to control a bionic tail via synaptic sensors. -3 to Skill Rolls made with bionic Tail / Tentacle. | Polyfiber, Steel (16 HP) | Equipment | Training - 2XP | 100,000 Dollars |
Hi-Dex- Finger Extensions | Robotic fingertip extensions complete with additional articulating digits, capable of drastically increasing the wearer’s hand dexterity and fine motor skills. | Grants the user +3 to their Fine Motor Skill Rolls. Fingers can be used as Tinkerer's Toolkit and Lockpicks. | Polyfiber, Steel (12 HP) | Gloves | Training - 3XP | 500,000 Dollars |
Flamingo- Height Adjusting Shoes | Robotic assist shoes that can be set to automatically adjust the height of the wearer to be slightly taller than the tallest person in the room. | Can be used to adjust the user’s height by up to 1 Meter. Other components required to complete the illusion. | Polyfiber, Steel (12 HP) | Footwear | None | 50,000 Dollars |
(Geographic Information System) GSI | You can see infrastructure | |||||
Hacker-Vision- Digital Interface (Augmented Reality) AR HUD Display | An AR HUD that highlights digital devices and interfaces and calculates the vulnerabilities and encryption level of devices within the HUDs field of view. | Grants +2 to all Knowledge Skill Rolls and +3 and Advantage to all Engineering Skill Rolls to Hack or interact with Digital Devices. | Polyfiber, Aluminum (10 HP) | Headwear, Contraband | Training - 3XP | 600,000 Dollars |
Hawk Vision- Military AR Hud Display | An AR HUD that highlights potential threats such as weapons, creatures and aggressive behavior and calculates potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses of creatures, weapons and threats within the HUDs field of view. | Grants +1 to all Knowledge and Survival Skill Rolls and +3 and Advantage to all Perception Skill Rolls. | Polyfiber, Steel (16 HP) | Headware, Military | Training - 3XP | 800,000 Dollars |
Shock Cuffs- Personal Defense Cybernetics | Essentially turns your hands into tasers, the ultimate incognito self defense accessory. | Deals 1d10 Non-Lethal Damage on contact vs unaware creatures and on Hit vs aware creatures. | Polyfiber, Steel (13 HP) | Gloves | None | 50,000 Dollars |
Shock Suit Set | Personal Protection Cybernetics triggered by non approved touch | |||||
Hammer - Hands- Personal Defense Cybernetics | They look like heavy duty winter or work gloves but they contain micro weights that spin within the interior of the glove and suddenly stop with the wearer's punches, adding considerable force to their blows. | Deals 1d10 Blunt Damage per Hit. | Polyfiber, Steel (14 HP) | Gloves | None | 50,000 Dollars |
Sliders- Powered Shoes | Shoes equipped with powered roller wheels, allowing the user to to conserve energy and move faster on flat surfaces. | Can be activated via a Motion, Move the user 8 Meters on flat even terrain. 3 Charge Battery, Regenerates 1 Charge per Hour. | Polyfiber, Steel (12 HP) | Footwear | None | 100,000 Dollars |
Crane-Claws- Exo-Leg Extensions | Used mostly by law enforcement and hunters the crane claws add a considerable amount of height to the wearer, increasing their gait and movement speed as well as increasing their field of view. | Increase the user’s height by up to 2 Meters. Increase the user’s Movement Speed by 4 Meters per Movement. | Polyfiber, Steel (18 HP) | Legwear | None | 250,000 Dollars |
Grasshopper- Jump Assist Exo-Legs | These leg enhancements allow the wearer to leap over small buildings in a single bound. Used mostly by militaries and sports enthusiasts. | Can be activated via a Motion, the user’s vertical or horizontal jump distance is increased by 10 Meters. 3 Charge Battery, Regenerates 1 Charge per Hour. | Polyfiber, Steel (16 HP) | Legwear | Training - 2XP | 250,000 Dollars |
Ghost Cloud- Jump Pack | These jump packs can save you from a nasty fall or get you vertical in a hurry. Used mostly by special forces and wealthy sports enthusiasts. | Can be activated via a Motion or Reaction, the user can Fly up to 12 Meters or ignore 12 Meters of Fall Damage. 3 Charge Battery, Regenerates 1 Charge per Hour. | Polyfiber, Steel (18 HP) | Equipment | Training - 3XP | 500,000 Dollars |
Five-Falcons- Jetpack | A fully functional jetpack complete with hover capabilities, auto-balancing and vertical takeoff. | Can be activated via a Motion or Reaction, the user can Fly up to 18 Meters or ignore 18 Meters of Fall Damage. 5 Charge Battery, Regenerates 1 Charge per Hour. | Polyfiber, Steel (20 HP) | Equipment | Training - 4XP | 900,000 Dollars |
Third Eye- Personal Surveillance Device | Essentially a series of cameras, microphones and software equipped with a synaptic messenger that can warn the wearer of hazards, aggressors and danger of which the wearer might not be aware or able to perceive. | Grants the user +4 to their Perception Skill Rolls.The user can take a single round of actions during enemy ambushes. The user gains +4 AC vs Stealth Attacks. | Polyfiber, Steel (16 HP) | Neckwear | Training - 3XP | 800,000 Dollars |
Legionnaire- Exoskeletal Rig | A strength and torque enhanced exoskeletal rig usually worn by military special forces and heavy industrial workers. | The user is considered to have a Strength Stat of 30 while wearing this suit. | Polyfiber, Steel (26 HP) | Full Suit, Military or Industrial | Training - 4XP | 1,000,000 Dollars |
Centurion- Exoskeletal Armored Suit | An exoskeletal armored suit with enhanced strength and speed, worn by the exceedingly rich, government rulers and dark ops assassins. | The user is considered to have a Strength Stat of 30 while wearing this suit. The user is considered to have a Movement Speed of 10 Meters per Movement and 2 Movements while wearing this suit. | Polyfiber, Steel (48 HP) | Full Suit, Military | Training - 6XP | 10,000,000 Dollars |
Table of Implanted Cybernetics
Cybernetic Implant | Description | Features | Materials / HP | Traits | Prerequisites | Cost |
Grayware- Cybernetic Brain Augmentation | A surgical brain augmentation that connects the user's mind directly to a CPU which grants them the ability to digitally store memories and allows for additional hardware and software upgrades to be added. | Digitally store or backup any and all memories. Connection port for direct connections to Digital Devices. Mod slots for additional cyber modifications. | Polymold, Copper, Gold (8HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 60,000 Dollars |
Head-Link- Cybernetic Intranet Connection | Intended to be added to Grayware, this device allows the user to access local intranet and short pulse connections. | Allows for digital access to any intranet or short pulse connection within range, provided you have or can access the login credentials.. | Polymold, Copper, Gold (8HP) | Cyber Modification | Grayware | 10,000 Dollars |
Clean-Sweep- Cybernetic Sensor Suite | Intended to be added to Grayware, this device uses a small suite of various sensors and corroborates the data with the user's own physical senses, greatly enhancing perception and situational awareness. | Grants the user +4 to their Perception Skill Rolls.The user can take a single round of actions during enemy ambushes. The user gains +4 AC vs Stealth Attacks. | Polymold, Copper, Gold (8HP) | Cyber Modification | Grayware | 40,000 Dollars |
Mag-Touch- Fingertip Electromagnetic Sensors / Manipulators | Electromagnets housed in the user’s fingertips and powered by their own bio-electricity, allows the user to detect and manipulate electromagnetic fields, including those generated by the flow of electricity. | Grants the user the ability to detect magnetic fields they can touch and minimally manipulate magnetic fields, including those generated by the flow of electricity. Successful Fine Motor Skill Rolls can disrupt power flows, disengage magnetic locks and cause minor glitches in digital devices. | Steel, Copper, Gold (5HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cat-Claw- Hidden Blade | A razor sharp, high powered spring release blade concealed in the user's cybernetics, usually in the wrist, hand, fingertip or forearm. | This concealed blade deals 1d6+2 Slash or Puncture Damage per Hit and always Critically Hits on opponents that are unaware of the weapon. Attack Action to use. Considered to be trained if installed. | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Cyber Modification, Melee Weapon, Concealable | Cybernetic Hand, Arm, Leg or Foot | 20,000 Dollars |
STING- Hidden Injector | A high tensile strength, spring release needle injector concealed in the user's cybernetics, usually in the wrist, hand, fingertip or forearm, capable of delivering poisons and toxins. | This concealed needle deals 1 Puncture Damage per Hit and always Critically Hits and Maximizes Poison or Toxin damages on opponents that are unaware of the weapon. Can be used to deliver any poison or toxin on Hit. Attack Action to use. Considered to be trained if installed. Poison or Toxin dose used regardless of hit. Motion to Reload poison or toxin. Attack Action to use. Considered to be trained if installed | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Cyber Modification | Cybernetic Hand, Arm, Leg or Foot | 50,000 Dollars |
Volt-Guard- Hidden Taser | High voltage taser concealed in the hand / fingertips of the user. | This concealed taser deals 1d10+2 Non-Lethal Damage per Hit and always Critically Hits on opponents that are unaware of the weapon. Attack Action to use. Considered to be trained if installed. | Steel, Cobalt, Polyfiber (10HP) | Cyber Modification | Cybernetic Hand, Arm, Leg or Foot | 30,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Heart | A standard artificial heart replacement. | A fully functional cybernetic heart. | Steel, Polyfiber (8HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Heart (Enhanced) | An enhanced artificial heart that is more efficient and powerful than the original. | A fully functional cybernetic heart. Grants the user +2 Stamina or Might. | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 25,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Lung | A standard artificial lung replacement. | A fully functional cybernetic lung. | Steel, Polyfiber (8HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Lung (Enhanced) | An enhanced artificial lung that is more efficient and powerful than the original. | A fully functional cybernetic lung. Grants the user +1 Stamina | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 25,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Liver | A standard artificial liver replacement. | A fully functional cybernetic liver. | Steel, Polyfiber (8HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Liver (Enhanced) | An enhanced artificial liver that is more efficient and powerful than the original. | A fully functional cybernetic liver. Grants the user +2 and Advantage on all Constitution Saving Throws. | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 25,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Stomach | A standard artificial stomach replacement. | A fully functional cybernetic stomach. | Steel, Polyfiber (8HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Stomach (Enhanced) | An enhanced artificial stomach that is more efficient and powerful than the original. | A fully functional cybernetic stomach. Grants the user +1 on all Constitution Saving Throws and allows them to comfortably consume up to 5 kg of food per hour. | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 25,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Intestines | A standard artificial intestine replacement. | Fully functional cybernetic intestines. | Steel, Polyfiber (8HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Intestines (Enhanced) | An enhanced artificial intestine that is more efficient and powerful than the original. | Fully functional cybernetic intestines. Grants the user +1 on all Constitution Saving Throws and allows them to rapidly digest calories and nutrients at a rate of 2,000 calories per hour. | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 25,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Finger | A standard cybernetic replacement finger. | A fully functional cybernetic finger. | Steel, Polyfiber (2HP) | Outpatient Augmentation | None | 5,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Finger (Enhanced) | An enhanced cybernetic replacement finger. | A fully functional cybernetic finger. Can be used to store tiny objects or cybernetic modifications. | Steel, Polyfiber (2HP) | Outpatient Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Toe | A standard cybernetic replacement toe. | A fully functional cybernetic toe. | Steel, Polyfiber (2HP) | Outpatient Augmentation | None | 5,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Toe (Enhanced) | An enhanced cybernetic replacement toe. | A fully functional cybernetic toe. Can be used to store tiny objects or cybernetic modifications. | Steel, Polyfiber (2HP) | Outpatient Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Nose | A standard artificial nose replacement. | A fully functional cybernetic nose. | Steel, Polyfiber (6HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Nose (Enhanced) | An enhanced artificial nose that is more efficient and possesses more features than the original. | A fully functional cybernetic nose. Perception and Investigation Skill Rolls are made with a +1. | Steel, Polyfiber (8HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 20,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Eye | A standard artificial eye replacement. | A fully functional cybernetic eye. | Steel, Polyfiber (6HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Eye (Enhanced) | An enhanced artificial eye that is more efficient and possesses more features than the original. | A fully functional cybernetic eye. Perception and Investigation Skill Rolls are made with a +1. | Steel, Polyfiber (8HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 20,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Ear | A standard artificial ear replacement. | A fully functional cybernetic ear. | Steel, Polyfiber (6HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Ear (Enhanced) | An enhanced artificial ear that is more efficient and possesses more features than the original. | A fully functional cybernetic ear. Perception and Investigation Skill Rolls are made with a +1. | Steel, Polyfiber (8HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 20,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Leg | A standard cybernetic leg replacement. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. | Steel, Polyfiber (16HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 20,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Leg (Enhanced) | An enhanced cybernetic leg that is more efficient and possesses more features than the original. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. Increases Athletics Skill Rolls by 1 and Movement Speed by 1 and Jump Distances by 1. | Steel, Polyfiber (18HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 40,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Arm | A standard cybernetic arm replacement. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. | Steel, Polyfiber (14HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 12,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Arm (Enhanced) | An enhanced cybernetic arm that is more efficient and possesses more features than the original. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. Increases Athletics Skill Rolls by +2. | Steel, Polyfiber (16HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 24,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Foot | A standard cybernetic foot replacement. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. | Steel, Polyfiber (12HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Foot (Enhanced) | An enhanced cybernetic foot that is more efficient and possesses more features than the original. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. Increases Athletics Skill Rolls by +1 and increases Movement Speed by +1. | Steel, Polyfiber (14HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 20,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Hand | A standard cybernetic hand replacement. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. | Steel, Polyfiber (12HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Cybernetic Hand (Enhanced) | An enhanced cybernetic hand that is more efficient and possesses more features than the original. | Allows for complete recovery from loss of limb. Increases Athletics and Fine Motor Skill Rolls by +1. | Steel, Polyfiber (14HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 20,000 Dollars |
Cyber Tail / Tentacle | An added or replacement cybernetic tail or tentacle. | Allows the user to manipulate objects and make attacks using their cyber tail / tentacle. The Cyber tail suffers a -2 penalty to making any Fine Motor Skill Rolls. It can hold objects. It deals 1d6 Blunt Damage per Hit on Attacks made with it. The user is considered to be trained to wield their installed tail. | Steel, Polyfiber (16HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 20,000 Dollars |
Cyber Gun | A concealed firearm housed within the cybernetics of the user. | The user may have any small or smaller firearm installed directly into their cybernetics. Allowing them to have a uniquely surprising version of concealed carry. | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Cyber Modification | Cybernetic Hand, Arm, Leg or Foot | 10,000 Dollars |
Cyber Arm | An added cybernetic arm that was not part of the user's original anatomy. | The user gains the ability to control and manipulate 1 additional cyber arm and hand not part of their original anatomy. | Steel, Polyfiber (16HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 25,000 Dollars |
Cyber Cannon | A concealed LMG, RPG or grenade launcher housed within the cybernetics of the user. | The user may have any Large or smaller firearm or heavy weapon installed directly into their cybernetics. Allowing them to have a uniquely surprising version of concealed carry. | Steel, Polyfiber (16HP) | Cyber Modification | Cybernetic Arm or Leg | 30,000 Dollars |
Cyber Skull | A cybernetic skull that is essentially a robotic head housing, usually only offered to those that had no other other options or hardcore cyber junkies. | The user can no longer suffer from Head Wounds of any kind. | Steel, Polyfiber (20HP) | Major Surgical Augmentation | Pain Suppressor | 25,000 Dollars |
Cyber Torso | A cybernetic torso that is essentially a robotic chassis, usually only offered to those that had no other other options or hardcore cyber junkies. | The user can no longer suffer from Torso Wounds of any kind. | Steel, Polyfiber (24HP) | Major Surgical Augmentation | Pain Suppressor | 40,000 Dollars |
Cyber Bomb | A concealed bomb hidden in the user's cyber components. It can be detonated by the will of the user or set to detonate on a timer or upon detecting a user flatline. | The user can detonate their cyber bomb either at will, using a timer or set it to blow if they die. The bomb has a 10 Meter Blast and deals 3d10 Burn Damage and 3d10 Kinetic Damage to all creatures, structures and objects in the blast area. Creatures that succeed on a DC 14 DEX Saving Throw can reduce the damage taken by ½. | Steel, Polyfiber, Explosives (18HP) | Cyber Modification, 10 Meter Blast | Cybernetic Arm, Leg or Torso | 20,000 Dollars |
Adrenal Injectors | A series of stored adrenaline injections that can be activated by the user to increase their movement speed and decrease their reaction times. | Activate via a Motion or Reaction: Until the end of the user’s next turn their Movement Speed is increased by 6 Meters per Movement and they gain 1 Additional Movement. They also gain Advantage on all Initiative Rolls. 3 Adrenaline Shots, Regenerates 1 Shot per Hour. | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Minor Surgical Augmentation | None | 20,000 Dollars |
Internal Pain Suppressor | A series of different drugs auto administer whenever the user’s cortisone levels reach a certain level, effectively reducing the users perceived pain and increasing their pain threshold. | Max HP is increased by 3 per Constitution Point Lost via cybernetics. Reduce all HP damage dealt to the user by 1 per instance of damage. | Steel, Polyfiber (6HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 10,000 Dollars |
Spinal Clamps | A series of articulating clamps placed around the user’s spine grants reinforcement, stability and flexibility and corrects any spinal injuries of deformations. | The user gains +3 to all acrobatics skill rolls and can resist up to 10 Meters of Fall Damage. | Steel, Polyfiber (22HP) | Major Surgical Augmentation | Pain Suppressor | 30,000 Dollars |
Bone Reinforcement | Added bone coating that makes bones less prone to breaks and fractures but causes pain to the user in cold weather. | The user becomes Resistant to Blunt Damage. | Steel, Polyfiber (20HP) | Major Surgical Augmentation | Pain Suppressor | 80,000 Dollars |
Diamond Dust Skin Injections | Diamond dust injections in the skin gives it a unique texture, a beautiful sparkle and luster and makes the user highly resistant to slash and puncture wounds. | The user becomes Resistant to Slash and Puncture Damage. | Diamond Dust (30HP) | Major Surgical Augmentation | Pain Suppressor | 250,000 Dollars |
Self-Starter- Internal Defibrillator | An internally housed defibrillator that is recharged by the users bio-electricity and activates if the users heart stops or suffers cardiac arrest. | After Activating due to user Flatline. Has a 50% chance to bring a Dead user back to life per use. The dead creature must not be missing any vital organs and the device is not effective if the creature was slain by Bleeding Damage. 3 Charge Battery, Regenerates 1 Charge per Hour. | Steel, Polyfiber (10HP) | Surgical Augmentation | None | 75,000 Dollars |