Creature Builder

Contains modular building blocks and a balancing method for creating any creature imaginable.

Creature Builder

A Guide for the Creation of Altered Realms Creatures.

This section contains modular building blocks and a balancing method for creating any creature imaginable.

Creature Species Type

Species often have common or universal Traits or Abilities. This is the ideal place to start building a creature.


Creatures that defy the laws of Nature and Evolution.

Universal Traits: Strange Anatomy


Creatures that have multiple maturation phases and require water to reproduce.

Universal Traits: Lung Capacity


Creatures related to or created to serve “gods”.

Universal Traits: Immortal, Resurrecting


Creatures that cannot survive for extended periods out of oxygenated water.

Universal Traits: Water Breathing


Creatures that were Built or Engineered by other creatures and did not Evolve or Develop Naturally.

Universal Traits: Automaton


Creatures with feathers and beaks that lays eggs.

Universal Traits: Feathered


Creatures from the various underworlds and dark afterlives.

Universal Traits: Immortal, Resurrecting


Demonic Creatures Bound to their home Realm who were bred or created to carry out a singular task or goal.

Universal Traits: Immortal, Resurrecting, Realm Bound


Demonic Creatures that are not bound to their realm of origin.

Universal Traits: Immortal, Resurrecting


Creatures from the Fey Realm and their Relatives.

Universal Traits: Iron Vulnerability


Creatures that are capable of gaining sustenance from Potent Mental and Emotional Energy.

Universal Traits: Iron Vulnerability


Creatures that are capable of gaining sustenance from Pain and Death Energy.

Universal Traits: Iron Vulnerability


Creatures that are capable of gaining sustenance from Magical Energies.

Universal Traits: Iron Vulnerability


Creatures that are capable of gaining sustenance from Soul Energy.

Universal Traits: Iron Vulnerability


Creatures with exoskeletons and typically higher number sets of limbs and appendages.

Universal Traits: Exoskeleton


Creatures that do not possess a rigid spine or bone structure.

Universal Traits: Invertebrate 


Creatures that are capable of reforming their mass to suit their needs.

Universal Traits: Invertebrate 


Creatures that have Jellyfish-like Traits and Abilities.

Universal Traits: Gelatinous, Invertebrate 


Slimes come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They have an exceptionally wide spectrum of adaptations as they are technically a Collective of smaller organisms that work together in harmony. These organisms can self-replicate with new evolutions added to each new replication, allowing for rapid, single generation adaptations to new food sources and environments. This results in slimes filling a place in every evolutionary niche, from pest, to food source, to large and dangerous predators.

Universal Traits: Gelatinous, Invertebrate 


Creatures that are warm blooded and birth fully formed live young.

Universal Traits: Warm Blooded


Mammalian species with Cow-Like Traits.

Universal Traits: Warm Blooded


Mammalian species with Dog-Like Traits.

Universal Traits: Warm Blooded


Mammalian species with Cat-Like Traits.

Universal Traits: Warm Blooded


Humans and all Species genetically similar to them.

Universal Traits: Warm Blooded


Goblins, Orcs, Hobgoblins and all creatures related to them.

Universal Traits: Warm Blooded


Mammalian species with Rat-Like Traits.

Universal Traits: Warm Blooded


Creatures that are warm blooded and raise their young in a body Pouch or Pocket.

Universal Traits: Warm Blooded


Creatures that have been significantly altered by rapid Mutation.

Universal Traits: None


Creatures that Mutated from another Creature during Rapid Mutations.

Universal Traits: None


Creatures that are cold blooded and lay eggs.

Universal Traits: Cold Blooded


Dragons and all creatures related to them, however distantly.

Universal Traits: Cold Blooded


Cursed or Infected Creatures that defy the laws of nature by remaining in a state of Undeath neither living nor dead.

Universal Traits: Undead

Creature Size

A creature’s size will, on average, affect a number of factors about the creature, including its; Movement Speed, Hit Points, Map Tiles Occupied and the Typical Attribute Modifiers one might expect to see on a creature of that size. The reasoning for this is that the bigger a creature is the more mass they have and thus will need larger muscles to move that mass and larger bones to support that muscle. The larger a creature's bones or bodies the longer their reach and stride become, increasing their Movement speed and Melee Combat Range. When we reach a certain scale, air resistance comes into play and causes the Dexterity of Giant and larger creatures to be reduced, effectively reducing their ability to react and dodge quickly.

Creature Size Table

Creature Size Movement Modifier / Average Movement Speed HP Die/Dice Type Map Tile(s) Occupied Reach Typical Attribute Modifiers XP Cost
Tiny -2 Meters / 4 Meters 1d4 ¼  1 Meter +4 DEX, WIS, INT or CHA and -1 CON or STR -2
Small -1 Meters / 5 Meters  1d6 ½  1 Meter +2 DEX, WIS, INT or CHA -1
Medium 0 / 6 Meters 1d8  1 1 Meter +2 DEX, STR, CON, WIS, INT or CHA 0
Large(Long) +1 Meters / 7 Meters 1d10 2 Long 1 Meter +2 DEX, STR, CON, WIS, INT or CHA 1
Large(Wide) +1 Meters / 7 Meters 1d10 2 Wide 1 Meter +2 DEX, STR, CON, WIS, INT or CHA 2
Huge +2 Meters / 8 Meters   1d12 4 2 Meters +2 STR, CON, WIS or INT  4
Giant +3 Meters / 9 Meters 2d6  6 3 Meters +4 STR or CON and -1 DEX  6
Massive +4 Meters / 10 Meters 5d6 9 4 Meters +6 STR or CON and -2 DEX  10
Gargantuan +6 Meters / 12 Meters 8d6 18 5 Meters +8 STR or CON  and  -3 DEX 14

Creature Traits

Creature Traits are Passive, meaning they are always in effect and offer a static numerical or narrative effect to the creature.

Action Allotment Traits


The creature has increased motion capabilities.

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The creature has 1 additional Motion at their disposal.

Very Deft

The creature has greatly increased motion capabilities.

XP Cost: 4

Effect: The creature has 2 additional Motions at their disposal.

Super Deft

The creature has vastly increased motion capabilities.

XP Cost: 6

Effect: The creature has 3 additional Motions at their disposal.


The creature has increased movement capabilities.

XP Cost: 3

Effect: The creature has 1 additional Movement at their Disposal.

Very Quick

The creature has vastly increased movement capabilities.

XP Cost: 6

Effect: The creature has 2 additional Movements at their Disposal.

Super Quick

The creature has vastly increased movement capabilities.

XP Cost: 9

Effect: The creature has 3 additional Movements at their Disposal.


The creature has increased reaction speed.

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The creature applies a miscellaneous +2 to all Initiative Rolls.

Hyper Reactive

The creature has greatly increased reaction speed.

XP Cost: 4

Effect: The creature applies a miscellaneous +4 to all Initiative Rolls.

Super Reactive

The creature has drastically increased reaction speed.

XP Cost: 6

Effect: The creature applies a miscellaneous +6 to all Initiative Rolls.


The creature has increased reactions.

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The creature has 1 additional Reaction at their Disposal.

Super Responsive

The creature has greatly increased reactions.

XP Cost: 4

Effect: The creature has 2 additional Reactions at their Disposal.

Armor Traits

A creature can benefit from the Armor Points granted from multiple Armor Traits but can only gain the AC bonus from one of the Armor Traits they possess.


(Can be taken multiple times, Cost increases by .25 XP for each time taken beyond the first)

XP Cost: .25

The creature wears armor or has a protective outer layer.

Effect: +5 Armor Points

Armor Class

(Can be taken multiple times, Cost increases by .5 XP for each time taken beyond the first)

XP Cost: .5

The creature has armor or protection that makes it more difficult to effectively harm.

Effect: +2 AC

Armor Plates

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses thick armor plates that act like heavy Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +6 AC, + 30 Armor Points, -2 to DEX score

Armor Plates II

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses thick armor plates that act like heavy Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +8 AC, + 60 Armor Points, -4 to DEX score

Armor Plates III

XP Cost: 3

The Creature possesses thick armor plates that act like heavy Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +10 AC, + 80 Armor Points, -6 to DEX score

Beastly Hide

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses an Unnaturally Thick hide that acts like Tough Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +6 AC, + 14 Armor Points 

Beastly Hide II

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses an Unnaturally Thick hide that acts like fine Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +8 AC, + 22 Armor Points 

Beastly Hide III

XP Cost: 3

The Creature possesses an Unnaturally Thick hide that acts like fine Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +10 AC, + 26 Armor Points

Beastly Hide IV

XP Cost: 4

The Creature possesses an Unnaturally Thick hide that acts like fine Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +12 AC, + 30 Armor Points

Beastly Hide V

XP Cost: 5

The Creature possesses an Unnaturally Thick hide that acts like fine Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +14 AC, + 35 Armor Points


XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses an Exoskeleton that acts like Flexible Armor, protecting them from harm.

Effect: +3 AC and + 10 Armor Points

Exoskeleton II

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses an Exoskeleton that acts like Flexible Armor, protecting them from harm.

Effect: +6 AC and + 20 Armor Points

Exoskeleton III

XP Cost: 3

The Creature possesses an Exoskeleton that acts like Flexible Armor, protecting them from harm.

Effect: +12 AC and + 30 Armor Points

Outer Shell

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses a Rigid outer shell that acts like Plate Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +8 AC, + 20 Armor Points, Reduce DEX score by 1.

Outer Shell II

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses a Rigid outer shell that acts like Plate Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +10 AC, + 40 Armor Points, Reduce DEX score by 2.

Outer Shell III

XP Cost: 3

The Creature possesses a Rigid outer shell that acts like Plate Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +12 AC, + 60 Armor Points, , Reduce DEX score by 4.

Scaled Hide

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses a thick scaly hide that acts like Tough Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +4 AC, + 10 Armor Points.

Scaled Hide II

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses a dense scaly hide that acts like fine Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +6 AC, + 20 Armor Points.

Scaled Hide III

XP Cost: 3

The Creature possesses a tough scaly hide that acts like fine Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +8 AC, + 30 Armor Points.

Scaled Hide IV

XP Cost: 4

The Creature possesses a hardened scaly hide that acts like fine Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +10 AC, + 40 Armor Points.

Scaled Hide V

XP Cost: 5

The Creature possesses a metallic scaly hide that acts like superb Armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +12 AC, + 50 Armor Points.

Attribute Increasing Traits


(Can be taken multiple times)

XP Cost: 1

The creature is considerably charming or personable.

Effect: The Creature’s Charisma Score is Increased by 2.


(Can be taken multiple times)

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a particularly active immune system.

Effect: +2 to Constitution Score.


(Can be taken multiple times)

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses and enhanced intellect.

Effect: The Creature’s Intellect Score is Increased by 2.


(Can be taken multiple times)

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses considerable strength and/or muscle mass.

Effect: The Creatures Strength Score is Increased by 2.


(Can be taken multiple times)

XP Cost: 1

The creature is considerably nimble and precise with its movements.

Effect: The Creatures Dexterity Score is Increased by 2.


(Can be taken multiple times)

XP Cost: 1

The creature learns well from past experiences and uses them to make more informed decisions.

Effect: The Creatures Wisdom Score is Increased by 2.

Combat Traits


XP Cost: 1

The creature is designed or evolved to grapple with prey and adversaries.

Effect: The creature Adds a Destiny on Attacks made to Grapple Creatures.

Multi-Strike I

XP Cost: 2

The creature can attack a couple times in rapid succession.

Effect: The creature is considered to possess a total of 2 Melee Attack Actions per turn.

Multi-Strike II

XP Cost: 4

The creature can attack a few times in rapid succession.

Effect: The creature is considered to possess a total of 3 Melee Attack Actions per turn.

Multi-Strike III

XP Cost: 6

The creature can attack many times in rapid succession.

Effect: The creature is considered to possess a total of 4 Melee Attack Actions per turn.

Multi-Strike IV

XP Cost: 8

The creature can attack multiple times in rapid succession.

Effect: The creature is considered to possess a total of 5 Melee Attack Actions per turn.

Multi-Strike V

XP Cost: 10

The creature can attack numerous times in rapid succession.

Effect: The creature is considered to possess a total of 6 Melee Attack Actions per turn.

Protective Acid

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a defensive mechanism the emits bursts of acid when the creature is damaged.

Effect: Touching or Hitting this creature with a Bite, Claw, Sting, Gore, Charge or Grapple Attack causes the Attacker to be dealt 1d12+CON modifier Acid Damage.

Protective Spikes

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a defensive mechanism in the form of large, pointed spikes on its exterior.

Effect: Touching or Hitting this creature with a Bite, Claw, Sting, Gore, Charge or Grapple Attack causes the Attacker to be dealt 1d10+STR modifier Puncture Damage.

Protective Blades

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a defensive mechanism in the form of a sharp, bladed exterior.

Effect: Touching or Hitting this creature with a Bite, Claw, Sting, Gore, Charge or Grapple Attack causes the Attacker to be dealt 1d10+STR modifier Slash Damage.

Protective Toxin

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a defensive mechanism the emits toxins when the creature is damaged.

Effect: Touching or Hitting this creature with a Bite, Claw, Sting, Gore, Charge or Grapple Attack causes the Attacker to be dealt 1d8+CON modifier Toxic Damage.

Protective Burn

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a defensive mechanism the emits bursts of heat when the creature is damaged.

Effect: Touching or Hitting this creature with a Bite, Claw, Sting, Gore, Charge or Grapple Attack causes the Attacker to be dealt 1d12+CON modifier Burn Damage.

Protective Freeze

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a defensive mechanism the emits bursts of frost when the creature is damaged.

Effect: Touching or Hitting this creature with a Bite, Claw, Sting, Gore, Charge or Grapple Attack causes the Attacker to be dealt 1d10+CON modifier Frost Damage.

Damage Resistance Traits


XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a thick blubber under its hide that is difficult to penetrate deeply.

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Puncture Damage.

Cold Insulation

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses thick insulative layers that protect it from cold and frost.

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Frost Damage and Cold Weather Effects.


XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses thick cushioning layers that protect it from kinetic forces.

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Kinetic Damage.

Damage Reduction I

XP Cost: .5

The creature's body is surprisingly resilient, making it more difficult to harm.

Effect: The creature reduces all incoming damage by 1 per source of damage.

Damage Reduction II

XP Cost: 1

The creature's body is exceptionally resilient, making it very difficult to harm.

Effect: The creature reduces all incoming damage by 2 per source of damage.

Damage Reduction III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature's body is incredibly resilient, making it exceedingly difficult to harm.

Effect: The creature reduces all incoming damage by 3 per source of damage.

Damage Reduction IV

XP Cost: 2

The creature's body is amazingly resilient, making it tremendously difficult to harm.

Effect: The creature reduces all incoming damage by 5 per source of damage.

Damage Reduction V

XP Cost: 3

The creature's body is impossibly resilient, making it nigh impossible to harm.

Effect: The creature reduces all incoming damage by 8 per source of damage.

Electrical Insulation

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses electrically insulated layers that protect it from electrical shock.

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Electrical Damage.

Heat Insulation

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses insulative layers that protect it from heat and fire.

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Burn Damage and Hot Weather Conditions.


XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses thick protective layers that make it more difficult to bludgeon.

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Blunt Damage.

Tough Skinned

XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses a thick and toughened hide that protects it from slashing attacks.

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Slash Damage.

Health Traits


XP Cost: 1

The creature is a healthy specimen of their species.

Effect: The Creature’s Maximum HP is increased by +5 and +1 per level it gains above level 1.


Prerequisites: Healthy

XP Cost: 2

The creature a tough example of their species.

Effect: The Creature’s Maximum HP is increased by +10 and +1 per level it gains above level 1.


Prerequisites: Tough

XP Cost: 3

The creature is exceptionally robust, tough and healthy.

Effect: The Creature’s Maximum HP is increased by +20 and +1 per level it gains above level 1.

Health Regeneration

XP Cost: 2

The creature possesses a natural healing factor that allows it to quickly recover from harm.

Effect: The Creature Regenerates 1 HP per Round.

Limbs and digits lost are regenerated at a rate of 1 limb per Hour and one digit per Minute.

Rapid Regeneration

XP Cost: 3

The creature possesses a robust healing factor that allows it to rapidly recover from harm.

Effect: The Creature Regenerates 2 HP per Round.

Limbs and digits lost are regenerated at a rate of 1 limb every 30 Minutes and one digit per 30 Seconds.

Lightning Regeneration

XP Cost: 4

The creature possesses a powerful healing factor that allows it to recover from harm nearly instantly.

Effect: The Creature Regenerates 3 HP per Round.

Limbs and digits lost are regenerated at a rate of 1 limb every 10 Minutes and one digit per Round(5 Seconds).

Movement Traits

Ceiling Crawling I

XP Cost: 1

The creature has strong hooks, sticky appendages or suction that allows it to grip onto surfaces with the full weight of gravity working against them.

Effect: The Creature can utilize one Quarter of its movement along Ceilings or Inverted surfaces.

Special: Losing consciousness or being knocked prone causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Ceiling Crawling II

XP Cost: 2

The creature has strong hooks, sticky appendages or suction that allows it to grip onto surfaces with the full weight of gravity working against them.

Effect: The Creature can utilize Half of its movement along Ceilings or Inverted surfaces.

Special: Losing consciousness or being knocked prone causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Ceiling Crawling III

XP Cost: 3

The creature has strong hooks, sticky appendages or suction that allows it to grip onto surfaces with the full weight of gravity working against them.

Effect: The Creature can utilize All of its movement along Ceilings or Inverted surfaces.

Special: Losing consciousness or being knocked prone causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Crawling Movement I

XP Cost: .5

The creature primarily moves by crawling low to the ground.

Effect: The creature has a Crawling movement of 4 Meters per Movement.

Crawling Movement II

XP Cost: 1

The creature primarily moves by crawling low to the ground.

Effect: The creature has a Crawling movement of 5 Meters per Movement.

Crawling Movement III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature primarily moves by crawling low to the ground.

Effect: The creature has a Crawling movement of 6 Meters per Movement.


The creature moves quickly.

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The creature's Movement Speed is increased by 1 Meter per Movement.

Very Fast

The creature moves very quickly.

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The creature's Movement Speed is increased by an additional 2 Meters per Movement.

Super Fast

The creature moves exceptionally quickly.

XP Cost: 3

Effect: The creature's Movement Speed is increased by an additional 3 Meters per Movement.

Flight I

XP Cost: 3

The creature primarily moves by flying. This flight could be achieved by various means.

Movement Speed: 4

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Flight II

XP Cost: 4

The creature primarily moves by flying. This flight could be achieved by various means.

Movement Speed: 6

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Flight III

XP Cost: 5

The creature primarily moves by flying. This flight could be achieved by various means.

Movement Speed: 8

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Flight IV

XP Cost: 6

The creature primarily moves by flying. This flight could be achieved by various means.

Movement Speed: 10

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Flight V

XP Cost: 7

The creature primarily moves by flying. This flight could be achieved by various means.

Movement Speed: 12

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Gasbag Flight I

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of achieving slow flight via a Gas-filled reservoir.

Movement Speed: 3

Special: Losing consciousness or being Wounded causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Gasbag Flight II

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of achieving leisurely flight via a Gas-filled reservoir.

Movement Speed: 4

Special: Losing consciousness or being Wounded causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Gasbag Flight III

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of achieving moderate flight via a Gas-filled reservoir.

Movement Speed: 5

Special: Losing consciousness or being Wounded causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.


XP Cost: 1

Effect: The creature is particularly dense and heavy and Reduces Forced Movement on itself by ½ .

Hopper I

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +1 Meters to All Vertical Jump Distances.

Hopper II

XP Cost: 1.5

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +2 Meters to All Vertical Jump Distances.

Hopper III

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +3 Meters to All Vertical Jump Distances.

Jumper I

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +1 Meters to All Jump Distances.

Jumper II

XP Cost: 1.5

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +2 Meters to All Jump Distances.

Jumper III

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +3 Meters to All Jump Distances.

Leaper I

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +1 Meters to All Horizontal Jump Distances.

Leaper II

XP Cost: 1.5

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +2 Meters to All Horizontal Jump Distances.

Leaper III

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The Creature gains Advantage of Athletics Skill Checks to Jump and adds +3 Meters to All Horizontal Jump Distances.

Magical Flight I

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of achieving flight by magical means.

Movement Speed: 4

Magical Flight II

XP Cost: 4

The creature is capable of achieving flight by magical means.

Movement Speed: 6

Magical Flight III

XP Cost: 5

The creature is capable of achieving flight by magical means.

Movement Speed: 8

Phasing I

XP Cost: 2

The Creature can Move through Walls and Solid Matter while Phasing.

Movement Speed: 4

Phasing II

XP Cost: 3

The Creature can Move through Walls and Solid Matter while Phasing.

Movement Speed: 6

Phasing III

XP Cost: 4

The Creature can Move through Walls and Solid Matter while Phasing.

Movement Speed: 8

Portaling > Any

XP Cost: 4

The Creature is capable of creating portals on any sufficiently large surface or material.

Effect: The creature can create 2 portals using a motion. Each opening of the portal must be within 20 meters of the creature and be placed in an unoccupied space.

Portaling > Earth

XP Cost: 2

The Creature is capable of creating portals on any sufficiently large patch or Dirt, Soil, Mud or Sand.

Effect: The creature can create 2 portals using a motion. Each opening of the portal must be within 20 meters of the creature and be placed in the above material.

Portaling > Stone

XP Cost: 2

The Creature is capable of creating portals on any sufficiently large Stone, Rock or Boulder.

Effect: The creature can create 2 portals using a motion. Each opening of the portal must be within 20 meters of the creature and be placed in the above material.

Portaling > Water(Liquid)

XP Cost: 2

The Creature is capable of creating portals on any sufficiently large body of Water or Liquid.

Effect: The creature can create 2 portals using a motion. Each opening of the portal must be within 20 meters of the creature and be placed in the above material.

Portaling > Wood

XP Cost: 2

The Creature is capable of creating portals on any sufficiently large piece or Structure of Living or Dead Wood.

Effect: The creature can create 2 portals using a motion. Each opening of the portal must be within 20 meters of the creature and be placed in the above material.

Propelled Flight I

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of achieving flight through some means of Propulsion.

Effect: The creature gains a Flying Speed of 4 Meters per Movement.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded, Knocked Prone or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Propelled Flight II

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of achieving flight through some means of Propulsion.

Effect: The creature gains a Flying Speed of 5 Meters per Movement.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded, Knocked Prone or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Propelled Flight III

XP Cost: 4

The creature is capable of achieving flight through some means of Propulsion.

Effect: The creature gains a Flying Speed of 6 Meters per Movement.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded, Knocked Prone or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Psychic Flight

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of moving their body in a flying motion via telekinesis.

Effect: The creature gains a Flying Speed of 4 Meters per Movement and can float and hover stationary in the air.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Psychic Flight II

XP Cost: 4

The creature is capable of moving their body in a flying motion via telekinesis.

Effect: The creature gains a Flying Speed of 6 Meters per Movement and can float and hover stationary in the air.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Psychic Flight III

XP Cost: 5

The creature is capable of moving their body in a flying motion via telekinesis.

Effect: The creature gains a Flying Speed of 8 Meters per Movement and can float and hover stationary in the air.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Slime Movement I

XP Cost: 1

The creature primarily moves along a trail of slime that it excretes.

Effect: The creature gains a Slime movement of 5 meters per movement.

Slithering Movement I

XP Cost: 1

The creature primarily moves by having a large portion of its body in contact with the ground and uses either scales or rhythmic muscle contractions to move along the ground.

Effect: The creature gains a Slithering movement of 5 meters per movement.


XP Cost: .5

The creature is faster while in the water.

Effect: The Creature's Movement Speed is increased by 2 while swimming or moving through liquids.


XP Cost: 2

The Creature has the Ability to Teleport itself from one location to another.

Effect: The creature can teleport up to 10 meters to an unoccupied space they can see using a Movement.

Tunneling I

XP Cost: 1

The Creature can dig and travel through Tunnels it makes in the Ground.

Effect: The creature can tunnel through earth or sand at a speed of 4 meters per movement.

Tunneling II

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature can dig and travel through Tunnels it makes in the Ground.

Effect: The creature can tunnel through earth or sand at a speed of 6 meters per movement.

Tunneling III

XP Cost: 2

The Creature can dig and travel through Tunnels it makes in the Ground.

Effect: The creature can tunnel through earth or sand at a speed of 8 meters per movement.

Wall Crawling I

XP Cost: .5

The creature has strong hooks, sticky appendages or suction that allows it to grip onto surfaces with some gravity working against them.

Effect: The Creature can utilize one Fourth of its movement along walls or vertical surfaces.

Special: Losing consciousness or being knocked prone causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Wall Crawling II

XP Cost: 1

The creature has strong hooks, sticky appendages or suction that allows it to grip onto surfaces with some gravity working against them.

Effect: The Creature can utilize Half of its movement along walls or vertical surfaces.

Special: Losing consciousness or being knocked prone causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Wall Crawling III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature has strong hooks, sticky appendages or suction that allows it to grip onto surfaces with some gravity working against them.

Effect: The Creature can utilize All of its movement along walls or vertical surfaces.

Special: Losing consciousness or being knocked prone causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Walking Movement

XP Cost: 0

The creature possesses long strong legs and primarily moves by walking.

Effect: The Creature can walk a distance equal to its Movement speed per Movement it uses.

Winged Flight I

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of achieving flight by creating lift with wings it possesses.

Effect: The creature gains a flying movement speed of 6 Meters per Movement.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded, Knocked Prone or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Winged Flight II

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of achieving flight by creating lift with wings it possesses.

Effect: The creature gains a flying movement speed of 8 Meters per Movement.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded, Knocked Prone or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Winged Flight III

XP Cost: 4

The creature is capable of achieving flight by creating lift with wings it possesses.

Effect: The creature gains a flying movement speed of 10 Meters per Movement.

Special: Losing consciousness, being Wounded, Knocked Prone or suffering from the Stunned or Dazed Conditions causes the creature to Fall and Suffer the effects of a Hard Landing once they have fallen the full distance to the ground.

Skill Traits


XP Cost: 1

The creature excels at nimble and dexterous movements.

Effect: +2 to Acrobatics Skill Rolls.

Ambush Hunter

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of remaining perfectly still and blending with its surroundings so as to ambush prey.

Effect: The Creature gains a Destiny Die and +4 to all Stealth Skill Rolls.

It must make a new Stealth Skill Check each time it Repositions.

Arcane Knowledge

XP Cost: 1

The creature has knowledge of arcane magics and their workings.

Effect: +2 to Arcane Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature excels arguments and negotiations.

Effect: +2 to Debate Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature excels at feats of strength.

Effect: +2 to Athletics Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature has a natural sense of curiosity and excels at tasks that require attention to detail.

Effect: +2 to Investigation Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature excels at charming others.

Effect: +2 to Charm Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature excels at deceiving others.

Effect: +2 to Deception Skill Rolls.

Engineering Knowledge

XP Cost: 1

The creature has knowledge of mathematics and machinery.

Effect: +2 to Engineering Skill Rolls.

Fine Motor Skills

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of performing complex tasks that require precise movements.

Effect: +2 to Fine Motor Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature is skilled at picking up on social cues.

Effect: +2 to Insight Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature excels at intimidating others.

Effect: +2 to Intimidation Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature has a collection of general knowledge at their disposal.

Effect: +2 to Knowledge Skill Rolls.

Medical Knowledge

XP Cost: 1

The creature has knowledge of anatomy and medical aid.

Effect: +2 to Medicine Skill Rolls.

Medicine Maker

XP Cost: 1

The creature is skilled at combining plant and mineral ingredient to create various medicinal substances.

Effect: +2 to Apocathy Skill Rolls.

Natural Navigator

XP Cost: 1

The creature excels at the skills required to navigate and read or create maps.

Effect: +2 to Navigation Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature has keen senses.

Effect: +2 to Perception Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature excels at controlling other creatures or devices while moving at speed.

Effect: +2 to all Driving Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature is good at avoiding detection.

Effect: +2 to all Stealth Skill Rolls.


XP Cost: 1

The creature is good at surviving and adapting to various conditions.

Effect: +2 to all Survival Skill Rolls.

Stealth Traits

Stealth Strike I

XP Cost: 1

The creature excels at striking weak points against unaware creatures.

Effect: The creature gains a Destiny Die, a +2 bonus to Hit and 1 additional Damage Die when making Attacks vs Creatures that Have Not Detected or Cannot Detect it.

Stealth Strike II

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature excels at striking weak points against unaware creatures.

Effect: The creature gains a Destiny Die, a +2 bonus to Hit and 2 additional Damage Dice when making Attacks vs Creatures that Have Not Detected or Cannot Detect it.

Stealth Strike III

XP Cost: 2

The creature excels at striking weak points against unaware creatures.

Effect: The creature gains a Destiny Die, a +2 bonus to Hit and 3 additional Damage Dice when making Attacks vs Creatures that Have Not Detected or Cannot Detect it.

Species Specific Traits


XP Cost: 1

Effect: The Creature is Immune to Poison, Venom, Toxic, Psychic and Necrotic Damage.

The Creature Requires an Electrical, Clockwork, or Magical power source or method of recharging power.

The Creature is Vulnerable to 1 or 2 Types of Damage depending on their power source type.

Clockwork - Blunt/Kinetic Damage

Electrical - Electricity Damage

Magical - Magic Damage(Damage originating from a spell or spell like ability(other than Psychic).

Bone Density(Increased)

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Blunt Damage caused by Falls and Hard Landings.

Cold Blooded

XP Cost: 0

Effect: The Creature is not Detectable via Infrared or Heat Vision.

The creature does not generate its own heat and is considered to become Drowsy in cold weather conditions.


XP Cost: 2

The Creature’s body is composed mostly of water and tightly grouped cells.

Effect: The Creature can Squeeze through any opening a liquid could pass through.

The Creature is Vulnerable to Heat Damage.

The Creature Cannot be Wounded.


XP Cost: 3

Effect: The Creature does not age and while it can be slain, cannot die of natural causes.


XP Cost: 1

The Creature does not possess a Rigid Spine.

Effect: The Creature can Squeeze through Spaces that are 2 size categories smaller than themselves.

Iron Vulnerability

XP Cost: -.5

The Creature has a severe iron allergy.

Effect: Vulnerable to Attacks from Iron Weapons. 1 Toxic Damage per Round Creature is in Contact with Iron.


XP Cost: 0

Effect: The Creature is particularly lengthy and it occupies all of its Map Tiles in a continuous line.

Low Terminal Velocity

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Blunt Damage caused by Falls and Hard Landings.

Lung Capacity I

XP Cost: .25

Effect: The Creature has an expanded Lung Capacity and can be without breathable air for a number of Minutes equal to their CON Modifier x 2.

Lung Capacity II

XP Cost: .5

Effect: The Creature has an expanded Lung Capacity and can be without breathable air for a number of Minutes equal to their CON Modifier x 3.

Lung Capacity III

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The Creature has an expanded Lung Capacity and can be without breathable air for a number of Minutes equal to their CON Modifier x 4.

Lung Capacity IV

XP Cost: 1.5

Effect: The Creature has an expanded Lung Capacity and can be without breathable air for a number of Minutes equal to their CON Modifier x 5.

Lung Capacity V

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The Creature has an expanded Lung Capacity and can be without breathable air for a number of Minutes equal to their CON Modifier x 6.

Realm Bound

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The Creature is Bound to 1 Realm and their Spirit or Body always returns there when Slain or Banished, including if the creature possesses Resurrection.

Resurrecting I

XP Cost: 3

Effect: The Creature can be Slain but will either physically or magically reform a physical body within 3d4(3-12) 24 Hour Days.

Resurrecting II

XP Cost: 4

Effect: The Creature can be Slain but will either physically or magically reform a physical body within 2d4(2-8) 24 Hour Days.

Resurrecting III

XP Cost: 5

Effect: The Creature can be Slain but will either physically or magically reform a physical body within 1d4(1-4) 24 Hour Days.

Resurrecting IV

XP Cost: 6

Effect: The Creature can be Slain but will either physically or magically reform a physical body within 24 Hours.

Resurrecting V

XP Cost: 7

Effect: The Creature can be Slain but will either physically or magically reform a physical body within 12 Hours.


XP Cost: 2

The creature exists within or is phasing over from the Spirit Realm.

Effect: The Creature is Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom, Bleed and Toxic Damage and can not Contract Diseases or Viruses.

The Creature is Resistant to all Physical Damage.

Strange Anatomy

XP Cost: 1

The creature's strange anatomy makes it difficult to decipher which parts are weak points.

Effect: The Creature receives ½ of the extra Damage dealt by Critical Hits.

The Creature’s Wound Threshold is increased by +5 HP.

Superior Swimmer

XP Cost: 1

The Creature is considered to be a Superior Swimmer.

Effect: Does Not incur Reaction Attacks when Moving away without Disengaging while in Water or Liquid.


XP Cost: 1

Effect: The creature is capable of sharing spaces with creatures of the same species.

Attacks made vs one of the creatures in this space can be absorbed by any creature in that space unless the Attack was a Targeted Attack.

When 6 - 12 Creatures of the same species occupy the same space they form a Swarm.

While functioning as a swarm all creatures in the swarm combine HP into 1 Pool.

Individuals cannot be targeted in the swarm without the use of a Targeted Attack.

The swarm has Resistance to the Damage dealt by any Non-Area Attacks that target them.


XP Cost: 2

The Creature is considered to be Undead.

Effect: Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom, Bleed and Toxic Damage and can no longer Contract Diseases or Viruses.

Vulnerable to Holy Damage.

Cannot Drown or Suffocate.

Cannot Reproduce.

Does Not Age.

Receives -5 Damage from Critical Hits.

Body Rot: The creature’s body is actively rotting away.

Creatures Attempting to Perceive this creature have +3 if they can use Scent as part or all of their Perception Skill Check.

Water Breathing

XP Cost: 0

Effect: The Creature is capable of breathing only while submerged in oxygenated liquids.

Warm Blooded

XP Cost: 0

Effect: The Creature is Detectable via Infrared and Heat Vision.

Vision Traits

Arcane Vision

XP Cost: 3

Effect: The creature can view the world through a magical lens, allowing them to see arcane energy, mana threads and fields and the arcane auras and life-force of creatures up to a range of 10 Meters.

This allows them to see Chameleoned, Phasing and Invisible creatures that have achieved that effect through magical means. They can also automatically detect creatures who have made a Stealth Skill Roll as long as it is lower than 20.

Dusk Vision

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The creature can comfortably see and view the world in muted colors while in dim lighting conditions up to a range of 10 meters.

Echo Vision

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The creature can see based on how sound reflects off of surfaces. This is often used in combination with emitting regular sounds such as clicks, chirps or snaps.

Heat Vision

XP Cost: 2

Effect: The creature can detect warm blooded creatures via the heat they put out and can also visually see heat up to a range of 10 meters. The type of vision completely negates stealth rolls made by warm blooded creatures unless they are somehow insulating their body heat.

Night Vision

XP Cost: 1

Effect: The creature can comfortably see and view the world in muted colors while in dim or dark lighting conditions up to a range of 10 meters. This is usually accompanied by the Trait “Light Sensitivity".

Creature Abilities

Abilities are Activated, meaning they have to be chosen by the Narrator or Player controlling the Creature and require an Action of some kind and/or a Resource Pool Point Expenditure from that creature to Activate.

Area Attacks

Acid Cloud

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of emitting a powerful and deadly cloud of acid.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 2 Meter Blast, Centered on the using Creature

Effect: A Acid Cloud is generated in the Area and persists for 1d4+1 Rounds. Creatures that move through the cloud or start their turn in its Area must Roll a CON Saving Throw. The DC is 16.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d8 Acid Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Acid Damage is always dealt to Armor first, then HP when there is no Armor Remaining.

The Cloud can be dispersed by Strong Winds, such as those generated by spells and Abilities.

Acid Cloud II

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of emitting a powerful and deadly cloud of acid.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 3 Meter Blast, Centered on the using Creature

Effect: A Acid Cloud is generated in the Area and persists for 1d6+2 Rounds. Creatures that move through the cloud or start their turn in its Area must Roll a CON Saving Throw. The DC is 18.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d10 + 2 Acid Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Acid Damage is always dealt to Armor first, then HP when there is no Armor Remaining.

The Cloud can be dispersed by Strong Winds, such as those generated by spells and Abilities.

Acid Cloud III

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of emitting a powerful and deadly cloud of acid.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 4 Meter Blast, Centered on the using Creature

Effect: A Acid Cloud is generated in the Area and persists for 1d8+2 Rounds. Creatures that move through the cloud or start their turn in its Area must Roll a CON Saving Throw. The DC is 20.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d12 + 2 Acid Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Acid Damage is always dealt to Armor first, then HP when there is no Armor Remaining.

The Cloud can be dispersed by Strong Winds, such as those generated by spells and Abilities.

Air Blast I

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of projecting a powerful blast of air.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 3 Meter Cone

Effect: Target must pass a DC 14 STR Saving Throw or be Knocked Prone. Creatures that save are unaffected.

Special: This Ability generates Strong Winds.

Air Blast II

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of projecting a powerful blast of air.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 4 Meter Cone

Effect: Target must pass a DC 16 STR Saving Throw or be pushed 3 Meters and Knocked Prone. Creatures that save are pushed 3 Meters.

Special: This Ability generates Strong Winds.

Air Blast III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature is capable of projecting a powerful blast of air.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 5 Meter Cone

Effect: Target must pass a DC 18 STR Saving Throw or be pushed 5 Meters and Knocked Prone. Creatures that save are pushed 3 Meters.

Special: This Ability generates Strong Winds.

Boom Bomb

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 1 Meter Blast

Range: 10 Meters

Effect: A 1 Meter Blast explosion is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 16.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 1d12 + 1 Kinetic Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Kinetic Damage Ignores the Damage Reduction granted to Structures and Buildings. Creatures dealt 20 or more Kinetic Damage by this Ability are Knocked Prone. This Ability generates Strong Winds.

Boom Bomb II

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 2 Meter Blast

Range: 12 Meters

Effect: A 2 Meter Blast explosion is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 18.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d12 + 2 Kinetic Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Kinetic Damage Ignores the Damage Reduction granted to Structures and Buildings. Creatures dealt 20 or more Kinetic Damage by this Ability are Knocked Prone. This Ability generates Strong Winds.

Boom Bomb III

XP Cost: 4

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 3 Meter Blast

Range: 15 Meters

Effect: A 3 Meter Blast explosion is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 20.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 3d12 + 3 Kinetic Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Kinetic Damage Ignores the Damage Reduction granted to Structures and Buildings. Creatures dealt 20 or more Kinetic Damage by this Ability are Knocked Prone. This Ability generates Strong Winds.

Deafening Screech I

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of emitting a deafening screech.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 3 Meter Blast

Effect: Target must pass a DC 14 CON Saving Throw or be Deafened and Dazed Until the end of their next turn. Creatures that save are Deafened until the end of their next turn.

Deafening Screech II

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of emitting a powerful and deafening screech.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 4 Meter Blast

Effect: Target must pass a DC 16 CON Saving Throw or be Deafened and Dazed Until the end of their next turn. Creatures that save are Deafened until the end of their next turn.

Overpower: The creature can overpower this ability to add 1d6 Kinetic Damage to this ability’s effect.

Deafening Screech III

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of emitting a devastating and deafening screech.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 5 Meter Blast

Effect: Target must pass a DC 18 CON Saving Throw or be dealt 1d8 Kinetic Damage and be Deafened and Stunned Until the end of their next turn. Creatures that save are Deafened and Dazed until the end of their next turn.

Overpower: The creature can overpower this ability to add 1d8 Kinetic Damage to this ability’s effect.

Fire Bomb

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive fireball .

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 1 Meter Blast

Range: 10 Meters

Effect: A 1 Meter Blast explosion of fire is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 16.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 3d6 + 2 Burn Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Creatures dealt 20 or more Burn Damage by this Ability begin Burning for 1d6 Burn Damage. Dried or Greased creatures are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.

Fire Bomb II

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive fireball .

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 2 Meter Blast

Range: 12 Meters

Effect: A 2 Meter Blast explosion of fire is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 18.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 4d6 + 4 Burn Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Creatures dealt 20 or more Burn Damage by this Ability begin Burning for 1d6 Burn Damage. Dried or Greased creatures are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.

Fire Bomb III

XP Cost: 4

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive fireball .

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 3 Meter Blast

Range: 15 Meters

Effect: A 3 Meter Blast explosion of fire is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 20.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 5d6 + 6 Burn Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Creatures dealt 20 or more Burn Damage by this Ability begin Burning for 1d6 Burn Damage. Dried or Greased creatures are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.

Frost Bomb

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive blast of frost.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 1 Meter Blast

Range: 10 Meters

Effect: A 1 Meter Blast explosion of frost is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 16.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d8 + 2 Frost Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Creatures dealt 20 or more Frost Damage by this Ability suffer from the Frozen Condition. Soaked creatures are considered to be Vulnerable to Frost Damage. This Ability instantly Freezes Liquids within its Area.

Frost Bomb II

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive blast of frost.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 2 Meter Blast

Range: 12 Meters

Effect: A 2 Meter Blast explosion of frost is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 18.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d10 + 4 Frost Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Creatures dealt 20 or more Frost Damage by this Ability suffer from the Frozen Condition. Soaked creatures are considered to be Vulnerable to Frost Damage. This Ability instantly Freezes Liquids within its Area.

Frost Bomb III

XP Cost: 4

The creature is capable of generating a powerful explosive blast of frost.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 3 Meter Blast

Range: 15 Meters

Effect: A 3 Meter Blast explosion of frost is generated centered on a point within Range. Creatures within the Blast Area must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 20.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d12 + 6 Frost Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

Special: Creatures dealt 20 or more Frost Damage by this Ability suffer from the Frozen Condition. Soaked creatures are considered to be Vulnerable to Frost Damage. This Ability instantly Freezes Liquids within its Area.

Toxic Cloud

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of emitting a powerful and deadly cloud of toxins.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 2 Meter Blast, Centered on the using Creature

Effect: A Toxic Cloud is generated in the Area and persists for 1d4+1 Rounds. Creatures that move through the cloud or start their turn in its Area must Roll a CON Saving Throw. The DC is 16.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d6 Toxic Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

The Cloud can be dispersed by Strong Winds, such as those generated by spells and Abilities.

Toxic Cloud II

XP Cost: 2

The creature is capable of emitting a powerful and deadly cloud of toxins.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 3 Meter Blast, Centered on the using Creature

Effect: A Toxic Cloud is generated in the Area and persists for 1d6+2 Rounds. Creatures that move through the cloud or start their turn in its Area must Roll a CON Saving Throw. The DC is 18.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d8 + 2 Toxic Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

The Cloud can be dispersed by Strong Winds, such as those generated by spells and Abilities.

Toxic Cloud III

XP Cost: 3

The creature is capable of emitting a powerful and deadly cloud of toxins.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Area: 4 Meter Blast, Centered on the using Creature

Effect: A Toxic Cloud is generated in the Area and persists for 1d8+2 Rounds. Creatures that move through the cloud or start their turn in its Area must Roll a CON Saving Throw. The DC is 20.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 2d10 + 2 Toxic Damage.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above damage.

The Cloud can be dispersed by Strong Winds, such as those generated by spells and Abilities.

Breath Attacks

Acid Breath I

XP Cost: .5

The Creature Possesses a Weak Acid Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 3 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 12. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 1d10 + CON Modifier Acid Damage.

Special: Acid damage is always subtracted from Armor first, then HP when no armor is available.

Acid Breath II

XP Cost: 1

The Creature Possesses a Nominal Acid Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 4 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 1d12 + CON Modifier Acid Damage.

Special: Acid damage is always subtracted from Armor first, then HP when no armor is available.

Acid Breath III

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature Possesses a Potent Acid Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 5 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 3d6 + CON Modifier Acid Damage.

Special: Acid damage is always subtracted from Armor first, then HP when no armor is available.

Acid Breath IV

XP Cost: 2

The Creature Possesses a Powerful Acid Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 6 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 15. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 4d6 + CON Modifier Acid Damage.

Special: Acid damage is always subtracted from Armor first, then HP when no armor is available.

Acid Breath V

XP Cost: 2.5

The Creature Possesses a Devastating Acid Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 8 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 16. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 5d6 + CON Modifier Acid Damage.

Special: Acid damage is always subtracted from Armor first, then HP when no armor is available.

Fire Breath I

XP Cost: 1

The Creature Possesses a Weak Fire Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 3 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 12. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 1d8 + CON Modifier Burn Damage.

Fire Breath II

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature Possesses a Nominal Fire Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 4 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 1d10 + CON Modifier Burn Damage.

Fire Breath III

XP Cost: 2

The Creature Possesses a Potent Fire Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 5 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 1d12 + CON Modifier Burn Damage.

Fire Breath IV

XP Cost: 2.5

The Creature Possesses a Powerful Fire Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 6 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 15. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 3d6 + CON Modifier Burn Damage.

Fire Breath V

XP Cost: 3

The Creature possesses a Devastating Fire Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 8 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 16. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 4d6 + CON Modifier Burn Damage.

Frost Breath I

XP Cost: 1

The Creature Possesses a Weak Frost Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 3 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 12. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 1d8 + CON Modifier Frost Damage.

Frost Breath II

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature Possesses a Nominal Frost Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 4 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 1d10 + CON Modifier Frost Damage.

Frost Breath III

XP Cost: 2

The Creature Possesses a Potent Frost Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 5 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 1d12 + CON Modifier Frost Damage.

Frost Breath IV

XP Cost: 2.5

The Creature Possesses a Powerful Frost Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 6 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 15. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 3d6 + CON Modifier Frost Damage.

Frost Breath V

XP Cost: 3

The Creature Possesses a Devastating Frost Breath Attack.

Action: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina

Range: 8 Meter Cone

Effect: Creatures in the area must roll a DEX or CON Saving throw with a DC of 16. If they Fail they are dealt Full Damage from this Ability, If they Pass they are dealt ½ Damage from this Ability.

Damage: 4d6 + CON Modifier Frost Damage.

Smoke Breath I

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of exhaling large amounts of smoke.

Action: Motion

Range: 3 Meter Cone

Effect: The area covered by this ability's cone becomes a cloud of thick smoke for 1d4 rounds. Smoke blocks line of sight for creatures outside the smoke. Creatures inside the smoke have their visibility vision range reduced to 1 meter; Preventing most attacks made through or in the smoke.

The smoke can be dispersed by strong winds.

Smoke Breath II

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of exhaling large amounts of smoke.

Action: Motion

Range: 5 Meter Cone

Effect: The area covered by this ability's cone becomes a cloud of thick smoke for 1d6 rounds. Smoke blocks line of sight for creatures outside the smoke. Creatures inside the smoke have their visibility vision range reduced to 1 meter; Preventing most attacks made through or in the smoke.

The smoke can be dispersed by strong winds.

Smoke Breath III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature is capable of exhaling large amounts of smoke.

Action: Motion

Range: 8 Meter Cone

Effect: The area covered by this ability's cone becomes a cloud of thick smoke for 1d6+2 rounds. Smoke blocks line of sight for creatures outside the smoke. Creatures inside the smoke have their visibility vision range reduced to 1 meter; Preventing most attacks made through or in the smoke.

The smoke can be dispersed by strong winds.

Damage Triggered Abilities

Explosive Demise

XP Cost: 1

The Creature Explodes as a defense mechanism.

Action: Action / Reaction

Range: 1 Meter Radius

Damage: 1d6 + CON Modifier Kinetic Damage

Explosive Demise II

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature Explodes forcefully as a defense mechanism.

Action: Action / Reaction

Range: 2 Meter Radius

Damage: 1d8 + CON Modifier Kinetic Damage

Explosive Demise III

XP Cost: 2

The Creature Explodes powerfully as a defense mechanism.

Action: Action / Reaction

Range: 3 Meter Radius

Damage: 1d10 + CON Modifier Kinetic Damage

Explosive Demise IV

XP Cost: 2.5

The Creature Explodes destructively as a defense mechanism.

Action: Action / Reaction

Range: 4 Meter Radius

Damage: 2d6 + CON Modifier Kinetic Damage

Explosive Demise V

XP Cost: 3

The Creature Explodes devastatingly as a defense mechanism.

Action: Action / Reaction

Range: 5 Meter Radius

Damage: 3d6 + CON Modifier Kinetic Damage

Melee Attacks

Beak Strike I

XP Cost: .25

The Creature possesses a Weak Beak Strike Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d4 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Puncture Damage.

Beak Strike II

XP Cost: .5

The Creature possesses a dangerous Beak Strike Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d6 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Puncture Damage.

Beak Strike III

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses a strong Beak Strike Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d8 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Puncture Damage.

Beak Strike IV

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature possesses a powerful Beak Strike Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d10 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Puncture Damage.

Beak Strike V

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses a devastating Beak Strike Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d12 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Puncture Damage.

Bite I

XP Cost: .25

The Creature possesses a Weak Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 1d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage.

Bite II

XP Cost: .5

The Creature possesses a Painful Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 1d8 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage.

Bite III

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses a Strong Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 1d12 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage Slash or Puncture Damage.

Bite IV

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature possesses a Powerful Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 2d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage.

Bite V

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses a Devastating Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 4d4 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage.

Claw Clamp I

XP Cost: .25

The Creature is Capable of Grappling Creature with just 1 of its Claws.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 1d4 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash Damage

Hit Effect: The Creature is Grappled and must escape to resume normal movement.

Claw Clamp II

XP Cost: .5

The Creature is Capable of Grappling Creature with just 1 of its Powerful Claws.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 1d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash Damage

Hit Effect: The Creature is Grappled and must escape to resume normal movement.

Claw Clamp III

XP Cost: 1

The Creature is Capable of Grappling Creature with just 1 of its Massive Claws.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 1d8 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash Damage

Hit Effect: The Creature is Grappled and must escape to resume normal movement.

Claws Strike I

XP Cost: .25

The Creature Possesses Claws that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 1d4 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage.

Claws Strike II

XP Cost: .5

The Creature Possesses Powerful Claws that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 2d4 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage.

Claws Strike III

XP Cost: 1

The Creature Possesses Deadly Claws that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 3d4 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage.

Club Strike I

XP Cost: .25

The Creature Possesses a Club-like Appendage that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 1d4 + 2 + STR Modifier Blunt Damage.

Club Strike II

XP Cost: .5

The Creature Possesses a Heavy Club-like Appendage that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 1d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Blunt Damage

Hit Effect: Target must pass a DC 12 STR Saving Throw or be Knocked Prone.

Club Strike III

XP Cost: 1

The Creature Possesses a Devastating Club-like Appendage that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 2d8 + 2 + STR Modifier Blunt Damage

Hit Effect: Target must pass a DC 14 STR Saving Throw or be Knocked Prone.


XP Cost: .5

The can envelop other creatures with its amorphous body.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Hit Effect: 1d8 + CON Modifier Acid Damage. The Attacker may use 1 meter of their movement to occupy the same space as the target. The creature enveloped in this way must use Roll a Dexterity or Strength Saving Throw in order to attempt to escape. The DC is 14.

If they succeed they expend 3 meters of movement and move to an unoccupied adjacent space.

Creatures that start their turn enveloped are dealt damage from this attack automatically.

Envelop II

XP Cost: 1

The can envelop other creatures with its amorphous body.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Hit Effect: 1d10 + CON Modifier Acid Damage. The Attacker may use 1 meter of their movement to occupy the same space as the target. The creature enveloped in this way must use Roll a Dexterity or Strength Saving Throw in order to attempt to escape. The DC is 16.

If they succeed they expend 3 meters of movement and move to an unoccupied adjacent space.

Creatures that start their turn enveloped are dealt damage from this attack automatically.

Envelop III

XP Cost: 1.5

The can envelop other creatures with its amorphous body.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Hit Effect: 1d12 + CON Modifier Acid Damage. The Attacker may use 1 meter of their movement to occupy the same space as the target. The creature enveloped in this way must use Roll a Dexterity or Strength Saving Throw in order to attempt to escape. The DC is 18.

If they succeed they expend 3 meters of movement and move to an unoccupied adjacent space.

Creatures that start their turn enveloped are dealt maximized damage from this attack automatically.

Envelop IV

XP Cost: 1.5

The can envelop other creatures with its amorphous body.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Hit Effect: 3d6 + CON Modifier Acid Damage. The Attacker may use 1 meter of their movement to occupy the same space as the target. The creature enveloped in this way must use Roll a Dexterity or Strength Saving Throw in order to attempt to escape. The DC is 20.

If they succeed they expend 3 meters of movement and move to an unoccupied adjacent space.

Creatures that start their turn enveloped are dealt maximized damage from this attack automatically.

Flyby Attack I

XP Cost: .25

The Creature possesses a quick flyby Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d4 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash Damage. Movement prior and after this attack does not provoke reaction attacks.

Flyby Attack II

XP Cost: .5

The Creature possesses a fast flyby Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d6 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash Damage. Movement prior and after this attack does not provoke reaction attacks.

Flyby Attack III

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses a quick flyby Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d8 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash Damage. Movement prior and after this attack does not provoke reaction attacks.

Flyby Attack IV

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature possesses a dangerous flyby Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d10 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash Damage. Movement prior and after this attack does not provoke reaction attacks.

Flyby Attack V

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses a devastating flyby Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d12 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash Damage. Movement prior and after this attack does not provoke reaction attacks.

Goring Strike I

XP Cost: 1

Action(s): Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 2d4 + 2 + STR Modifier Puncture Damage.

Goring Strike II

XP Cost: 1.5

Action(s): Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 1d12 + 2 + STR Modifier Puncture Damage.

Goring Strike III

XP Cost: 2

Action(s): Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 4d4 + 2 + STR Modifier Puncture Damage.

Goring Strike IV

XP Cost: 2.5

Action(s): Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 3d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Puncture Damage.

Hit Effect: Creatures hit by this attack must roll a DEX or STR Saving Throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail they are knocked prone.

Goring Strike V

XP Cost: 3

Action(s): Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee

Damage: 4d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Puncture Damage.

Hit Effect: Creatures hit by this attack must roll a DEX or STR Saving Throw with a DC of 16. If they Fail they are knocked prone.

Goring Charge I

XP Cost: 1

Action(s): Melee Attack Action + Movement

Range: Movement Distance + 1 Meters

Damage: 2d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Puncture Damage

Hit Effect: Creatures hit by this attack must roll a DEX or STR Saving Throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail they are knocked prone.

Goring Charge II

XP Cost: 2

Action(s): Melee Attack Action + Movement

Range: Movement Distance + 1 Meters

Damage: 3d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Puncture Damage

Hit Effect: Creatures hit by this attack must roll a DEX or STR Saving Throw with a DC of 15. If they Fail they are knocked prone.

Goring Charge III

XP Cost: 3

Action(s): Melee Attack Action + Movement

Range: Movement Distance + 1 Meters

Damage: 4d6 + 2 + STR Modifier Puncture Damage

Hit Effect: Creatures hit by this attack must roll a DEX or STR Saving Throw with a DC of 16. If they Fail they are knocked prone.

Ground Crush

XP Cost: 1

The creature's colossal strength and bulk allow it to pummel creatures into the ground with it's mighty blows.

Action: Melee Attack Action

ARP Cost: 1 Might or Stamina

Range: Melee

Damage: 2d8 + STR or CON Modifier.

Hit Effect: Creatures hit by this attack must roll a DEX or STR Saving Throw with a DC of 16. If they Fail they are knocked prone.

Ground Crush

XP Cost: 2

The creature's colossal strength and bulk allow it to pummel creatures into the ground with it's mighty blows.

Action: Melee Attack Action

ARP Cost: 1 Might or Stamina

Range: Melee

Damage: 2d10 + STR or CON Modifier.

Hit Effect: Creatures hit by this attack must roll a DEX or STR Saving Throw with a DC of 18. If they Fail they are Knocked Prone and Immobilized until they or another creature uses their Action to dig them out of the ground.

Ground Crush

XP Cost: 3

The creature's colossal strength and bulk allow it to pummel creatures into the ground with it's mighty blows.

Action: Melee Attack Action

ARP Cost: 1 Might or Stamina

Range: Melee

Damage: 2d12 + STR or CON Modifier.

Hit Effect: Creatures hit by this attack must roll a DEX or STR Saving Throw with a DC of 20. If they Fail they are Knocked Prone and Immobilized until they or another creature uses their Action to dig them out of the ground.


XP Cost: 1

(Small or Tiny Creatures Only)

Effect: The creature "Latches" onto a target when it successfully Hits with a Grapple Attack.

While Latched the creature reduces the movement speed of the Grappled creature by 1 Meter until the grapple is broken or the grappling creature is reduced to 0 HP or less.


XP Cost: .5

The Creature is Capable of Pinning Prone Creatures to the Ground and Damaging them in the Process.

Prerequisite(s): Prone Target Creature

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 1d4 Blunt, or Puncture Damage

Hit Effect: The Creature is Grappled and must escape to stand or resume normal movement.

Pin II

XP Cost: 1

The Creature is Capable of Pinning Prone Creatures to the Ground and Damaging them significantly in the Process.

Prerequisite(s): Prone Target Creature

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Hit Damage: 1d6 Blunt, or Puncture Damage

Effect: The Creature is Grappled and must escape to stand or resume normal movement.


XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature is Capable of Pinning Prone Creatures to the Ground and Damaging them severely in the Process.

Prerequisite(s): Prone Target Creature

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 2d4 Blunt, or Puncture Damage

Hit Effect: The Creature is Grappled and must escape to stand or resume normal movement.

Tail Strike I

XP Cost: .5

The Creature possesses a heavy tail capable of being weaponized.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Melee Range

Damage: 1d8 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Blunt Damage.

Tail Strike II

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses a heavy tail capable of being weaponized.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d10 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Blunt Damage.

Tail Strike III

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature possesses a heavy tail capable of being weaponized.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 3 Meters

Damage: 1d12 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Blunt Damage.

Tail Strike IV

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses a heavy tail capable of being weaponized.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 4 Meters

Damage: 4d4 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Blunt Damage.

Hit Effect: The creature must roll a DEX saving throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail, they are knocked prone.

Tail Strike V

XP Cost: 2.5

The Creature possesses a heavy tail capable of being weaponized.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 5 Meters

Damage: 3d6 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Blunt Damage.

Hit Effect: The creature must roll a DEX saving throw with a DC of 16. If they Fail, they are pushed 3 meters and knocked prone.


XP Cost: 1

The creature possesses tremendous strength and can easily throw creature smaller than itself many meters.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Prerequisite(s): Creature at least 1 Size Category Smaller than Self within Melee Range.

Range: Melee

Special: The creature adds a Destiny Die to the Attack Roll if the Target is currently Grappled by them.

Hit Effect: The creature is Thrown a number of meters equal to 1d4 + the Throwing Creature's STR Modifier. For each meter traveled in this way the creature is dealt 1d6 Blunt Damage. If the thrown creature meets a wall and cannot continue traveling it is instead dealt 8 blunt Damage per meter of travel lost due to impact with a wall or structure. The Wall or structure is dealt damage equal to this damage.

Miss Effect: If the creature was Grappled, the Grapple is Broken.

Throw II

XP Cost: 2

The creature possesses tremendous strength and can easily throw creature smaller than itself many meters.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Prerequisite(s): Creature at least 1 Size Category Smaller than Self within Melee Range.

Range: Melee

Special: The creature adds a Destiny Die to their Attack Roll if the Target is currently Grappled by them.

Hit Effect: The creature is Thrown a number of meters equal to 1d6 + 1 + the Throwing Creature's STR Modifier. For each meter traveled in this way the creature is dealt 1d8 Blunt Damage. If the thrown creature meets a wall and cannot continue traveling it is instead dealt 10 blunt Damage per meter of travel lost due to impact with a wall or structure. The Wall or structure is dealt damage equal to this damage.

Miss Effect: If the creature was Grappled, the Grapple is Broken.

Throw III

XP Cost: 3

The creature possesses tremendous strength and can easily throw creature smaller than itself many meters.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Prerequisite(s): Creature at least 1 Size Category Smaller than Self within Melee Range.

Range: Melee

Special: The creature adds a Destiny Die to their Attack Roll if the Target is currently Grappled by them.

Hit Effect: The creature is Thrown a number of meters equal to 1d8 + 2 + the Throwing Creature's STR Modifier. For each meter traveled in this way the creature is dealt 1d10 Blunt Damage. If the thrown creature meets a wall and cannot continue traveling it is instead dealt 12 blunt Damage per meter of travel lost due to impact with a wall or structure. The Wall or structure is dealt damage equal to this damage.

Miss Effect: If the creature was Grappled, the Grapple is Broken.

Venomous Bite I

XP Cost: .5

The Creature possesses a dangerous Venomous Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d4 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Bite II

XP Cost: 1

The Creature possesses a damaging Venomous Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d6 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Bite III

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature possesses a devastating Venomous Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d8 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Bite IV

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses a deadly Venomous Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d10 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Bite V

XP Cost: 2.5

The Creature possesses a lethal Venomous Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 2d6 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Sting I

XP Cost: .5

The Creature possesses a dangerous Venomous Sting Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 1 Meter

Damage: 1d4 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Sting II

XP Cost: 1.5

The Creature possesses a damaging Venomous Sting Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d6 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Sting III

XP Cost: 2

The Creature possesses a devastating Venomous Sting Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d8 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Sting IV

XP Cost: 2.5

The Creature possesses a deadly Venomous Sting Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d10 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Venomous Sting V

XP Cost: 3

The Creature possesses a deadly Venomous Sting Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 2d6 + 2 + CON Modifier Venom Damage.

Whip Strike I

XP Cost: .25

The Creature Possesses a Whip-like Appendage that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d4 + 2 + DEX Modifier Slash Damage

Whip Strike II

XP Cost: .5

The Creature Possesses a Strong Whip-like Appendage that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 1d6 + 2 + DEX Modifier Slash Damage

Whip Strike III

XP Cost: 1

The Creature Possesses a Deadly Whip-like Appendage that it wields as a Natural Weapon.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 3 Meters

Damage: 2d4 + 2 + DEX Modifier Slash Damage

Movement Abilities


XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of making a quick getaway when threatened.

Action: Sprint

Effect: The creature gains an additional 3 Meters per Movement when they convert their Action into a Movement.

Skitter II

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of making a speedy getaway when threatened.

Action: Sprint

Effect: The creature gains an additional 4 Meters per Movement when they convert their Action into a Movement.

Skitter III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature is capable of making a lightning getaway when threatened.

Action: Sprint

Effect: The creature gains an additional 5 Meters per Movement when they convert their Action into a Movement.

Species Abilities

Consume Spawn

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of consuming its own spawn to recoup some of the nutrients.

Action: Motion

Range: Melee Range

Effect: The Creature regains 1d4 HP or 1 Stamina.

Eat Whole I

XP Cost: 1

The creature, despite its size, is capable of enveloping and consuming creatures of medium size or smaller.

When it does so it makes a Bite Attack with a -2 penalty. If it hits, the attack deals double damage and the target creature is enveloped by the attacking creature.

Creatures that have been enveloped, at the start of each turn, receive a number of d4’s of Blunt/Acid Damage equal to the consuming creature’s CON Modifier. The consumed creature is considered to be immobilized, Soaked, Suffocating and Silenced. These conditions end if the consumed creature Escapes, is Freed or the consuming creature is Slain or Incapacitated.

Eat Whole II

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature, despite its size, is capable of enveloping and consuming creatures of medium size or smaller.

When it does so it makes a Bite Attack with a -1 penalty. If it hits, the attack deals double damage and the target creature is enveloped by the attacking creature.

Creatures that have been enveloped, at the start of each turn, receive a number of d6’s of Blunt/Acid Damage equal to the consuming creature’s CON Modifier. The consumed creature is considered to be immobilized, Soaked, Suffocating and Silenced. These conditions end if the consumed creature Escapes, is Freed or the consuming creature is Slain or Incapacitated.

Eat Whole III

XP Cost: 2

The creature, despite its size, is capable of enveloping and consuming creatures of medium size or smaller.

If it hits, the attack deals double damage and the target creature is enveloped by the attacking creature.

Creatures that have been enveloped, at the start of each turn, receive a number of d8’s of Blunt/Acid Damage equal to the consuming creature’s CON Modifier. The consumed creature is considered to be immobilized, Soaked, Suffocating and SIlenced. These conditions end if the consumed creature Escapes, is Freed or the consuming creature is Slain or Incapacitated.

Health Absorption I - ( Attack Type )

XP Cost: 1

Effect: This creature’s successful attacks of the listed type grant it 1 HP per hit that deals damage to a creature’s HP.

Health Absorption II - ( Attack Type )

XP Cost: 1.5

Effect: This creature’s successful attacks of the listed type grant it HP equal to ¼ the damage dealt per hit that deals damage to a creature’s HP.

Health Absorption III - ( Attack Type )

XP Cost: 2

Effect: This creature’s successful attacks of the listed type grant it HP equal to half the damage dealt per hit that deals damage to a creature’s HP.

Metabolic Manipulation

XP Cost: 1

The creature can adjust its metabolic rate at will using an Action or Reaction, allowing it to lower the rate to conserve energy or reduce it to a crawl, making the creature imperceptible to life-detecting spells and devices.

While in this state a Creature’s HP and Attribute Resource Point Recovery is Doubled but they make all Perception Skill Checks with Disadvantage.

The Creature may exit the state as a Motion or Reaction.

Object Mimicry(Shapeshifting)

XP Cost: 2

The creature's body can morph or generate visual effects that allow it to perfectly imitate the features of a static object such as a boulder or armoire.

Activation: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina or Focus

Effect: The creature causes its body or form to perfectly recreate an Item, Object or Texture it can currently see. The recreation is identical in every way to the mimicked object.

The creature can only mimic objects that are the same size category as themselves. A medium creature can mimic medium objects, small creatures can imitate small objects and so on.

Creature Mimicry(Doppelganging)

XP Cost: 2

The creature's body can morph or generate visual effects that allow it to perfectly imitate the features of another creature.

Activation: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina or Focus

Effect: The creature causes its body or form to perfectly recreate another Creature it can currently see. The recreation is identical in every way to the mimicked creature.

The creature can only mimic creatures that are the same size category as themselves on one size category smaller.


XP Cost: 2

Activation: Motion

Effect: The Creature Regenerates 1d4 HP.


XP Cost: 3

The creature's body can morph or generate visual effects that allow it to perfectly imitate the features of a creature or object.

Activation: Full Round Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina or Focus

Effect: The creature causes its body or form to perfectly recreate a Creature Item, Object or Texture it can currently see. The recreation is identical in every way to the mimicked subject.

The creature can only mimic objects or creatures that are the same size category as themselves. A medium creature can mimic medium objects, small creatures can imitate small objects and so on.

Shapeshifting (Fast)

XP Cost: 5

The creature's body can morph or generate visual effects that allow it to perfectly imitate the features of a creature or object.

Activation: Action

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina or Focus

Effect: The creature causes its body or form to perfectly recreate a Creature Item, Object or Texture it can currently see. The recreation is identical in every way to the mimicked subject.

The creature can only mimic objects or creatures that are the same size category as themselves. A medium creature can mimic medium objects, small creatures can imitate small objects and so on.

Shapeshifting (Rapid)

XP Cost: 8

The creature's body can morph or generate visual effects that allow it to perfectly imitate the features of a creature or object.

Activation: Motion

ARP Cost: 1 Stamina or Focus

Effect: The creature causes its body or form to perfectly recreate a Creature Item, Object or Texture it can currently see. The recreation is identical in every way to the mimicked subject.

The creature can only mimic objects or creatures that are the same size category as themselves. A medium creature can mimic medium objects, small creatures can imitate small objects and so on.


XP Cost: 2

The creature produces spawn of its own kind and can do so at an increased rate when threatened. 

Action: Action, Motion or Movement

Cost: 1 Stamina or 3 HP

The creature produces a Level 1 creature of the same Species or Type in an adjacent empty space. Any spawn generated this way enters initiative immediately after their brood mother.

Trample I

XP Cost: 1

The Creature is capable of trampling smaller creatures.

Action: Movement

Range: Movement Distance - 2.

Damage: 4d4 Blunt Damage

Effect: When this Creature Moves through their occupied Tile(s), Creatures 2 or more size categories smaller than this creature must pass a DC 14 DEX Saving Throw, or be dealt the Damage from this Ability. Prone creatures have Disadvantage on this Saving Throw.

Trample II

XP Cost: 2

The Creature is capable of heavily trampling smaller creatures.

Action: Movement

Range: Movement Distance - 2.

Damage: 4d6 Blunt Damage

Effect: When this Creature Moves through their occupied Tile(s), Creatures 2 or more size categories smaller than this creature must pass a DC 14 DEX Saving Throw, or be dealt the Damage from this Ability. Prone creatures have Disadvantage on this Saving Throw.

Ranged Attacks

Acid Spit

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of spitting globs of highly caustic acid.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Damage: 1d10 + CON Modifier Acid Damage

Special: Acid damage is always subtracted from Armor first, then HP when no armor is available.

Acid Spit II

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of spitting globs of highly caustic acid.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 12 Meters

Damage: 1d12 + CON Modifier Acid Damage

Special: Acid damage is always subtracted from Armor first, then HP when no armor is available.

Acid Spit III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature is capable of spitting globs of highly caustic acid.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 15 Meters

Damage: 1d12 + 2 + CON Modifier Acid Damage

Special: Acid damage is always subtracted from Armor first, then HP when no armor is available.

Flame Spit

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of spitting gouts of fire.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Damage: 1d8 + CON Modifier Burn Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 20 more damage by this Attack suffer from the Burning 1d6 Condition. Creatures suffering from the Greased or Dried Condition are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.

Flame Spit II

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of spitting bolts of fire.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 12 Meters

Damage: 1d10 + CON Modifier Burn Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 20 more damage by this Attack suffer from the Burning 1d6 Condition. Creatures suffering from the Greased or Dried Condition are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.

Flame Spit III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature is capable of spitting balls of fire.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 15 Meters

Damage: 1d12 + CON Modifier Burn Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 20 more damage by this Attack suffer from the Burning 1d6 Condition. Creatures suffering from the Greased or Dried Condition are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.

Frost Spit

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of spitting gouts of frost.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Damage: 1d8 + CON Modifier Frost Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 20 more damage by this Attack suffer from the Frozen Condition. Creatures suffering from the Soaked Condition are considered to be Vulnerable to Frost Damage.

Frost Spit II

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of spitting bolts of frost.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 12 Meters

Damage: 1d10 + CON Modifier Frost Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 20 more damage by this Attack suffer from the Frozen Condition. Creatures suffering from the Soaked Condition are considered to be Vulnerable to Frost Damage.

Frost Spit III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature is capable of spitting balls of frost.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 15 Meters

Damage: 1d12 + CON Modifier Frost Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 12 more damage by this Attack suffer from the Frozen Condition. Creatures suffering from the Soaked Condition are considered to be Vulnerable to Frost Damage.

Goo Spit

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of spitting globules of sticky goo.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Hit Effect: The has their movement speed reduced by 2 Meters per Movement until the end of their next turn.

Special: Creatures who have their movement speed reduced to 0 by this attack are instead considered to be suffering from the Immobilized Condition until they or another adjacent creature uses their Action to remove the Goo.

Grease Spit

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of spitting globules of highly flammable grease.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Hit Effect: The creature is considered to be suffering from the Greased Condition.

Special: Greased Creatures are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.

Projectile Launch

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of launching, throwing or spitting hard projectiles.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Damage: 1d8 + STR Modifier Blunt or Puncture Damage

Projectile Launch

XP Cost: .5

The creature is capable of launching, throwing or spitting hard projectiles.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Damage: 1d8 + STR Modifier Blunt or Puncture Damage

Projectile Launch II

XP Cost: 1

The creature is capable of launching, throwing or spitting hard projectiles.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 12 Meters

Damage: 1d10 + STR Modifier Blunt or Puncture Damage

Projectile Launch III

XP Cost: 1.5

The creature is capable of launching, throwing or spitting hard projectiles.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 15 Meters

Damage: 1d12 + STR Modifier Blunt or Puncture Damage

Water Beam

XP Cost: 1

While adjacent to a water or liquid source the creature may suck up 2 Liters of Liquid and then use it as a projectile.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Damage: 2d8 + 2 + CON Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage

Water Beam II

XP Cost: 2

While adjacent to a water or liquid source the creature may suck up 2 Liters of Liquid and then use it as a projectile.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 16 Meters

Damage: 2d10 + 3 + CON Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage

Water Beam III

XP Cost: 3

While adjacent to a water or liquid source the creature may suck up 2 Liters of Liquid and then use it as a projectile.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 20 Meters

Damage: 2d12 + 4 + CON Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage

Water Blast

XP Cost: 1

While adjacent to a water or liquid source the creature may suck up 1 Liter of Liquid and then use it as a projectile.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Damage: 3d6 + 2 + CON Modifier Blunt Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 12 or more damage from this Attack suffer from the Soaked Condition.

Water Blast II

XP Cost: 2

While adjacent to a water or liquid source the creature may suck up 1 Liter of Liquid and then use it as a projectile.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 16 Meters

Damage: 4d6 + 2 + CON Modifier Blunt Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 12 or more damage from this Attack suffer from the Soaked Condition.

Water Blast III

XP Cost: 3

While adjacent to a water or liquid source the creature may suck up 1 Liter of Liquid and then use it as a projectile.

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 20 Meters

Damage: 5d6 + 2 + CON Modifier Blunt Damage

Special: Creatures dealt 12 or more damage from this Attack suffer from the Soaked Condition.

Webbing Shot

XP Cost: 1

Prerequisites: Large or smaller creature

Action: Ranged Attack Action

Range: 10 Meters

Hit Effect: The Target is Grappled at that Range by the Attacker. Roll 2d10 + Constitution or Dexterity Modifier and use the Special below to determine the Results.

Special: A Roll of 10 or more causes the target to suffer from the Immobilized Condition until they or another adjacent creature uses their Action to attempt to Free them from the Webbing. Use a Fine Motor or Athletics skill roll to determine weather or not the escape is successful. The DC is 14.

A roll of 20 or more caused the target to suffer from the Restrained Condition until they or another adjacent creature uses their Action to attempt to Free them from the Webbing. Use a Fine Motor or Athletics skill roll to determine weather or not the escape is successful. The DC is 16.


The next section will focus on the balancing aspect of the game. This section will also cover the basics of how to build believable and engaging creatures for your Realms.

Attribute Scores

When building a creature we behave as if we start with a total of 60 points to distribute in all of the 6 Attribute Scores. These points can be distributed freely into all Attributes with a minimum score of 1 in each Attribute. Then add any Attribute modifiers granted from Creature Size and Traits afterwards.

The following are all acceptable variations of Starting Attribute Scores for Creatures.

Score 10 10 10 10 10 10
MOD 0 0 0 0 0 0
Score 18 12 12 4 10 2
MOD +4 +1 +1 -3 0 -4
Score 22 22 2 2 8 2
MOD +6 +6 -4 -4 -1 -4

XP Costs

These exist to offer an element of balance to the game based on which Traits and Abilities we believe to be the most powerful. Using them can allow you to easily compare your creation to others and create balanced and immersive creatures for your Realms.


Each Creature has an XP cost to Build. The more XP that is spent on the creature the more (potentially) dangerous they could be to encounter, thus the higher their Creature Level should be adjusted.

Use the Table below as a quick reference guide for Creature Level vs Creature XP.

Formula: + 1 XP + 2 XP Repeating.

Creature Level Table

XP Spent on Build Creature Level
4 1
5 2
7 3
8 4
10 5
11 6
13 7
14 8
16 9
17 10
19 11
20 12
22 13
23 14
25 15


Creatures can have quirks too. In Altered Realms just like in the creation of NPCs and PCs when building a Creature from Scratch the Narrator has full freedom to include quirks in their build, granting the creature XP for each Quirk taken as listed.

Behavioral Quirks

Addiction (Mild)

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature has a mild addiction to a common substance.

It will no longer be Hostile to creature’s that are holding or offer it its favored substance.

Temper Trigger

XP Rebate: ½

Choosing this quirk and it’s trigger will cause the creature to become hostile* to creatures whenever they use their trigger word or phrase. To resist this effect it must willingly pass a DC 14 Wisdom Saving Throw. The DC decreases by 1 for each success vs the same creature’s insults or trigger word. It may roll the saving throw again at the end of each turn if it does not succeed. The trigger word or phrase works in any language it understands or when read in a language it comprehends. Choose a trigger Word, Phrase, Gesture or Action that is common in the setting.

*Hostile means a strong desire to harm or incapacitate the individual, make sure to roll initiative before rolling any attacks.

Favorite Food

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has a favorite Food that it can't get enough of when it’s available. When it sees that its favorite food is available it must pass a DC 14 WIS Saving Throw to avoid purchasing it(if within its nature), a DC 12 WIS Saving Throw to avoid Stealing it and a DC 10 WIS Saving Throw to avoid eating it on the spot.

Favorite Drink

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has a favorite Drink that it can't get enough of when it’s available. When it sees that its favorite beverage is available it must pass a DC 14 WIS Saving Throw to avoid purchasing it(if within its nature), a DC 12 WIS Saving Throw to avoid Stealing it and a DC 10 WIS Saving Throw to avoid drinking it on the spot.

Favorite Creature

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has a favorite kind of Creature that it inexplicably adores. Seeing harm done to its favorite creature type will cause it to become Enraged at the creature that Harmed or Mistreated its favorite type of creature.

Favorite Thing

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has an item in its inventory to which it feels very attached. If the item is Destroyed, Damaged or Stolen the creature will become Enraged at any creatures it suspects.

Nervous Joker

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature tends to crack jokes when it’s nervous or frightened. For the Creature it calms its nerves, to everyone else it’s in bad taste.

While the creature is Wounded, Frightened or has less than ½ its total HP it may use a Motion to Crack a Joke and Regain 1 Resource Pool Point of its choice. Each of its allies within Earshot must pass a DC 10 + the number of total jokes told that day WIS Saving Throw or lose 1 Willpower, if they have no willpower they instead lose 1 Stamina.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature tends to absentmindedly whistle while working on tasks or while concentrating.

Sometimes it’s just annoying to others, sometimes it's hazardous.

The Creature Whistles Audibly when it rolls Odd numbers on Physical Skill Checks.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature tends to absentmindedly whistle while working on tasks or while concentrating.

Sometimes it’s just annoying to others, sometimes it's hazardous.

The Creature Sings Audibly when it rolls Even numbers on Physical Skill Checks.

Physical Quirks

Quirks related to physical variance among the various species.

Allergy (Mild)

XP Rebate: ¼

Mild allergies are one of the most common quirks and all races can be susceptible to various allergens.

Choosing this quirk and a common allergen will cause the Creature to become Sickened whenever they come into contact or within 1 meter of the chosen substance. Succeeding on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the end of one of its turns will end the effect as long as it is no longer in contact or within 1 meter of the allergen. Choose a substance that is commonly occurring in your setting. As Always the Narrator has final say in what is appropriate for the setting.

Abnormal Hair, Skin or Eye Coloration

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature has a rare hair, skin or eye coloration that makes you stick out in a crowd.

People are more likely to remember you if asked about you and you are easier to identify.

Big Hair

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has long and bountiful hair.

When it is down creatures gain Advantage on Grapple Checks vs it.


XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature has a unique and identifiable birthmark that those who have seen it will likely remember it as a part of its anatomy. People are more likely to remember the creature if asked about it and it is easier to identify.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has a large visible Burn that some people find intimidating.

-2 to Charm Skill Checks.

-2 to Debate Skill Checks.

+2 to Intimidate Skill Checks.

Corrective Lenses

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature wears glasses or some kind of corrective lenses that eliminate the negatives from near or far sightedness but they can be damaged, lost or removed.

Far Sighted

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature’s eyes tend to see better farther away rather than close up.

-2 to Investigation Skill Checks.

Hard of Hearing

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has a significant amount of hearing loss.

-2 to Perception checks made to Hear.

Lazy Eye

XP Rebate: ½

One of the Creature's eyes leans a bit to one side, and some people are rude about it.

-2 to Charm Skill Checks.

Near Sighted

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature’s eyes tend to see better closer up rather than farther away..

-2 to Perception Skill Checks to See.

One of Those Faces

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature has one of those faces that people tend to forget. People are less likely to recall interactions with it when questioned and it is harder to identify.

Resting Face

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature looks a bit upset when it’s concentrating, thinking or generally not trying to make its face do anything.

Other creatures that do not Pass a DC 12 Insight Skill check will assume it is angry or upset and may react accordingly.

This does not apply if it is currently using its charm or debate skills.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has a large visible scar that some people find intimidating.

-2 to Charm Skill Checks.

-2 to Debate Skill Checks.

+2 to Intimidate Skill Checks.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature’s ears have taken a beating in its lifetime and now there's a constant ringing in its ears.

It becomes Agitated in extremely quiet environments and returns to normal once there is enough noise going on around it to drown out the ringing.


XP Rebate: ½

One of the Creature's eyes twitches on occasion, which some people find distracting.

-1 to Charm Skill Checks

-1 to Debate Skill Checks

Psychological Quirks

Quirks that exist solely in the the mind or psyche of the creature.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature feels down most of the time but there are parts of its life that bring it joy. Other creatures tend to have trouble seeing past the frown though.

The Creature has -2 to all Charm Skill Checks.

Repressed Memories

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has certain sections of its Origin which it cannot recall. It’s possible that a similar sequence of events or certain stimuli could cause some of those memories to come rushing back.

Religious Doctrine

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has a religious doctrine that it practices. It could be refraining from certain foods, drinks or activities or it could be a regular ritual it performs, the possibilities are limited by imagination only.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has trouble focusing when it wants to.

Choose an Attribute Resource Pool, Brainstorms, Willpower or Focus.

Every time the Creature attempts to use one or more of the chosen Points it must first pass a DC 14 INT or WIS Saving Throw.

If it fails it cannot access that Attribute Resource Pool this round.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has certain Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. It can be anything from needing to pass through doorways five times, needing to touch every sign it passes or needing to spit and spin three times every time someone says “amazing”.


XP Rebate: ½

Certain traumatic events from the Creature’s past have rattled its psyche.

The Creature has a trigger that causes it to become Enraged or Afraid.

Choose a trigger such as Explosions, a Vehicle Chase or an Encounter with a certain Creature Type.

When The Creature is presented with its PTSD trigger it must pass a DC 14 WIS Saving Throw in order to avoid becoming Enraged or Afraid.

If it fails the saving throw roll 1d6, on a result of 1, 2 or 3 it becomes Afraid of the source, on a result of 4, 5 or 6 it becomes Enraged at the source.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature is paranoid about something. It can be about being followed or clean or about organized government in general.

-2 to all Debate Skill Checks.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has trouble falling asleep. When it attempts to fall asleep it must pass a DC 14 WIS Saving Throw, if it fails it simply rests for the next hour and starting at the next hour it may attempt to sleep again.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has an unreasonable fear response to certain creatures or conditions. It could be a fear of heights, a fear of the dark, enclosed spaces or any creature or monster type.

When the Creature is presented with either the conditions of its phobia or a creature of the type that it fears it must pass a DC 14 WIS Saving Throw or become Afraid of the source of itsPhobia until it passes that same WIS Saving throw at the end of one of its turns.


XP Rebate: ½

The Creature falls asleep whenever its stress levels increase too high.

Whenever the Creature rolls a Natural 1 on any Skill Roll it Immediately falls asleep.

It may attempt to wake up at the end of each of its turns via a successful DC 14 CON Saving Throw.

Magical Quirks

Must have Spell Casting of some kind.

Clumsy Caster

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has trouble with the fluid motions and movements involved in casting and has found that it can compensate by using two hands.

Spells that would normally require One Free Hand require Two for you.

Comedic Caster

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature finds it hilarious to use its magic to make jokes or pull pranks.

It has trouble resisting using its magic for comedic purposes when they present themselves.

When it sees an opportunity for magically assisted comedy it must pass a DC 14 WIS Saving Throw to avoid spending Mana/ Resource Pool Points for laughs.

Compulsive Caster

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature tends to use your magic for frivolous activities and tasks.

When presented with a physical exertion such as loading a vehicle or climbing a flight of stairs or starting a fire, the Creature must pass a DC 14 WIS Saving Throw order to resist using a magical option if they have one available.

Magic Byproduct

XP Rebate: ¼

There is a distinctive but harmless byproduct created whenever the Creature casts a spell of any kind. It can be whatever color or texture.

It is odorless and tasteless and passes harmlessly through airways and digestive systems.

It persists for a number of hours equal to your Caster Modifier before dissipating.

Erratic Caster

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature makes large and exaggerated hand and arm movements whenever it casts spells.

It cannot cast spells while cramped or Squeezing.

Flashy Caster

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature tries to add additional style and flair to all the magic it casts.

All of its spells are considered to be Bright.

Loud Caster

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature makes sure to very loudly say and enunciate all the syllables whenever it casts spells.

All the Creatures spells are considered to be Loud.

Sight, Sound or Smell When Casting

XP Rebate: ½

There is a distinctive but harmless sight, sound or smell that is visible, audible or detectable via scent whenever the Creature casts its spells.

None of the Creatures spells can be considered Imperceptible.

Volatile Caster

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature's magic is particularly volatile.

All Spells that it casts have a 25% chance to emit small sparks or flares. These can ignite flammable substances and materials within 5 meters of any of its targets or spell areas.

Programming Quirks

Programming Quirks are all specific to Automaton Subspecies.

Blocked Memories

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature has one or more segments of its memory missing due to a Wipe or Defragmentation.

Blocked Abilities

XP Rebate: 1

The Creature has one or more Abilities missing from its Programming due to a Wipe or Defragmentation.

Code of Conduct

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature has a strict code of conduct programmed into its Logic Core.


XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature is capable of feeling emotions either due to a programming miracle or glitch.

Modified Speech Pattern

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature regularly and repeatedly uses certain terms or phrases that are non-standard, or derogatory. 

Odd Delivery

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature’s speech, while spoken, is stiff and robotic, no matter how much it attempts to smooth it out.

Overly Precise

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature is overly precise when asked for information or input.

Robotic Laws

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature has a set of Robotic Laws that it is incapable of breaking.

Servitude Complex

XP Rebate: ½

The Creature feels compelled to serve one or more individuals at a time due to core programming traits.

Substandard Name Directory

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature does not have a standard dictionary installed and uses non-standard terms and/or slang.

Superiority Complex

XP Rebate: ¼

The Creature feels superior to organic beings and has trouble not mentioning their many, many flaws.