Create Witches Wand / Staff

You imbue a Wooden Wand or Staff with an additional Reserve of your Power.

Tier III - Hedge - Witchcraft

You imbue a Wooden Wand or Staff with an additional Reserve of your Power.

Spell Tier III
Action Type 1 Hour Incantation
Mana Cost 4
Range Adjacent
Requirements Voice, 2 Free Hand
Sustainable 1 Mana(Mandatory)
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Effect : You Imbue a Wooden Wand, Pole, Stick or Staff with the Witches Wand / Staff Incantation. Until it is Destroyed or you Enchant another you gain +3 to your Mana Pool(net gain of +2, see Sustain on this spell). Targeted Spells that you Cast through this Wand or Staff are made with a +2 to the Attack and Damage Rolls. Spells that would normally require 2 Hands to cast can be cast with 1 hand through this staff. You are considered to be trained to wield this as a melee weapon.

Sustain : After the Creation of this Wand / Staff you are considered to be Sustaining this Spell and Cannot Stop Sustaining it until it is Destroyed, you create another Wand / Staff, or personally dispel this staff with a touch.

Overpower : The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to overpower this Incantation and grant the staff the ability to deal 1d10 Burn, Frost or Kinetic Damage when used as a Melee Weapon,

Or grant the wielder +5 to their Maximum HP,

Or Grant the Wielder +1 to their AC, Or grant the Wielder +2 their their DEX Saving Throws.