Create Undead Caster
Reanimates the remains of a spellcasting creature into a low level undead spellcaster of the same type.
Tier III - Underworld - Invocation
Reanimates the remains of a spellcasting creature into a low level undead spellcaster of the same type.
Invocation Tier | III |
Action Type | Action |
Faith Cost | 4 |
Range | 5 Meters |
Requirements | Voice |
Sustain | 2 Faith |
Traits | Audible, Visible |
You pour the power of your dark faith into a dead spellcaster, allowing them to retain some of their arcane abilities.
Effect: Target the Corpse or Remains of a Large or smaller creature that possessed the Ability to cast Spells, Witchcraft, Incantations or Chi Techniques within Range. The creature is Reanimated as a Level 1 Skeleton or Zombie creature of the same type. They retain 2 Tier I Spells that they knew in life. They enter initiative immediately after the caster. During their turn, the caster can issue simple commands to the undead servant such as: “attack”, “follow”, “wait here”, “cast this spell” etc. The Undead Caster will perform them to the best of their ability but otherwise continues exhibiting normal behavior for an Undead Creature of their type.
Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Faith to Overpower this Invocation and Increase it Range by 5 Meters,
Or Allow the Summoned Undead to retain 1 additional Tier I Spell,
Or Increase the Level of the Summoned Undead by 1,
Or Increase the Max Armor of Summoned Undead by 10,
Or Increase the Max HP of the Summoned Undead by 5.