Create Unlife
Creates a true sentient undead creature from a set of remains.
Tier III - Necromancy - Spell
Creates a true sentient undead creature from a set of remains.
Spell Tier | III |
Action Type | Full Round Action |
Mana Cost | 6 |
Range | Touch |
Requirements | One Free Hand, Creature Remains |
Sustain | No |
Spell Traits | Audible, Visible |
Description: You force a large burst of mana into the soul husk of a set of deceased remains, allowing new life to blossom in remains of old life.
Effect: Target medium or smaller sized corpse within Range. The corpse stands and the Sentient Level 3 Zombie or Skeleton enters play in an unoccupied space, on or adjacent to the corpse’s location. The Sentient Zombie or Skeleton can roll Initiative and begin acting the round after it is Raised.
Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional mana to increase the Total HP of the Sentient Zombie by a number equal to 10 + the caster’s Casting Modifier,
Or increase the raised creature’s level by 1,
Or instead raise a large sized humanoid corpse,
Or increase the range of this spell by 5 meters.