Copy-Cats are a type of predatory shapeshifter that consumes and replaces prey in order to consume others.

Level 2 Entry
Small-Large - Immatori - Shapeshifter
Copy Cats like Fakers and Mimics seem to be part of the Immatori creature family. They are Amorphous creatures with the ability to replicate the features of any other creature, size permitting. They have been observed feeding on the creatures they copy and replacing them. The most common prey of these creatures is the common house cat, thus the name Copycat.
While a small copycat is probably not dangerous to most, there have been reports of Copycats “trading up” when consuming and replacing their prey. Each time they consume new prey they grow larger and more dangerous. Copycats will only attack creatures that they are confident they can consume whole, as an amorphous creature this includes anything equal in size or smaller than themselves. There’s an old saying about copycats, it goes like this; “First the family cat goes missing, then the dog, then the goat and then the cow is looking at you with a hungry look in its eye.”.
While they can easily imitate the behavior of most animals, they lack the ability to comprehend and replicate meaningful speech of any kind. They may be capable of speaking a few words at best.
Copy-Cats will typically attempt to replace a creature in a household or group and trade up when opportunities arise. They may start with a small pet such as a cat, and when they grow larger they may move on to the dog, then a sheep, then a person. They are opportunistic and cunning and will wait patiently to strike at the perfect time.
12 | 18 | 16 | 12 | 12 | 1 |
+1 | +4 | +3 | +1 | +1 | -5 |
Size | Small - Huge |
Movement | 5 Meters Slithering, Walking or Flying. |
Attack Modifier | +6 |
AC | 14 |
HP | 22 |
Armor | 8 |
Domain | Settlements |
Native Realm | X |
The Creature’s body is composed mostly of water and tightly grouped cells.
Effect: The Creature can Squeeze through any opening a liquid could pass through.
The Creature is Vulnerable to Heat Damage.
The Creature Cannot be Wounded.
Heat Vision
Effect: The creature can detect warm blooded creatures via the heat they put out and can also visually see heat up to a range of 10 meters. The type of vision completely negates stealth rolls made by warm blooded creatures unless they are somehow insulating their body heat.
Rapid Development
The creature quickly grows and develops with each meal.
Effect: Whenever this creature consumes a Small or Larger creature and absorbs all its nutrients it regains 1d10+4 HP and gains 1 Level Up and 3 XP. This will increase its HP and Wound Threshold.
In addition to this it increases in size when it consumes a creature of its own size or larger. This will increase its movement speed and HP Die.
Stealth Strike I
The creature excels at striking weak points against unaware creatures.
Effect: The creature adds a Destiny Die, a +2 bonus to Hit or increases the DC to Resist the Attack by 2 and add 1 additional Damage Die when making Attacks vs Creatures that Have Not Detected or Cannot Detect it.
Creature Mimicry(Doppelganging)
The creature's body can morph or generate visual effects that allow it to perfectly imitate the features of another creature.
Activation: Action
ARP Cost: 1 Stamina or Focus
Effect: The creature causes its body or form to perfectly recreate another Creature it can currently see. The recreation is identical in every way to the mimicked creature.
The creature can only mimic creatures that are the same size category as themselves on one size category smaller.
Envelop II
The can envelop other creatures with its amorphous body.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: 1 Meter
Hit Effect: 1d10+4 Acid Damage. The Attacker may use 1 Meter of their movement to occupy the same space as the target. The creature enveloped in this way must use Roll a Dexterity or Strength Saving Throw in order to attempt to escape. The DC is 16.
If they succeed they expend 3 meters of movement and move to an unoccupied adjacent space.
Creatures that start their turn enveloped are dealt damage from this attack automatically.