Conjure Creation
Conjures a unique creature creation from available organic matter.
Tier III - Conjuration - Spell
Conjures a unique creature creation from available organic matter.
Spell Tier | III |
Action Type | Full Round Action |
Mana Cost | 7 |
Range | 10 Meters |
Requirements | Voice and 2 Free Hands |
Sustain | No |
Spell Traits | Loud, Bright |
Description: You send a pulse of shimmering colored energy out from your hand towards a pile of organic matter. It begins to wriggle and worm its way up to finally become a Creation of your design.
Effect: The caster may conjure their own creation within range. The creature’s design can imitate any animal or beast of level 4 or lower or combinations thereof. The Creation must be approved by the Narrator and it cannot have more than a combined 5 Traits and Abilities. The Creation’s Attributes block, HP and AC must be derived from one of the imitated creature designs. The Conjured Creation does as you ask and follows simple commands such as “Guard Me”, “Follow”, “Attack” and “Flee” and the creature acts immediately after you in Initiative. The Creation persists until slain or it lives out its natural lifespan of 2d4 years.
Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the creature level of the summoned Creation by 1.