Conjure Blobbin

Conjures a helpful Blobbin of the Caster’s Design.

Tier I - Conjuration - Spell

Conjures a helpful Blobbin of the Caster’s Design.

Spell Tier I
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 2
Range 1 Meter
Requirements Voice and 1 Free Hand
Sustain No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: With a burst of mana the caster Conjures a Blobbin of their design and specifications.

Effect: A Blobbin of Level 1 or lower appears in an adjacent unoccupied space. The Conjured Blobbin does as you ask and follows simple commands such as “Guard Me”,”Carry This'', “Go Get That”, “Follow”, “Attack” and “Flee”. The creature acts immediately after you in the Initiative Order. The Blobbin is considered to be Slain if it is reduced to 0 HP or fewer. Long lived Blobbins can be trained to perform certain Tasks and Skill Rolls at an expense of 1XP. A Blobbin is considered to be able to be Trained 1 new skill or Task each time their Caster Levels Up. Whenever a Blobbin Gains Training in a Skill their Training Bonus is Always considered to be +2. Casting this Spell on the Remains of a Blobbin causes it to be Resurrected and restored to ½ of its Max HP. It loses 1 Trained Skill or Task when this occurs.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the Range of this Spell 5 Meters,

Or increase the Summoned Blobbin’s Level by 1.