Combat Initiation

Altered Realms utilizes a Turn Based System that operates slightly differently when switching between two primary modes of play; Out of Combat and In Combat Narratives.
Out of Combat Narrative
Each player takes a Turn performing Actions or making skill checks, starting with the Player with the highest Initiative bonus. Ties are broken by a roll off if necessary. Player Characters are still restricted to the standard Actions allotted to them per turn. The Narrator should restrict the time window of each player's turn evenly. We recommend a two minute timer to solve the problem of turns taking too long.
In Combat Narrative
Combat is Initiated when Aggressive Actions are taken, i.e. weapons are drawn by players or threatening creatures in play or Stealthed Attacks are made. At the start of combat before attacks are rolled(except Surprise and Stealth Attacks) all Relevant Creatures In Play Roll Initiative and a Turn Order is established based on the rolled initiatives plus or minus relevant modifiers. The individual with the Highest Initiative Takes their Turn first followed by the next lowest and so on.
A Turn is over when the Taker is out of Actions or Chooses to End their Turn.
As a Rule, Most Creatures Have an Action, Movement and Motion at their Disposal at the start of each turn.
Turn Order
The Narrator or any player who volunteers can and should write down and establish a Turn Order for both In Combat and out of Combat Narratives.
Out of Combat Narrative Turn Order is between player creatures and their Allies and goes in order of the highest initiative bonus to the lowest.
In Combat Narrative Turn Order is Between all Creatures with Intent to Act During Combat and is Rolled by all Creatures. The Creature with Highest Initiative Roll + Initiative Modifier Is the first in the Turn Order, followed by the next lowest and so on.
Combat is broken up into Rounds, when all Creatures In Play have had a Turn, the round is over and a new one begins. Each round of combat is representative of a small window of time and each turn that takes place inside that round is a breakdown of a series of a rapid sequence of events.
The 5 Second Window
As a rule each standard Round lasts for 5 seconds and all of the events of the Round unfold inside that small window of time. This allows for a spectrum of all the Actions, Skill Rolls and Reactions a creature might be able to or unable to make in that window of time, ranging from Low to High XP Creatures. At the low end, characters can Move, use a Motion and Act during their turn and React once while not taking their turn. At the high end, characters can Move, use Motions and Act multiple times on their turn and react multiple times while not taking their turn.
Is representative of how fast a character reacts to the Initiation of Combat, while Movement Speed and the number of Attack Actions that character has available represents their Speed, Skill and Mobility in Combat.
When combat begins all Creatures In Play Roll Initiative to enter the Combat Turn Order. Each creature with intent to Participate in Combat Rolls one d20 plus their Initiative Bonus: A Creature’s Initiative Bonus is equal to their Dexterity Modifier +/- any misc., Item, Situational or Skill bonuses(if any).
In Play
Creatures are considered to be In Play if they are Relevant to the Story, Combat or the Environment. For instance, it’s not necessary to account for or include nearby insects in a Turn Order until a creature In Play is capable of utilizing them in the course of Combat or Interaction.
Combat Turn Order
After Initiative has been rolled and all bonuses have been added, totals are collected and a Combat Turn Order is established, starting with the highest initiative at the top going down to lowest at the bottom.
Each creature in play can only use available actions on their turn and their turn ends when they have no more actions or choose to end their turn. Once each creature in play has taken their turn the round is over and 5 seconds of in game time have elapsed. The next round begins with the creature at the top of the Combat Turn Order. Combat ends when all creatures in play are no longer engaged in threatening activity. Threatening creatures have been incapacitated, fled or surrendered.
Narrator’s Turn Order
The Narrator can and should maintain a separate Turn Order that includes all Creatures they believe to be relevant to the story. This allows the Narrator to maintain consistency in the background, allowing for engaging secrets and surprises that unfold over time for the Player Creatures. The Narrator has full liberty when or if they reveal all creatures on their own personal Turn Order. They could be hidden, disguised, on their way or observing from a distance.