Clomp Stomp

You use a heave of might to crush your opponent into the ground.

You use a heave of might to crush your opponent into the ground.

Maneuver Tier II
Action Type Attack Action
Might Cost 2
Range Melee Range
Prerequisites Prone Target
Sustain No

Effect : When you Activate Clomp Stomp Vs a Prone Opponent, Roll a Melee Attack, you are considered to be Trained with this Attack. Since the Target is Always Prone you are also Considered to Have Advantage on this Maneuvers Attack Roll.

Hit : You deal damage based on your creature Size and Strength Modifier, use the Table below to calculate. If you Wound your target with this Attack you may adjust the Wound Roll by a factor of 3.

Creature Size Damage Dealt
Tiny 1d8 + Strength Modifier
Small  1d10 + Strength Modifier
Medium 1d12 + Strength Modifier
Large 3d6 + Strength Modifier
Huge 4d6 + Strength Modifier
Giant 4d8 + Strength Modifier
Massive 4d10 + Strength Modifier

Miss : You deal ½ Damage and the target is Dazed until the end of their next turn.

Special : If you Wound your target with this Attack you may adjust the Wound Roll by a factor of 3.Overpower : Spend 1 additional Might to Overpower this Maneuver and Increase the Attack Roll for this maneuver by +2, Or add +4 Damage to this Maneuver's Hit Effect.