Clockwork automatons utilize precision analog technologies to achieve motion, motorization and interaction. Sentience among such things is rare but not impossible.

Clockwork Automatons utilize mechanical brilliance and analog components to create realistic facsimiles of living beings. Certain mad inventors have even claimed to have created sentient automatons with complex mechanical computers for brains, with gears and gyros powering their movements.
Trait - Non-Organic
You do not receive damage when you are dealt Poison, Venom, Toxic, Psychic or Necrotic Damage.
You cannot gain benefits from food or drink. You cannot gain healing or effects from medicine, potions, poisons, poultices or salves.
Power Source Selection
Choose a Power Source for your Clockwork Automaton
This choice will determine some Traits or Abilities as well as your Damage Vulnerability Type.
Power Source - Steam Boiler
You possess an internal Steam Boiler inside your chassis. You must regularly ingest or add fuels such as wood, coal or plant matter in order to maintain your boiler temp. You do not require Sustenance or Sleep. However, running out of fuel means ceasing to function so you make sure to always keep some on hand or nearby.
You need at least 1 kg of Coal, 10 kg of wood or 50 kg of plant matter per 24 hour period to continue functioning.
Trait - Stopped Dead
If at any point you cannot refuel your boiler loses temp and you cease to function completely until fuel is added to your boiler chamber.
Trait - Frost Vulnerability
You are considered to be Vulnerable to all Frost Damage.
Power Source - Geared Windup
You do not require Sustenance or Sleep
You possess a manual windup crank that spools up several dozen powerful internal Gyros and flywheels that evenly and consistently distribute stored energy. The crank can be turned by a specialized machine called a Winding Station or manually by other creatures. You cannot turn the crank yourself and gain any benefit
Trait - Windup
Every 10 Minutes spent actively(Full Round Action by another creature) winding up refills a single Attribute Resource Point of your choice.
Each hour spent passively winding up(at winding station) refills a one attribute point in each Attribute Resource Pool.
Ability - Hand Crank
During Active Combat Other Creatures can use an Action to do a Hard Crank on your Windup and cause you regain a single Attribute Resource Point to the pool of your choice.
Trait - Stopped Dead
If at any point you cannot wind up your crank and reach 0 Stamina you cease to function completely until your crank has a single full manual rotation made, at which point you would regain 1 Stamina and regain functionality.
Trait - Blunt Vulnerability
You are considered to be Vulnerable to all Blunt Damage.
Chassis Selection
Choose a chassis for your Clockwork Automaton
Your Chassis will determine certain Traits and Abilities, as well as your Attribute Modifiers, Size, AC Bonuses and Armor Points.
Mechanical Marvel
You are considered to be a unique mechanical marvel. You were designed to amaze and impress, a testament to an individual or corporation accomplishment. Regardless of whether your sentience was intended or not, you have it now and it’s yours to do with as you please.
Your size is considered to be medium, your exact height may be anywhere between 140 - 220 cm. Your exact weight may be anywhere between 90 - 225 kg. Your hit Die is a d8.
Trait - Mechanical Mind
Your mechanical mind recalls Knowledge and Strategies exceptionally well.
You gain training in the Knowledge Skill and may add a Destiny Die to Knowledge Skill Rolls made to formulate strategies and Recall Information.
Trait - Light Outer Plating
+2 AC and +6 Armor Points
Trait - Cold Hearted Machine
You cannot gain spells or spellcasting of any kind.
You cannot perform Arcana Skill Rolls.
You always add a Fate Die to all Insight and Charm Skill Rolls.
Attribute Bonuses
+2 INT
Cast Iron Giant
You are considered to be a massive marvel of steam or clockwork machinery. You were designed to showcase the power of modern machinery. Regardless of whether your sentience was intended or not, you have it now and it’s yours to do with as you please.
Your size is considered to be Large, your exact height may be anywhere between 220 - 365 cm. Your exact weight may be anywhere between 300 - 900 kg. Your Hit Die is a d10.
Trait - Immense
Your massive bulk allows you to ignore the Damage resistance normally granted to structures with all your Melee or Throw Attacks, allowing you to easily destroy cover or break through most walls.
Trait - Heavy Outer Plating
+6 AC and +12 Armor Points
Trait - Cold-Hearted Machine
You cannot gain spells or spellcasting of any kind.
You cannot perform Arcana Skill Rolls.
You always add a Fate Die to Insight and Charm Skill Rolls.
Attribute Bonuses
+2 STR or +2 CON
Tinker Toy
You are considered to be a toy by most. You were designed to amaze and impress, a testament to an individual or corporation accomplishment. Regardless of whether your sentience was intended or not, you have it now and it’s yours to do with as you please.
Tiny - Small Automaton
Your size is considered to be your choice of Tiny or Small.
If you choose Tiny your Hit Die is a d4.
If you choose Small your Hit Die is a d6.
Trait - Mechanical Drive
Your mechanical Drive and small size grants you increased energy Reserves. Once per day, when fully refueled or recharged you gain 1 Destiny Die that you may use on any d20 Roll.
You gain 2 Meters of Movement when you use your Action to Sprint.
Trait - Super Light Outer Plating
+4 AC
Trait - Cold Hearted Machine
You cannot gain spells or spellcasting of any kind.
You cannot perform Arcana Skill Rolls.
You always add a Fate Die to all Insight and Charm Skill Rolls.
Attribute Bonuses
+2 DEX or INT
Clockwork Locomotion Selection
Choose a form of locomotion for your Clockwork Automaton
Crawling Locomotion
Part or all of your Chassis rests very close to the ground where many sets of simple legs extend downward, allowing for increased stability but decreased overall speed.
Move Speed : 4
Advantage on Rolls to avoid being Knocked Prone or Forcibly Moved.
+2 on Athletics Skill Rolls to Climb.
Ignore Difficult Terrain.
Tread Locomotion
You possess two or more sets of treads that make continual contact with the ground, allowing for increased stability on most Firm Surfaces and reliable speed.
Move Speed : 5
Advantage on Rolls to avoid being Knocked Prone.
Ignore Difficult Terrain Caused by Rocks or Vegetation.
20% Chance to become Immobilized until End of Turn when moving through Muddy or Wet Terrain.
Walking Locomotion
You Possess one or more sets of complex walking limbs allowing increased speed and maneuverability.
Move Speed : 6
+2 on Acrobatics Skill Rolls
+2 to DEX Saving Throws.
Wheeled Locomotion
You ride on one or more wheel(s) that grants you a superior moving speed on Flat Terrain.
Move Speed : 8
+2 to DEX Saving Throws.
20% Chance to become Immobilized until End of Turn when attempting to move through Difficult Terrain.