Chosen are magic users who gained their magical abilities directly through a magical artifact or heirloom and may very well be powerless without it.

Throughout the ages, Kings, Queens and Emperors have ordered the creation of extremely powerful magical Artifacts. As they are passed between generations their secrets are lost or forgotten until found and used by a particularly curious heir or finder. Often these Items have magic potential just waiting to be unlocked and grant their wielders a Reserve of Mana that the item itself siphons from the Mana Stream, reducing the risk to the user and lowering the skill level required to access magic.
Playing a Chosen
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Wisdom 12
Choosing this Archetype grants you the Following:
Granted Training in Arcane and any 2 of the following Skills: Charm, Athletics, Acrobatics, Knowledge, Survival, Stealth, Driving or Deception.
Gain Training in the use of 1 Melee Ranged or Thrown Weapon Type.
You are granted a magical heirloom that has the Ability to cast any spell it has learned or unlocked and has the required Mana to Cast. Your Heirloom can be any sturdy object no larger than 1 meter in any direction. The heirloom is your source of spell casting ability therefore without other unlocked magic potential you cannot cast or sustain spells when your heirloom is more than 1 meter away from you. If your heirloom is destroyed you lose all magic abilities and spells it grants and gain 4 XP.
Heirloom Enchantment
Each Heirloom starts magically enchanted with your choice of one of the following Abilities:
Cannot be destroyed by any mundane means.
Has the ability to psychically converse with its wielder while within range and has a unique personality and knowledge. Granted training in one skill of choice.
The item hovers to its wielder at a rate of 2 meters per round if any possible route exists. It requires a Strength or Constitution skill check of 20 or higher to stop the movement of the item.
The item can be phased through objects or materials while not in use, making it easy to hide. Gain +5 to any stealth skill rolls made to conceal this object.
Acquire a Common Suit of Light Armor of your choice to your Inventory.
Acquire a Common Weapon of your choice to your Inventory.
Willful Mana Pool You have an External Mana pool from which you can draw upon to cast your spells, granting +2 to your Mana Pool. Your Mana is derived from your Willpower and when a spell instructs you to spend Mana you will instead spend Willpower when drawing from your own personal pool and not your Heirloom’s. This is a one way effect and other additions to your Mana Pool do not modify your Willpower total.
So long as you are holding or wielding your Chosen Heirloom, you may ignore the "Number of Hands" required to Cast Arcane Spells.
You gain the Arcane Spell “Mana Bolt” at this time.
Archetype Ability
Heirloom Defense When you Roll Initiative you may use your Reaction to Reduce your Mana Maximum by -1 to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your WIS Modifier until the end of Active Combat. You may use a Motion or Reaction to Drop this Magic Defense and Immediately Regain the Mana Used to Initiate this Ability. You may never gain the benefit of more than 1 Magic Defense type at any time.
Traits and Abilities
Purchase with XP
Strong Willed
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Gain Training in Wisdom Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Wisdom Saving Throws.
Emotional Awareness
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Gain Training in Charisma Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Charisma Saving Throws.
Spell Vocabulary I
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Chosen
Gain a Single Tier I Arcane Spell.
Spell Vocabulary II
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Gain a Single Tier II Arcane Spell.
Spell Vocabulary III
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Chosen
Gain a Single Tier III Arcane Spell.
Favored School of Magic
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Chosen
Choose a favored school of Magic from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy or Transmutation.
You may acquire a number of Tier I Arcane Spells of the chosen School equal to your half Wisdom Modifier.
School of Magic Focus
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen, Favored School of same type.
Choose a focused school of Magic from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy and Transmutation.
You may acquire a number of Tier II Arcane Spells of the chosen School equal to half your Wisdom Modifier.
School of Magic Specialist
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Chosen, Favored School of same type, School Focus of same type.
Choose a school of Magic to specialize in from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy and Transmutation.
You may acquire 2 Tier III Arcane Spells of the chosen School .
One in the Chamber
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Whenever you start a turn with zero Mana spend a Motion to roll 1d6 on a result of 5 or 6 you gain 1 Mana.
Strong Link
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Chosen
You always know which direction your Heirloom currently is when away from you and you can cast spells through it as long as it is within 2 + Wisdom Modifier meters. If you chose a Sentient Heirloom, your telepathic communication range is increased to 1 kilometer.
Wound Healer
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
When you cast a spell that grants healing outside of combat, you may also remove one wound from a creature that gained healing from the spell. If you cast a spell that grants healing during combat, the creature that gained healing may suppress the effects of 1 wound for 1d4 Rounds.
Eternal Bond
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Chosen, Strong Link
You can spend 1 Mana to Teleport your Heirloom to your position as long as it is in the same dimension. Your Heirloom cannot be destroyed unless you have been dead for an hour or longer.
Subtle Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Spells that would usually require a full free arm or hand to execute now only require you to be wielding your Heirloom. This essentially allows you to cast even while moderately bound or restricted.
Silent Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
You have found that your Heirloom can hear your thoughts if you speak them loud enough and you may use this method to cast rather than using any Verbal Components for your spells. This allows you to cast spells without breaking stealth.
Unlocked Potential
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Your heirloom crackles with new energy and powers unlocked.
Choose one of the following:
Heirloom Enchantment - You may acquire a second heirloom enchantment from the choices at the Heirloom Enchantment section of this Archetype.
Got Your Back - You cannot be surprised and roll initiative normally when ambushed. In addition, acquire a miscellaneous +2 to both Perception and Investigation Skills.
Spell Cannon - When firing through your Heirloom your Targeted Spell Attacks gain + 2 to hit and + 2 damage per hit.
Magic Weapon - You can spend x Mana and a Motion to Activate Magic Weapon, transforming your Heirloom into a Common Weapon Type of your choice. The Weapon is considered to magically enhanced; Every 2 Points of Mana spent equates to an additional +1 Magic Enhancement(add +1 to attack and damage rolls) on your heirloom. This effect lasts until you Activate Magic Weapon again or you end its Effect via a Motion.
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Chosen
You know one Tier I spell that you can Cast for Zero Mana, once per turn. You can change which spell this is any time you gain new spells.
Battle Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
You can now choose to exclude any tiles in the area of your spell effects. Items and Creatures in those excluded tiles are not targeted and do not receive damage or effects from the spell.
Mana Recycling
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
You have learned to reabsorb the energy from spells that do not connect with their intended target. You do not lose the Initial Mana when your Targeted Spells Miss, only when they Hit. Any Mana used to Overpower a Spell is still considered to have been spent. This effect only applies to spells that have an attack roll and/or require a Spell Attack Action to Cast.
Spell Repeater
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Gain 1 additional Spell Attack Action.
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Chosen, Spell Repeater
Your spells pour out of your Heirloom like a fountain, allowing you to cast spells rapidly. Gain 1 Additional Spell Attack Action.
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Chosen
Your Heirloom has gained the ability to sustain a spell for you. You can sustain one tier I spell at no Mana cost. Any additional sustained spells will require the expenditure or Mana as normal.
Mana Stream
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Your Heirloom has unlocked a stream of Mana previously thought lost. Gain + 1 to your Heirloom Mana Pool.
Mana Well
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Chosen
Your Heirloom has unlocked a deep well of Mana previously thought lost. Gain + 2 to your Heirloom Mana Pool.
Mana Fountain
XP Cost: 6 Prerequisites: Chosen
Your Heirloom has unlocked a deep well of Mana previously thought lost. Gain + 3 to your Heirloom Mana Pool.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Your Heirloom has unlocked the ability to change its form. Spend an Action and 1 Mana to Alter the shape of your heirloom to any simple item of the same material with which you are familiar.
Spell Imprinting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Chosen
Your Heirloom has unlocked the ability to become enhanced by enchantment magic. In addition to this, whenever you place an enchantment on your Heirloom you may add +2 to the Spell’s effect numbers, such as range, skill bonus or damage.