Castle Crabs
A massive type of crab that builds a castle upon its back for its young.

Level 22 Entry
Large-Massive - Crustacean - Hexapod
Castle Crabs are a massive Breed of Stone Crab. They start small but continue to grow well past the age of 100 years. Castle Crabs are capable of secreting a cement-like substance that they use, when they’re large enough, to attach stones to their outer shell. They actually cut and shape the stones with their claws. When they have enough of a structure, castle crabs will begin to gather various plant clippings, seeds and sprouts and begin to create a garden in their construction. After a few years when the plants have matured they will add water and begin scooping up fish, amphibians and insects, slowly assembling an entire ecosystem on their backs. Once their Castle and Garden are complete a Castle Crab will lay their eggs and place them inside, where their young will develop to their juvenile phase in a custom crafted micro ecosystem, protected by their parents and stone walls.
Castle Crabs are by nature fairly docile. They will not attack unless provoked and prefer to stay far away from settlements and society. That being said, they will fiercely protect their castles and the treasure they contain, especially if they currently have young growing inside.
They spend most of their lives busily assembling their castle and adding new species of plant and animal life to their gardens. This allows them to farm and ranch for food from their Castle Garden in times of scarcity allowing them to outlive plagues and famine and protect a slice of the ecosystem in the process.
Entire species and biomes have been preserved due to the nurturing and protective nature of Castle Crabs. The castles and the ecosystems created by their owners often end up being later used by other species or even mortals. Due to this nature many cultures are protective of the Castle Crab, seeing them as an omen of biodiversity and regrowth.
Castle crabs are fairly docile but will defend their castle if attacked or infiltrated. Their massive claws are surprisingly articulate, allowing them to defend almost any part of their body or castle. They will typically attempt to incapacitate aggressors at range with their Cement Spit and Cement Breath. Aggressors that get too close or clamber on their body are often plucked off by their precise and Claw Clamp Attacks.
22 | 20 | 1 | 9 | 12 | 1 |
6 | 5 | -4 | -1 | 1 | -4 |
Size | Massive |
Movement | 9 Meters Walking |
Attack Modifier | +10 |
AC | 14 |
HP | 357 |
Armor | 60 |
Domain | Rivers, Lakes, Coasts and Caves. |
Native Realm | W |
The creature’s massive weight allows it to deal more damage with every strike.
Effect: Add 5 to all Melee and Thrown Attack Damage Rolls.
Outer Shell III
The Creature possesses a Rigid outer shell that acts like Plate Armor, protecting it from harm.
Effect: +12 AC, + 60 Armor Points, , Reduce DEX score by 4.
Multi-Strike I
The creature can attack a couple times in rapid succession.
Effect: The creature is considered to possess a total of 2 Melee Attack Actions per turn.
Tough Skinned
The creature possesses a thick and toughened hide that protects it from slashing attacks.
Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Slash Damage.
The creature possesses a thick blubber under its hide that is difficult to penetrate deeply.
Effect: The Creature is Resistant to Puncture Damage.
The creature is a healthy specimen of their species.
Effect: The Creature’s Maximum HP is increased by +5 and +1 per level it gains above level 1.
Cement Breath
The creature is capable of launching globules of rapid drying cement.
Prerequisites: Large or smaller creature(s)
Action: Action
Range: 5 Meter Blast
ARP Cost: 1 Stamina or Might
Effect: All creatures in Range must roll a Dexterity Saving Throw. The DC is 16.
Fail Effect: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw must Roll 2d10+5 and use the Special below to determine the Results.
Save Effect: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw must Roll 1d12+5 and use the Special below to determine the Results.
Special: A Roll of 10 or more causes the target to suffer from the Immobilized Condition until they or another adjacent creature uses their Action to attempt to Free them from the cement. Use a Fine Motor or Athletics skill roll to determine whether or not the escape is successful. The DC is 16.
A roll of 20 or more causes the target to suffer from the Restrained Condition until they or another adjacent creature uses their Action to attempt to Free them from the cement. Use a Fine Motor or Athletics skill roll to determine whether or not the escape is successful. The DC is 18.
Cement Shot
The creature is capable of launching globules of rapid drying cement.
Prerequisites: Large or smaller creature
Action: Ranged Attack Action
Range: 10 Meters
Hit Effect: Roll 2d10+5 and use the Special below to determine the Results.
Special: A Roll of 10 or more causes the target to suffer from the Immobilized Condition until they or another adjacent creature uses their Action to attempt to Free them from the cement. Use a Fine Motor or Athletics skill roll to determine whether or not the escape is successful. The DC is 16.
A roll of 20 or more causes the target to suffer from the Restrained Condition until they or another adjacent creature uses their Action to attempt to Free them from the cement. Use a Fine Motor or Athletics skill roll to determine whether or not the escape is successful. The DC is 18.
Trample II
The Creature is capable of heavily trampling smaller creatures.
Action: Movement
Range: Movement Distance - 2.
Damage: 4d6+5 Blunt Damage
Effect: When this Creature Moves through their occupied Tile(s), Creatures 2 or more size categories smaller than this creature must pass a DC 14 DEX Saving Throw, or be dealt the Damage from this Ability. Prone creatures have Disadvantage on this Saving Throw.
Claw Clamp III
The Creature is Capable of Grappling Creature with just 1 of its Massive Claws.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: Adjacent
Damage: 1d8+13 Slash Damage
Hit Effect: The Creature is Grappled and must escape to resume normal movement.
Crush: This damage may be dealt automatically with +1d8 Damage if the creature is already grappled.
A maximum of 2 creatures can be grappled this way at a time.
Club Strike III
The Creature Possesses a Devastating Club-like Appendage that it wields as a Natural Weapon.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d8+13 Blunt Damage
Hit Effect: Target must pass a DC 14 STR Saving Throw or be Knocked Prone.