Generates a tremendous amount of sound.
Tier III - Illusion - Spell
Generates a tremendous amount of sound.
Spell Tier | III |
Action Type | Action |
Mana Cost | 4 |
Range | 20 Meters |
Requirements | Two Free Hands |
Sustain | 2 Mana |
Spell Traits | Loud |
Description: You create an invisible ball of concentrated sound and release its deafening effects on your adversaries.
Effect: Choose an unoccupied 1 meter space within Range. Until the end of the caster’s next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained, Cacophony releases a series of loud and overlapping sounds of the caster’s choice. If the caster attempts to imitate a specific creature or series of sound effects as part of Cacophony they will need to roll an accompanying Arcane skill Roll, the higher the roll the more convincing the effect. The sound generated cannot exceed 85 decibels, which at those levels can be heard from up to 1.5 Kilometers away. Extended exposure to that level of sound can cause permanent hearing damage to most humanoid species. Brief exposure is Deafening while within 10 Meters of the Spells Source until they leave the area or the effect ends. *Thorough examination or magical detection with a skill roll higher than the caster’s Spell Save DC will reveal the illusory nature of this spell’s effect.Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional mana to increase the range of this spell by 10 meters, Or increase the decibel level to 160 which Deafens all living creatures within 20 Meters of this spell’s Source until they leave the area or the effect ends.