Bronze Age - Hammers

Weapons made for bashing and squashing.

Bronze Age - Hammers


A type of weapon defined by their large, heavy and flattened weapon head and long handles. Originally tools as most weapons were.

Table of Hammers

Weapon Type / Weapon Name Description Hands Damage Die / Dice Damage Type(s) Range Materials Item Traits Cost
Builder’s Hammer A common iron hammer made for construction work. 1 1d4 Blunt 1 M Wood, Metal Common, Crafted, Small, Useful, Impact I, 20 Silver
Stone Hammer A hammer made of rock, that can turn rocks into smaller rocks. 1-2 1d6 Blunt 1 M Wood, Metal Common, Forged, Impact I, Useful, Quick Strike, Variable 175 Silver
Sledge Hammer A large iron or steel hammerhead affixed to a pole, made for demolition work. 2 1d8 Blunt 1 M Wood, Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Long,Impact I, Demolisher 150 Silver
War Hammer A large steel hammerhead affixed to a reinforced pole, designed for the battlefield. 1-2 1d8 Blunt 1 M Wood, Metal Military, Forged, Long, Impact I, Variable 250 Silver
Battlehammer A large steel double sided hammerhead affixed to a large reinforced pole, designed to crush armor on the battlefield. 2 1d10 Blunt 1 M Wood, Metal Military, Forged, Long, Awkward, Heavy, Impact II 400 Silver
Greathammer An oversized steel hammerhead affixed to a large reinforced pole, designed to crush foes on the battlefield. 2 1d12 Blunt 1 M Metal Military, Forged, Long,Heavy, Impact III 800 Silver