Brawlers rely heavily on their own bodies and the surrounding environment to incapacitate and subdue their adversaries. Brawlers specialize in close quarters combat against multiple opponents and are outfitted with a variety of movement abilities and multi-target attacks.

Brawlers rely heavily on their own bodies and the surrounding environment to incapacitate and subdue their adversaries. Brawlers specialize in close quarters combat against multiple opponents and are outfitted with a variety of movement abilities and multi-target attacks.
Strength or Dexterity should be a Brawler’s highest Attribute.
Playing a Brawler
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : STR 14
Meet the Prerequisites and pay this Archetype's XP cost to gain the following:
Gain training in Athletics and 2 of the following Skills: Perception, Survival, Acrobatics, Medicine or Intimidate.
Gain Training in the use of 1 Hand-to-Hand Weapon Types.
Gain Training in the use of 1 Melee or Ranged Weapon Type.
Acquire a Common or Uncommon Suit of Light Armor of your choice.
Acquire a Common or Uncommon Hand to Hand Weapon of your choice.
Acquire a Common Weapon of your Choice.
Acquire a Common or Uncommon Bundle of your Choice.
Brawler Style
Not all brawlers fight the same way. Choose a type of brawler Style from the 5 choices below and gain any attached Abilities and Traits.
Bar Brawler
You learned to fight in bar brawls and tavern tangles. Wrecking the place, and in turn your enemies, is your specialty.
Bar Training Improvised Weapons are not wielded at Disadvantage by you and you gain your Training Bonus while using any and all Improvised Weapons.
Brawler's Skin Your Wound Threshold is increased by +4 HP and whenever you receive a Blunt Damage Wound you may reduce the Wound Roll to the next lowest number.
Bar Breaker You deal an Additional 2 Damage of the same type when wielding an Improvised Weapon. When an Improvised Weapon breaks during a successful attack vs an opponent it deals an additional 1d6 Puncture Damage to the target.
Martial Artist
You were trained in the Martial Arts, either in seclusion, secrecy, from a martial arts sensei or from written instructions.
Martial Training Your Unarmed Attacks are considered to be "Unarmed Strikes" and deal the next highest Die Type in Damage + your STR or DEX Modifier. For example: 1d2 becomes 1d4, 1d4 becomes 1d6 and so on. The Damage type remains consistent with the damage an unarmed creature of your species deals.
Unarmed Strike You may use your Attack Action(s) to make Unarmed Strike(s). You do not need Free Hands to make Unarmed Strikes and are considered to be able to use various parts of your anatomy to inflict Blunt Damage.
Follow-Through When you Hit a target with any Attack while adjacent to the target, you may choose to spend a Motion to make one Follow-Through Attack vs the same target. Hits on Follow-Through Attacks deal damage equal to your unarmed strike, but does not add the bonus damage from your STR or DEX Modifier. If you have no Motions available you may instead spend 1 Might, Stamina or Focus.
Ring Fighter
You were trained to fight in the ring and it shows. You excel at facing one opponent at a time and landing your well aimed and powerful strikes.
Ring Training You gain an additional +2 to Hit and Damage with your Unarmed Attacks and you gain +2 AC vs Unarmed and Melee Attacks of which you are aware while wielding Hand-to-Hand or no weapons.
Nine Rounds Whenever you Use your Action to Recuperate: Focus, Stamina or Might, you Regain 2 Power Pool Points of one of those types rather than the standard 1.
Victory Gloat You may regain 1 Stamina, Might or Focus when you reduce an opponent to 0 HP or Fewer.
Street Fighter
You learned to fight on the streets, where nothing is fair and you must use every opportunity available to you to survive. You excel at environmental awareness, dirty fighting and cheap shots.
Dirty Fighting You can use a Motion to Distract an opponent using your Deception Skill. The opponent must pass a WIS Saving Throw with a DC equal to your combined Deception Skill Roll. If they fail they are considered to be successfully "Distracted" until the end of their Next Turn and are open for a Cheap Shot.
Cheap Shot When an opponent is "Distracted" your first Unarmed Attack is guaranteed to Hit and deals +5 Damage of the same type. In addition, it Critically hits on a roll of 17-20 on the die.
Opponents are also considered open for a Cheap Shot when unaware of your presence or prior to rolling initiative.
Environmental Fighter While adjacent to a Wall, Window, Fire or any other Hazard you may immediately end a Successful Grapple to force an adjacent enemy to Move into that Hazard.
Glass should deal 1d4 Puncture or 1d4 Slash, A wall should deal 1d8 Blunt, a fire should deal 1d8 Burn and so on. Forcing an enemy over a ledge is also possible but Last Grasp still applies.
You learned to fight in wrestling matches, tests of strength and constitution. You excel at grappling and bringing your opponents to the ground.
Ground Fighter You gain Advantage on your Unarmed Attacks vs Prone and Grappled Opponents. Critically Hit whenever you Hit with Unarmed Attacks vs Prone and Grappled Opponents. Gain +2 on Rolls made to Grapple Opponents and to Break Grapples. The Maneuver Save DC to escape grapples you initiate is considered to be increased by 2.
Quick Recovery You can stand from a Prone Position using a Motion or Reaction.
Complete Pin If you have a target grappled for Three consecutive Rounds that creature becomes Dazed until the Grapple is broken.
Traits and Abilities
Purchase with XP
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Brawler
Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Brawler
Gain Training in Strength Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Strength Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Brawler
Gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws.
Basic Maneuvers
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Brawler
Choose 1 or 2 Maneuver Types(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier I Maneuvers of the chosen type(s).
Complex Maneuvers
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler, Basic Maneuver(s) of the same type.
Choose 1 or 2 Maneuver Types(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier II Maneuvers of the chosen type(s).
Expert Maneuvers
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Brawler, Complex Maneuver(s) of the same type.
Choose 1 or 2 Maneuver Types(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier III Maneuvers of the chosen type(s).
Brawler’s Bones
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
Your Hand-to-Hand Attacks now deal +2 Damage per Hit.
Brawler’s Speed
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
Gain +1 Movement Speed.
Brawler's Precision
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
Gain +1 to Hit with Hand-to-Hand Attacks.
Brawler’s Balance
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Brawler
Gain Training in DEX Saving Throws.
Brawler’s Fortitude
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Brawler
Gain Training in CON Saving Throws.
Brawler’s Strength
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Brawler
Gain Training in STR Saving Throws.
Brawler’s Footing
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Brawler
You gain +2 to your Initiative.
Brawler’s Physique
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
Gain +2 Might or Stamina.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
Your total HP is increased by +1 and each time you level up.
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Brawler
You gain one additional Motion.
Efficient Extra Efficient
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler Training, Efficient
You gain one additional Motion.
Might Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler, Expert Might Maneuvers
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Might Abilities by ½.
Stamina Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler, Expert Stamina Maneuvers
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Stamina Abilities by ½.
Focus Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler, Expert Focus Maneuvers
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Focus Abilities by ½.
Endurance Fighter
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
You reduce the cost to Sustain all your Maneuvers by ½.
Rapid Strikes
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
You have an additional Hand-to-Hand Attack Action at your disposal.
Blurred Strikes
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Brawler, Rapid Strikes
You have one additional Hand-to-Hand Attack Action at your disposal.
Lightning Strikes
XP Cost : 6 Prerequisites : Brawler, Blurred Strikes
You have one additional Hand-to-Hand Attack Action at your disposal.
Muscle Memory
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
Gain an additional Reaction.
Muscle Recall
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Brawler, Muscle Memory
Gain one additional Reaction.
Muscle Reflex
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Brawler, Muscle Recall
Gain one additional Reaction.
Quick Draw
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
Once per Round, you can Draw and Wield any non-Large Weapons in a worn Holster at no Action cost.
Compound Fractures
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
You deal a cumulative +1 damage per hit on targets that you hit with Unarmed Attacks. The Bonus Damage is the same type as the Damage dealt with your Unarmed Attacks. This bonus damage expires once that Round ends.
Dual Wielder
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
You gain +1 to your AC while Dual Wielding Melee Weapons.
While Wielding 2 or more Weapons, once per turn, you may Make 1 additional Attack with the Wielded Weapons. The additional Attack is always rolled with a -2 to Hit.
Dual Wielder II
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Brawler, Dual Wielder
Increase your AC to Bonus While Dual Wielding Melee Weapons to +2.
While Wielding 2 or more weapons, once per turn, you may now make 2 additional Attacks with the Wielded Weapons. The 1st additional Attack is always Rolled with a -2 to Hit, the 2nd additional Attack is always made with a -4 to Hit.
Dual Wielder III
XP Cost : 6 Prerequisites : Brawler, Dual Wielder II
Increase your AC to Bonus While Dual Wielding Melee Weapons to +3.
Penalties for Additional Attacks while Dual Wielding are now Halved.
Dagger Hand Technique
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
You can now choose to deal Puncture Damage with your Unarmed Attacks.
Ax Hand Technique
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Brawler
You can now choose to deal Slash Damage with your Unarmed Attacks.
Hammer Hand Technique
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Brawler
You may now consider your unarmed attacks to have the Impact I Item Trait.
Hook Hand Technique
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Brawler
You may now consider your unarmed attacks to have the Grapple Weapon Item Trait.