Bone Vipers
A type of large growing serpent capable of spewing acid as an adult and delivering a venomous bite as an adolescent.

Giant-Massive - Reptilian - Monopod
Bone vipers are massive armor plated snakes. Some of them can grow to become over 100 meters in length with weights as high as 5 Metric Tons. Bone vipers, despite their size, prefer to feed off the bones and remains of dead creatures. They have a large portion of their internal anatomy dedicated to their digestive acids, which are powerful enough to dissolve bone in a matter of hours and flesh in a matter of seconds. When threatened, they are capable of forcefully regurgitating their digestive acid onto their attacker. Despite their names, adult bone vipers are not venomous. They can deliver a powerful, yet dry bite. Young bone vipers are venomous but but are timid and bite only as a last resort.
Bone Vipers, unlike most creatures, can digest and process bone mass. They are capable of deriving so much nutrition from bones that they feed almost entirely off of discarded, lost and forgotten remains. Successful Bone vipers will spend their time seeking out ruins, crypts and burial grounds and once found will guard their bony treasure jealousy until all has been devoured. While they typically will not hunt living creatures, they are both well equipped and unafraid to kill in defense of their Bone Horde. Only large adult bone vipers behave territorially and only when they are protecting a bone horde or nest.
An adult Bone Viper will use its Acid Breath to melt its assailants from a distance. If they get too close it will attempt to use its Bite and Tail Attacks to encourage distancing.
20 | 20 | 18 | 6 | 12 | 2 |
5 | 5 | 4 | -2 | 1 | -4 |
Size | Huge |
Movement | 8 Meters Slithering |
Attack Modifier | +9 |
AC | 16 |
HP | 120 |
Armor | 30 |
Domain | Coasts, Caves, Underground, Forests, Jungles, Swamps, Meadows, Prairies, Ruins |
Native Realm | X |
Cold Blooded
Effect: The Creature is not Detectable via Infrared.
Heat Vision
Effect: The creature can detect warm blooded creatures via the heat they put out and can also visually see heat up to a range of 10 meters. The type of vision completely negates stealth rolls made by warm blooded creatures unless they are somehow insulating their body heat.
Scaled Hide V
The Creature Possesses a metallic scaly hide that acts like superb Armor, protecting it from harm.
Effect: +12 AC, + 35 Armor Points
Multi-Strike I
The creature can attack multiple times in rapid succession.
Effect: The creature is considered to possess a total of 2 Melee Attack Actions per turn.
Acid Breath V
The Creature Possesses a Devastating Acid Breath Attack.
Action: Action
Range: 8 Meter Cone
Damage: 5d6 + CON Modifier Acid Damage.
Bite V
The Creature possesses a Devastating Bite Attack.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: Adjacent
Damage: 4d4 + 2 + STR Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage
Tail Strike III
The Creature possesses a heavy tail capable of being weaponized.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: 2 Meters
Damage: 1d12 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Blunt Damage.
Stat adjustments for more or less powerful versions of the same entry.
Encounter Level | Stat Adjustments |
9 | 0 |
11 | Multi-Strike II |
18 | Multi-Strike III, Increase size to Giant, Tail Strike IV |
26 | Multi-Strike IV, Increase size to Massive, Tail Strike V |