A rapidly multiplying bloodsucking abomination capable of swarming and destroying entire ecosystems.

Level 5 Entry
Small - Abomination - Quadruped
Bloodspawn are viewed by most to be a blight or plague. They are flying, blood-drinking creatures with bat-like wings on their arms and legs and a single curved claw at the end of each elbow and knee, which they use to latch on to prey, and to climb and crawl on various surfaces. Their bodies are muscular, hairless and pale, on their backs are several dozen large, bright red globes, each of which houses a ready to hatch bloodspawn embryos. Bloodspawn are around 30 cm tall, with a 60 cm wingspan, and typically weigh around 2 kg. Their eyes are two jet black orbs, a large needle-like proboscis protrudes from their mouth, surrounding it are four pink tentacle-like appendages. Bloodspawn Probosci are nearly 16 cm long when fully extended, allowing them to puncture Arteries and Vital Organs. Their faces are dominated by large rounded red fleshy sacks, which are actually strong pumping muscles that they use to rapidly draw blood from their prey. They have a row of 2 nostrils on either side of their head, with their auditory organs located directly behind in the same row. Their bodies are often riddled with minor mutations and cancers due to their rapid development phase. Bloodspawn bones are all made of cartilage and the only hard formation on their bodies is their iron hard proboscis.
Bloodspawn travel in and feed in swarms or large groups. The larger the swarm, the more aggressive and bold the bloodspawn will become.
All bloodspawn are born as fully fertilized females and are capable of laying 1 or more eggs each time they feed. When a Bloodspawn successfully feeds on the blood of a living Creature, a large portion of the nutrients is pumped directly into one of the embryos on the bloodspawn’s back. As soon as this happens the egg receives a chemical signal and separates from the host, landing nearby. Once the egg separates, it begins to rapidly develop into a fully formed adult bloodspawn. Within 10 seconds, a new bloodspawn enters the realms, and is capable of reproducing in the same manner, as soon as it feeds.
When a Boodspawn successfully hatches all of its 2-3 dozen eggs it immediately begins dying, making room for the next generation.
Not only can Bloodspawn smell blood from over 3 Kilometers away they aggressively attack anything that has a pulse, sometimes to their detriment. The Bloodspawn seem to be aware that if they lose some of the swarm, it doesn’t matter, because every successful attack on their part increases their numbers. They are often overly bold in numbers, even attacking creatures that are better equipped to deal with them.
When Bloodspawn are reduced in numbers they will flee from large, intelligent or aggressive creatures whenever possible. Their tactics change in these cases and they become more like scavengers rather than swarm predators. However, since their rate of replication is so fast, they quickly are able to form a new swarm as soon as sufficient fresh blood is found.
12 | 10 | 16 | 4 | 10 | 2 |
1 | 0 | 3 | -3 | 0 | -4 |
Size | Small |
Movement | 6 Meters Flying / 4 Meters Crawling |
Attack Modifier | +5 |
AC | 14 |
HP | 16 |
Armor | 0 |
Domain | Anywhere |
Native Realm | X |
Flying Movement II
The creature primarily moves by flying.
Movement Speed: 6
Effect: The creature gains Advantage on Athletics Skill Checks made to Grapple Creatures.
Effect: The creature is capable of sharing spaces with creatures of the same species.
Attacks made vs one of the creatures in this space can be absorbed by any creature in that space unless the Attack was a Targeted Attack.
When 6 - 12 Creatures of the same species occupy the same space they form a Swarm.
While functioning as a swarm all creatures in the swarm combine HP into 1 Pool.
Individuals cannot be targeted in the swarm without the use of a Targeted Attack.
The swarm has Resistance to the Damage dealt by any Non-Area Attacks that target them.
Claw Strike
The Creature Possesses Claws that it wields as a Natural Weapon.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4 + 5 Slash or Puncture Damage
Health Absorption I - ( Bloodspawn Sting )
This creature’s successful attacks of the listed type grant it 1 HP per hit that deals damage to a creature’s HP.
Bloodspawn Sting II
The Creature possesses a damaging Venomous Sting Attack.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: 1 Meter
Damage: 1d6 + 5 Toxic Damage
Hit Effect: An egg drops from the Bloodspawn’s back in an adjacent unoccupied space.
At the start of the next round the egg hatches as a new, fully formed Bloodspawn and begins acting on the next Bloodspawn initiative or rolls initiative if none exist.
Frenzied Demise
The creature may take a single turn on its next initiative after it was slain or reduced to 0 HP.
If 33% of this creature's total HP is dealt in damage to the creature after it was downed its frenzy ends and it dies immediately.
Stat adjustments for more or less powerful versions of the same entry.
Encounter Level | Stat Adjustments |
1 | Flying Movement I, Bloodspawn Sting I |
3 | Flying Movement I, Bloodspawn Sting II |
5 | None |
7 | Flying Movement III, Bloodspawn Sting III |
Bloodspawn Swarm
Level 9 Entry
Medium-Large - Abomination - Swarm
12 | 10 | 16 | 4 | 10 | 2 |
1 | 0 | 3 | -3 | 0 | -4 |
Size | Medium - Large |
Movement | 6 Meters Flying / 4 Meters Crawling |
Attack Modifier | +6 |
AC | 18 |
HP | (16 x 10) 160 |
Armor | 0 |
Domain | Anywhere |
Native Realm | X |
Flying Movement II
The creature primarily moves by flying.
Movement Speed: 6
Effect: The creature gains Advantage on Athletics Skill Checks made to Grapple Creatures.
Effect: The creature is capable of sharing spaces with creatures of the same species.
Attacks made vs one of the creatures in this space can be absorbed by any creature in that space unless the Attack was a Targeted Attack. When 6 - 12 Creatures of the same species occupy the same space they form a Swarm. While functioning as a swarm all creatures in the swarm combine HP into 1 Pool. Individuals cannot be targeted in the swarm without the use of a Targeted Attack. The swarm has Resistance to the Damage dealt by any Non-Area Attacks that target them.
Claw Strike
The Creature Possesses Claws that it wields as a Natural Weapon.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4 + 5 Slash or Puncture Damage
Bloodspawn Sting II
The Creature possesses a damaging Venomous Sting Attack.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: 1 Meter
Damage: 1d6 + 5 Toxic Damage
Hit Effect: An egg drops from the Bloodspawn’s back in an adjacent unoccupied space. At the start of the next round the egg hatches as a new, fully formed Bloodspawn and begins acting on the next Bloodspawn initiative or rolls initiative if none exist.
Health Absorption I - ( Bloodspawn Sting )
This creature’s successful attacks of the listed type grant it 1 HP per hit that deals damage to a creature’s HP.
Bloodspawn Broodmother
Level 12 Entry
18 | 20 | 12 | 16 | 14 | 2 |
4 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 2 | -4 |
Size | Large - Huge |
Movement | 5 Meters Crawling |
Attack Modifier | +6 |
AC | 20 |
HP | 400 |
Armor | 0 |
Domain | Anywhere |
Native Realm | X |
Crawling Movement II
Effect: The creature primarily moves by crawling along the ground at a pace of 5 meters per movement.
Effect: The creature adds a destiny die on Athletics Skill Rolls made to Grapple Creatures.
The creature produces spawn of its own kind and can do so at an increased rate when threatened.
Action: Action, Motion or Movement
Cost: 1 Stamina or 3 HP
Effect: The creature produces a Level 1 Bloodspawn in an adjacent empty space. Any spawn generated this way enters initiative immediately after their brood mother.
Claw Strike V
The Creature Possesses Claws that it wields as a Natural Weapon.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d12 + 6 Slash or Puncture Damage
Bloodspawn Sting V
The Creature possesses a damaging Venomous Sting Attack.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: 1 Meter
Damage: 2d12 + 6 Toxic Damage
Hit Effect: 2 eggs drop from the Bloodspawn’s back in adjacent unoccupied spaces. At the start of the next round the eggs hatch as a new, fully formed Bloodspawn and begin acting on the next Bloodspawn initiative or rolls initiative if none exist
Health Absorption III - ( Bloodspawn Sting )
This creature’s successful attacks of the listed type grant it 5 HP per hit that deals damage to a creature’s HP.