Berserkers utilize their rage and individual ferocity to dominate their place on the battlefield. Berserkers specialize in medium armor, closing gaps and momentum based Combat.

Berserkers utilize their rage and individual ferocity to dominate their place on the battlefield. Berserkers specialize in medium armor, closing gaps and momentum based Combat. Strength and Dexterity should be a Berserker’s highest Attributes.
Playing a Berserker
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : STR 14
Meet the Prerequisites and pay this Archetype's XP cost to gain the following:
Gain Training in Athletics and 2 of the following Skills: Perception, Acrobatics, Survival or Intimidate.
Gain Training with Medium Armor.
Gain Training with 2 Melee or Ranged Weapon Types.
Acquire a Suit of Common or Uncommon Medium Armor
Acquire 2 Common or Uncommon Melee or Ranged Weapons of your choice.
Acquire a Common or Uncommon Bundle of your choice.
Berserker Tactics You gain a conditional +1 to Melee Attack Rolls while Adjacent to two or more enemies and no allies.
Archetype Ability
Berserker Rage Choose an Activation Trigger and gain the Berserker Ability to Rage.
Seeing Red
Your rage triggers when your character receives damage to their HP Pool.
If you are dealt Lethal or Non-Lethal damage equal to or greater than your CON Modifier then you automatically become enraged.
Roll initiative(if you have not already), you are considered to be Enraged at the start of your next turn.
Ritual of Rage
Your rage triggers when you perform a short ritual of some kind.
When the time comes you perform a ritual to reach inside and unleash your rage.
The ritual can be anything from a form of meditation to a song and dance, whatever draws out the rage for that character.
The ritual takes a full Round Action to perform. Once finished roll initiative(if you have not already), you are considered to be Enraged at the start of your next turn.
Angry Inebriation
Your rage triggers when your character successfully becomes intoxicated.
When your character consumes a serving of alcohol roll a DC 16/18/20(depending on Alcohol strength) Constitution Saving Throw.
If you fail your character becomes Inebriated and thus Enraged, roll initiative(if you have not already), they are considered to be Enraged at the start of their next turn.
Insults Lead to Injury
Your rage triggers when you or your loved ones are Insulted directly.
If you or a loved one is directly insulted you may roll a DC 10 + CON Modifier Wisdom Saving throw to avoid becoming enraged.
If you fail or choose not to then you roll initiative(if you have not already) and are considered to be Enraged at the start of your next turn.
While Raging you cannot Roll INT based skill Rolls, Cast Spells or choose to deal non-lethal damage.
All aggressive or hostile non-allied creatures within sight are viewed as Enemies by you.
You gain +2 to Attack and Damage Rolls on all Melee and Thrown Attacks.
Your Movement Speed is Increased by 2 Meters,
Your AC is increased by 2,
You add a Destiny Die to all Athletics Skill Rolls.
Each Round spent Raging that you make no Attacks on enemy Creatures causes you to lose 1 Stamina or Might.
Your Raging state ends when you lose consciousness for any reason or end any turn with 0 Stamina or Might. You may also manually end you Rage by rolling a Wisdom Saving Throw with a DC of 10 + CON or STR Modifier (whichever is highest).
Traits and Abilities
Purchase with XP
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Berserker
Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Berseker
Gain Training in Strength Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Strength Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Berserker
Gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws.
Basic Maneuvers
(This Trait can be taken multiple times)
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Berserker
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier I Maneuvers of the chosen type.
Complex Maneuvers
(This Trait can be taken multiple times)
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker, Basic Maneuvers of the same type.
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier II Maneuvers of the chosen type.
Expert Maneuvers
(This Trait can be taken multiple times)
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Berserker, Complex Maneuvers of the same type.
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier III Maneuver of the chosen type.
Barbaric Physique
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
Gain +2 Might or Stamina.
Add a destiny die on WIS Saving Throws to end your Raging state.
Bulging Rage
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Berserker
When you activate your Berserker Rage your Size is considered to be Increase by 1 Size Category.
When you grow to Large or Larger Sizes your Strength Modifier is Increased by 2 and you AC is Decreased by 2.
You gain any Movement and Reach benefits of your increased Size.
This Effect ends when your Rage Ends.
Hulking Rage
XP Cost : 6 Prerequisites : Berserker, Bulging Rage
When you activate your Berserker Rage your Size is considered to be Increase by up to 2 Size Categories.
When you grow to Huge or Larger Sizes, your Strength Modifier is Increased by 4 and you AC is Decreased by 4.
You gain any Movement and Reach benefits of your increased Size.
This Effect ends when your Rage Ends.
Numbing Rage
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
When you activate your Berserker Rage you gain 10 Armor Points. These armor points dissipate when your Rage Ends and cannot be restored.
Steely Rage
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Berserker, Numbing Rage
When you activate your Berserker Rage you now gain an additional 10 Armor Points. These armor points dissipate when your Rage Ends and cannot be restored.
Painless Rage
XP Cost : 6 Prerequisites : Berserker, Steely Rage
When you activate your Berserker Rage you gain an additional 10 Armor Points. These armor points dissipate when your Rage Ends and cannot be restored.
Resilient Rage
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Berserker
While your Berserker Rage is Active you are considered to be Resistant to Blunt, Puncture and Slash Damage.
Brutal Berserker
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
While Raging you cannot roll 1’s on Damage Dice and instead re-roll until that die rolls a different result other than 1.
Ferocious Fighter
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
While you are Raging, creatures have Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks made vs you.
Snarling Menace
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
While you are Raging you add a Destiny die to Intimidate Skill Rolls.
You may gain Training in Intimidate at this time, If you already trained in Intimidate, gain a Misc. +2 to the Skill instead.
Wounded Beast
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
When you are Wounded(dealt any wound from any wound table) you may make a Melee Attack Action at no Action Cost.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
Your total HP is increased by +1 each time you level up.
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Berserker
You gain one additional Motion.
Extra Efficient
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker, Efficient
You gain one additional Motion.
Might Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker, Expert Might Maneuvers
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Might Abilities by ½.
Stamina Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker, Expert Stamina Maneuvers
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Stamina Abilities by ½.
Focus Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker, Expert Focus Maneuvers
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Focus Abilities by ½.
Endurance Fighter
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
You reduce the cost to Sustain all your Maneuvers by ½.
Tunnel Vision
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
You deal a cumulative +1 Damage per Hit on targets that you Hit with Melee Attacks(Maximum of +5). This bonus expires once Active Combat or your Rage ends.
Eager for Battle
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Berserker
You gain +2 to your Initiative.
Ferocious Assault
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Berserker
While Raging you have an additional Melee Attack Action at your disposal.
Wild Assault
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker, Ferocious Assault
While Raging you have one more additional Melee Attack Action at your disposal.
Unrelenting Assault
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Berserker, Wild Assault
While Raging you have one more additional Melee Attack Action at your disposal.
Fast Reaction Speed
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
Gain one additional Reaction.
Blurred Reaction Speed
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Berserker, Fast Reaction Speed
Gain one additional Reaction.
Ludicrous Reaction Speed
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Berserker, Blurred Reaction Speed
Gain one additional Reaction.
Berserkers Balance
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Berserker
Gain Training in DEX Saving Throws.
Berserkers Fortitude
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Berserker
Gain Training in CON Saving Throws.
Berserkers Strength
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Berserker
Gain Training in STR Saving Throws.
Indomitable Rage
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Berserker
While Raging you add a Destiny Die on WIS Saving Throws you are forced to make.
Quick Draw
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
Once per Round, you can Draw and Wield any non-Large Weapons in a worn Holster at no Action cost.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
Whenever an Attack you make reduces a target to 0 HP or fewer you gain an additional 3 Meters of Movement that you may use immediately, even if you had already expended all of your Movement.
When this ability triggers you may Spend 1 Might or Stamina to gain 1 Additional Attack Action.
*When you reduce a target to zero HP or fewer with a Critical Hit you may gain 1 Additional Attack Action without spending Might or Stamina.
Dual Wielder
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Berserker
You gain +1 to your AC while Dual Wielding Melee Weapons.
While Wielding 2 or more Weapons, once per turn, you may Make 1 additional Attack with the Wielded Weapons. The additional Attack is always rolled with a -2 to Hit.
Dual Wielder II
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Berserker, Dual Wielder
Increase your AC to Bonus While Dual Wielding Melee Weapons to +2.
While Wielding 2 or more weapons, once per turn, you may now make 2 additional Attacks with the Wielded Weapons. The 1st additional Attack is always Rolled with a -2 to Hit, the 2nd additional Attack is always made with a -4 to Hit.
Dual Wielder III
XP Cost : 6 Prerequisites : Berserker, Dual Wielder II
Increase your AC to Bonus While Dual Wielding Melee Weapons to +3.
Penalties for Additional Attacks while Dual Wielding are now Halved.