Elementalism - Solarmancy Ability The ability to control and manipulate Beams of Light.
Light - Elementalism
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Solormancy
Action Type(s) | Motion, Action, Spell Attack |
ARP Cost | 1 (Motions Excluded) |
Range | 20 Meters |
Area | 4 Meters |
Requirements | 1 Free Hand |
Sustain | 1 ARP |
Traits | Visible, Audible |
You can control and manipulate Beams of Light.
Using a Motion: You can target a Bright Light Source and cause it to focus into a Beam of light that can travel up 20 meters, Reshape or Animate as you see fit.
Sun Beam: Make Ranged Attack vs a target within 20 Meters of a Bright Light Source. If you Hit the target, it is dealt 3d6 + Spellcasting Modifier Burn Damage.
Sun Ray: Target a 3 Meter Cone within Range of a Bright Light Source. All creatures within the area must make a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the caster’s Spell Save DC.
Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are Dealt 2d6 Burn Damage.
Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are Dealt half the above Burn Damage.
Sustain: Sustaining this Ability allows Animated beams of light to persist until this Ability is no longer being Sustained.
Overpower: The Caster can spend an additional ARP to overpower this Ability and Increase the Range of this Ability by 5 Meters,
Or Increase the Cone Size of this Ability by 1 Meter,
Or Increase the DC for any of this Ability’s Saving Throws by 2,
Or Increase the Damage dealt by this Ability’s Sun Beam or Sun Ray options by 1d6 Burn Damage.