Bandits (Human)
A vile and cunning foe. Often seen while traveling in dangerous territories.

Medium - Humanoid - Biped
Level 2 Entry
Human Bandits are opportunistic outlaws, driven by desperation, greed, or loyalty to a criminal organization. They often operate on the fringes of society, scavenging and stealing to survive. With limited resources, they rely on whatever equipment they can scavenge or cobble together.
Bandits favor surprise attacks and ambush tactics. When they can, they will avoid combat in favor of threats and tolls. They can be cunning and may attempt to deceive travelers with one well dressed individual with a ruse or sob story before robbing them. Always with a hidden group of bandits ready to be called into action at a moment’s notice.
Setup - Bandits should be set up at an ambush point such as a choke point or ravine. They might attempt to deceive the travelers or threaten them and demand a toll. This depends on how threatening the travelers seem to be. For instance, bandits would not attack a fully armed army troop, but they would attack a small guarded caravan.
Combat - Some bandits might keep their distance and use their shortbows. Others might rush in and attempt to kill or incapacitate all armed combatants with their chain and club attacks. They tend to target the lightest armed targets first and work their way up to the heavily armed or armored combatants. If they find themselves attacked or cornered by a heavily armored combat they might attempt to use their “Armor Bash” Maneuver so as to render their armor useless, especially if they manage to knock them prone first with their “Sweep the Leg” Maneuver.
Combat Advice - Remember to Attack once with each weapon using the Combo Attack for a more damaging turn.
Keep in mind that the chain is a grapple weapon and can be used to restrict enemy movements and can even be used to target their limbs or weapons to force them to break the grapple in order to use them. It also has a range of 2 meters, allowing bandits in the back line to participate in the battle.
The Sweep the Leg Maneuver and Armor Bash Maneuvers pair well together. Have one bandit perform the leg sweep, then have another or others use their Armor Bash.
If a bandit is disarmed they always have their backup knife that can be wielded or thrown.
Retreat - These are but simple bandits; If they see that they no longer outnumber their enemies they will often flee without a second thought. If they are captured they may reveal what they know about their fellow bandits; for a reward, of course.
Bandit Training - Gain training in the use of 2 Melee Weapon Types (Clubs, Knives) 1 High Skill Weapon Type(Chains) and 1 Ranged Weapon Type (Bows). Gain training in the Skills of Perception, Intimidation and Stealth.
Trait - Bandit Tactics - Acquire 2 Tier I Maneuvers(Armor Bash and Sweep the Leg).
Trait - Bandit Brutality - +1 to all Attack and Damage Rolls.
Dual Wielder - The creature possesses 1 additional Melee Attack while wielding 2 or more melee weapons. 1 attack with each of the weapons. The second attack is always made with a -2 to the Attack Roll.
Your AC is increased by 1 while wielding 2 or more melee weapons.
Ambush Tactics - The creature adds a Destiny Die on all Attack Rolls made During an Ambush they initiate. Add 2 Damage of the same type to all Damage Rolls made while concealed.
Light Armor Expert: Your AC is increased by an amount equal to half your Dexterity Modifier while wearing light armor or no armor.
Stone Club - 1d6(+3) Blunt Damage.
Broken Iron Chain - 1d6(+3) Blunt Damage. 2 M Range Grapple Weapon.
Rusty Pocket Knife - 1d4(+3) Slash Damage.
Shortbow - 1d4(+1) Puncture Damage - 20 Flint Arrows.
Boiled Leather Armor - +3 AC, +7 Armor Points, -1 Stealth.
Worn Leather Boots - +2 Armor
Valuables - 1d12 Silver
These attacks can be used by this creature type. The amount per turn indicates how many times this attack can be used by the creature in a turn. You can only make multiple attacks in a turn if both attacks used have a 2 or more in their “amount per turn” column.
Attack | Range | Attack Roll | Damage Roll | Amount per Turn |
Combo Attack | 2 Meters / 1 Meter | 1d20+5 and 1d20+5 | 1d6+3 Blunt Damage or Grapple and 1d6+3 Blunt Damage | 1 |
Bow Attack | 50 Meters | 1d20+5 | 1d4+1 Puncture Damage | 1 |
Chain Attack | 3 Meters | 1d20+3 | 1d6+3 Blunt Damage or Grapple | 2 |
Club Attack | 1 Meter | 1d20+5 | 1d6+3 Blunt Damage | 2 |
Knife Attack | 1 Meter | 1d20+5 | 1d4+3 Slash or Puncture Damage | 2 |
Perception (2) Intimidate (-1) Stealth (4)
Attributes and Attribute Modifiers of the entry.
14 | 12 | 14 | 10 | 10 | 4 |
+2 | +1 | +2 | 0 | 0 | -3 |
Size | Medium |
Movement | 6 meters walking |
Attack Modifier | +5 (2 from training, 2 from Attribute, 1 from Bandit Brutality) |
AC | 12 (5(Base) +3(Armor) +2(DEX) +1(Light Armor Specialist) +1(Dual Wielder)) |
HP | 12(6(Base) + 1(CON) + 4(Lvl 1 HP Increase) + 1(CON)) |
Armor | 9(7(Armor) +2(Boots)) |
Domain | Roadsides, Outskirts, Ruins, Abandoned Buildings and Settlements. |
Native Realm | X |