Azurai are a reptilian bipedal species easily identified by their large, sometimes spiny shells and snapping turtle-esque maws.

Medium / Reptilian / Biped
Azurai are a reptilian bipedal species easily identified by their large, sometimes spiny shells and snapping turtle-esque maws. They possess tails, two arms and two legs. Their hands and feet end in somewhat bulky hand and feet with five clawed digits. Their necks are long and flexible and are capable of partially retracting into the shells. Their thick reptilian skin is wrinkled and covered in hard tubercles around the neck, arms and legs. Their skin comes in various shades of gray, green, brown, blue and black. Their eyes are often shades of yellow, orange and red, but blue and green eyes have also been reported. As reptilians they possess no hair, but their tubercles can grow long with age, sometimes resembling hair or beard growth according to humanoids.
Ritualistic Society
Many Azurai civilizations remain in various tribal stages that regularly perform ritualistic sacrificial offerings to their many headed turtle god, Azue. They prefer to settle near bodies of water in well protected and secluded locations, far from what most would consider civilization. Superstitious people by nature, many azurai see the works of Azue in their everyday walk of life, when everything can be a sign from their god, the signs that they see are many.
Religious Government
Most Azurai follow a strict hierarchy set up by the Priesthood of Azue and move up through the rungs of society based off of their service and offerings to Azue and the priesthood.
Choose a Subspecies
Crizdaw Azurai
Faithful Snapping Turtle Subspecies
Medium / Reptilian / Biped
Average Height | 240 cm |
Average Weight | 175 kg |
Lifespan | 250-300 years |
Age of Adulthood | 31 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CON |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters |
Movement Types | Walking |
HP Die Type | d8 |
Languages | Saa'Veth and Uman |
Crizdaw Azurai are those that remain faithful to Azue and its teachings. Their minds and spirits servants to its unknowable will. They are welcome and accepted by the church of Azue and may have no restrictions on their freedoms, so long as they tithe and make offerings religiously.
Child of Azue
Add a Destiny Die to all Knowledge Skill Rolls that involve Religion.
-2 to the XP Cost to Acquire a Invoker Archetype of any kind.
Add a Destiny Die to all Athletics Skill Rolls made to Swim.
You can remain submerged in water or liquid for a number of hours equal to you CON Modifier(minimum of 1). After which you begin suffocating as normal.
Protective Shells
Armor, a shield, a home. An Azurai's thick spiny shell offers protection from the elements and physical attack. All Azurai are capable of partially retreating into their shells so only small sections of their face and limbs are exposed. This grants all Azurai the benefits of wearing Shell Armor and All Weather Clothing, even when they have no equipment.
However due to their bulk they can neither train to wear or comfortably wear medium or heavy armor of any kind. An Azurai cannot be separated from their shell without killing them.
AC Bonus | Armor Points | Item Traits |
6 | 14 | Natural Armor |
Powerful Jaws
Inherited from their ancestors, the bite strength of the average azurai is incredible, some have even said that they can crack through bones and regularly do so during meals to get to the nutritious marrow.
Special: You automatically hit on your Natural Weapon Attacks when you start your turn with a creature grappled in your jaws. Roll the attack anyway, you can still critically hit.
Damage | Damage Type | Range | Weapon Traits |
2d4+2 | Slash | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon,Grapple Weapon |
Ukeshi Azurai
Heretic Snapping Turtle Subspecies
Medium / Reptilian / Biped
Average Height | 240 cm |
Average Weight | 175 kg |
Lifespan | 250-300 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 31 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 WIS or +2 INT |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters |
Movement Types | Walking |
HP Die Type | d8 |
Languages | Saa’Veth and Uman |
Ukeshi Azurai are members of the species who have been excommunicated from the Church of Azue. Many of these outcasts have formed small tribes of their own, while others have integrated into multispecies civilization hubs. Outcasts often find replacement religions and beliefs or swear off faith entirely.
You've inherited the fierce independence for which the Ukeshi are known.
Gain 1 XP that may be spent during character creation or level up.
Add a Destiny Die to all Athletics Skill Rolls made to Swim.
You can remain submerged in water or liquid for a number of hours equal to you CON Modifier(minimum of 1). After which you begin suffocating as normal.
Protective Shells
Armor, a shield, a home. An Azurai's thick spiny shell offers protection from the elements and physical attack. All Azurai are capable of partially retreating into their shells so only small sections of their face and limbs are exposed. This grants all Azurai the benefits of wearing Shell Armor and All Weather Clothing, even when they have no equipment.
However due to their bulk they can neither train to wear or comfortably wear medium or heavy armor of any kind. An Azurai cannot be separated from their shell without killing them.
AC Bonus | Armor Points | Item Traits |
6 | 14 | Natural Armor |
Powerful Jaws
Inherited from their ancestors, the bite strength of the average azurai is incredible, some have even said that they can crack through bones and regularly do so during meals to get to the nutritious marrow.
Special: You automatically hit on your Natural Weapon Attacks when you start your turn with a creature grappled in your jaws. Roll the attack anyway, you can still critically hit.
Damage | Damage Type | Range | Weapon Traits |
2d4+2 | Slash | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon,Grapple Weapon |