Elemental Traits and Abilities A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Elemental Species may acquire.
Fairies Fairies are vaguely humanoid in appearance. They have small feet and hands and angular faces, with large butterfly-like wings protruding from their backs. They tend to have clear skin of various hues and thick brightly colored hair
Pixies Pixies are the smallest of the fey, they look vaguely humanoid, with long pointed ears, elongated features and large inquisitive eyes. Unlock most fey; they have pointed interlocking teeth and a unique bone structure.
Satyrs Resembling a cross between a human and a goat, Satyrs have goat-like horns on the tops of their heads and long velvety lamb ears. Other than that their top halves are indistinguishable from any other humanoid.
Gobloids Creatures similar to humanoids but with vastly different internal physiology, large pointed ears and unusual skin colorations.