Cradites Cradites are a crab-like species. They are typically tall and imposing with an upper set of large clawed arms, a lower set of smaller grasping arms and two sturdy legs.
Mantissarians Mantissarians resemble an oversized bipedal praying mantis. They even have similar chitin colorations, such as: greens, yellows, tans, browns, blues, whites and violets. Their eyes are exceptionally large and are often pitch black except where the light reflects on the edges of their many facets.
Arthropod Traits & Abilities A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Arthropod Species may acquire.
Gribbits Gribbets are an amphibian species that greatly resemble oversized frogs. They often reside in fresh water areas, such as: lakes, marshes, rivers and ponds.
Amphibian Traits & Abilities A selection of Traits and Abilities that can only be acquired by Amphibian Species.