This section outlines Attributes uses and functions in the Altered Realms System.

Attributes define in a numerical value how high or low an individual creature’s gameplay relevant statistics measure on the grand scale. The six Attributes used in Altered Realms are Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intellect, Wisdom and Charisma. Each Attribute generates an Attribute Modifier which is used to determine how strong, smart or nimble a given character is, but also determines the number of points they have available to spend on abilities, maneuvers and spells. A score of 10 in any attribute is considered to be average, a score of 0 is nonexistent and restricts the creature from performing any action using that Attribute without outside assistance. A score of 20 or higher is considered to be savant or superhuman levels in a given Attribute.
Attribute Resource Pools
Each attribute has a modifier that is derived from the Attribute total. That modifier is used to determine the amount a character has available in a given resource pool. These pools can be drawn from to activate powerful abilities, maneuvers and spells.
Attribute Pool Abilities
Each attribute pool can be utilized to re-roll or add bonuses to skill rolls. This can help prevent fumble loops or add flair and style to important skill rolls.
Defining the Attributes
Each attribute represents a culmination of an individual's physical or mental capabilities. The following section will outline the different attributes of Altered Realms and what they represent.
Represents an individual’s physique and the amount of force their body can generate. Strength also determines a character’s Might.
Many abilities and feats of great strength will require a creature to spend Might Points. A creature's Might is equal to their Strength Modifier plus or minus any miscellaneous Modifiers. Might points refresh at a rate of 1 per every hour spent resting and 2 per every hour spent sleeping.
Any creature that possesses Might may spend a point prior to making any Athletics Skill Check in order to gain Advantage(+2 if you already have Advantage) on that Athletics Skill Check Roll.
Represents an individual’s overall health, immune system response and body density. Constitution also determines how much Stamina a character is granted.
Many abilities and feats of perseverance and steadfastness will require a creature to expend Stamina. A creature's Stamina total is equal to their Constitution Modifier plus or minus any miscellaneous Modifiers. Stamina refreshes at a rate of 1 per every hour spent resting and 2 per every hour spent sleeping.
Any creature that possesses Stamina may spend a point prior to making any type of Movement in order to gain an additional +2 Meters of Movement.
Represents an individual’s physical speed, precision and nimbleness. Dexterity also determines the amount of Focus a character is granted.
Many abilities and feats of great speed and agility will require a creature to spend Focus. A creature's Focus total is equal to their Dexterity Modifier plus or minus any miscellaneous Modifiers. Focus refreshes at a rate of 1 per every hour spent resting and 2 per every hour spent sleeping.
Any creature that possesses Focus may spend a point prior to making any DEX Skill Check in order to gain Advantage(+2 if you already have Advantage) on that Skill Roll.
Represents an individual’s mental retention, calculation and information processing. Intellect also determines the number of brainstorms a character is granted.
Many Abilities will require the expenditure of Brainstorms as part of their mechanics and executions. Brainstorms are quick bursts of mental calculation used for spells and technical abilities. Creatures have a total number of Brainstorms equal to their Intelligence modifier plus or minus any miscellaneous Modifiers. Brainstorms refresh at a rate of 1 per every hour spent resting and 2 per every hour spent sleeping.
Any creature that possesses Brainstorms may spend a point prior to making any INT Skill Check in order to gain Advantage(+2 if you already have Advantage) on that Skill Roll.
Represents an individual’s mental fortitude, emotional development and self knowing. Wisdom also determines a character's intuition.
Many abilities and feats of self control require the expenditure of Willpower Points. Creatures have a total number of Willpower Points equal to their Wisdom modifier plus or minus any miscellaneous Modifiers. These Willpower Points refresh at a rate of 1 per every hour spent resting and 2 per every hour spent sleeping.
Concentrated Power of Will
Any creature that possesses Willpower may spend a point prior to making any WIS Skill Check or in order to gain Advantage(+2 if you already have Advantage) on that Skill Roll.
Represents an individual’s interactive acuity, tact, personal presentation and conversational wit. Charisma also determines how much panache a character is granted.
Many abilities and feats of great persuasion and performance require the expenditure of Panache Points. Creatures have a total number of Panache Points equal to their Charisma modifier plus or minus any miscellaneous Modifiers. These Panache Points refresh at a rate of 1 per every hour spent resting and 2 per every hour spent sleeping.
Any creature that possesses Panache may spend a point prior to making any CHA Skill Check in order to gain Advantage(+2 if you already have Advantage) on that Skill Roll.
Attribute Total vs Attribute Modifiers
Attribute Points are totaled after character creation or level up to calculate Attribute Modifiers. To calculate the Modifier of any Attribute refer to the chart below. The top numbers indicate the attribute total and the bottom numbers are the derived modifier.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
-5 | -4 | -4 | -3 | -3 | -2 | -2 | -1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +2 | +3 | +3 | +4 | +4 | +5 |
*The attribute total stops contributing to the modifier after a total value of 30(+10 Modifier).
Attribute Point Generation
There are a couple ways to generate a character's Attribute Points. The Narrator Should Always Approve of the Method of Character Creation.
Rolling Method
Generates fairly balanced Characters quickly, with a small chance of having higher or lower than average stats. When you create a character using the Rolling Method you will need to Roll your Attributes. To do this get out 4 six sided dice, a pencil and a piece of scrap paper. Roll the four dice and remove the lowest rolled die, then add up the total numbers of the remaining three dice and record the result. Repeat this process an additional 5 times for a total of Six dice totals generated. If the total of all the numbers of the combined totals is 50 or less you may repeat the entire process and generate an additional set of numbers. You Assign Each of these numbers to one of your 6 Attribute Totals.
Point Buy Method
Good for constructing very specific or optimized builds; takes longer on average. When using the Point Buy Method for character creation you will be granted an additional 32 XP to be spent only on Attribute Points. The cost to Purchase Attribute Points increases incrementally at higher levels, refer to the chart below when purchasing Attribute Points. All Attribute totals are considered to start at a value of 10 using this method. You may reduce your Attribute totals below 10 and be refunded 1 XP per point below 10. This refunded XP may only be spent on Attributes.
Attribute Total | XP Cost per Point Increase |
1-12 | 1 |
13-16 | 2 |
17-20 | 3 |
21-24 | 4 |
25-30 | 5 |
Attribute Increases
Characters can spend XP to increase the Attributes during character creation or level up. The cost to do so increases as the character’s attribute total increases. Use the table below as a guide for how much XP you should spend to increase a given Attribute.
Attribute Total | XP Cost per Point Increase |
1-12 | 1 |
13-16 | 2 |
17-20 | 3 |
21-24 | 4 |
25-30 | 5 |