Astral Message

Allows the caster to send brief messages to creatures and entities across dimensions.

Tier III - Divination - Spell

Allows the caster to send brief messages to creatures and entities across dimensions.

Spell Tier III
Action Type Motion
Mana Cost 4
Range Personal
Requirements One Free Hand
Sustain No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: You send out a large pulse of seeking magic along with a message.

Effect: You can send a brief message to any creature or entity whom the caster has personally met, with a number of words equal to your Caster Modifier X 10. The message will be delivered regardless of distance and Dimensions between 1-4 hours. The receiving creature can formulate and send a response of equal length as part of the spell.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Increase the length of the Message and Response by 10 Words,

Or Reduce the delivery time by -1 Hours,

Or instead send an Image or Diagram.