
Assassins specialize in gaining entry into secure structures and eliminating targets in various ways once inside. They are trained to inflict as much damage as possible when their mark is most vulnerable. Assassins also gain access to High Skill Weapon Training and Assassin Tools.


Assassins specialize in gaining entry into secure structures and eliminating targets in various ways once inside. They are trained to inflict as much damage as possible when their mark is most vulnerable. Assassins also gain access to High Skill Weapon Training and Assassin Tools.

Playing an Assassin

XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: 14 DEX

Choosing this Archetype and paying its XP cost grants the following:


Gain Training in Stealth and 3 of the following Skills of your choice; Athletics, Acrobatics, Fine Motor, Deception, Intimidation, Apocathy, Perception, Knowledge, Medicine or Driving.

You gain Training in 2 Melee, Ranged or Thrown Weapon Types of your choice and 1 High Skill Weapon Type of your choice.

You Can Read, Write and Sign the Language known as Shadow-Signs.


Acquire a common or uncommon Suit of Light Armor of your choice.

Acquire 1 Common or Uncommon Ranged Melee or Thrown Weapon of your Choice and 1 High Skill Weapon of your choice.

Acquire 1 Assassin's Tool of your choice.

Acquire a Common or Uncommon Bundle of your choice.


Stealth Strike Add a Destiny Die and +2 to Hit with all Ranged, Melee and Spell Attacks made vs creatures that have not detected or cannot detect you.

You deal an additional 1d6 + your DEX or STR Modifier Damage on those Stealth Attacks.


Professional Your Training Bonus is increased by 1. You gain an additional +1 to skill rolls when you use an Attribute Resource Pool Point to add a Destiny Die on a Skill Roll.

Traits and Abilities

Purchase with XP



XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Assassin

Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws.

Expert Evasion

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Assassin, Nimble

When you Pass a Dexterity Saving Throw to reduce damage from a Spell, Ability or Effect to Half, you instead receive 1 quarter of the original damage dealt.


XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Assassin

Gain Training in Strength Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Strength Saving Throws.


XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Assassin

Gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws.

Basic Maneuvers

(Can be acquired multiple times)

XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier I Maneuvers of the chosen type.

Expert Maneuvers

(Can be acquired multiple times)

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin, Practiced Maneuvers of the same type.

Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier II Maneuvers of the chosen type.

Special Maneuvers

(Can be acquired multiple times)

XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Assassin, Expert Maneuvers of the same type.

Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier III Maneuvers of the chosen type.

High Ground

XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

You gain +2 to Hit and +2 to Damage on Melee Attacks when you are 1 to 2 Meters above your target.

Light Armor Specialist

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You gain an additional Bonus to your AC equal to ½ your DEX Modifier.

Natural Camouflage

XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

You gain +2 to Stealth Checks made in high foliage environments, such as crop fields, forests, jungles, swamps and tall grass.

Urban Camouflage

XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

You gain +2 to Stealth Checks made in urban environments, such as city streets, rooftops, alleys, building interiors and crowded areas.

Might Maneuver Expert

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Might Maneuvers by ½.

Might Maneuver Veteran

XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Assassin, Might Maneuver Expert

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier II Might Maneuvers by ½.

Might Maneuver Specialist

XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Assassin, Might Maneuver Veteran

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier III Might Maneuvers by ½.

Stamina Maneuver Expert

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Stamina Maneuvers by ½.

Stamina Maneuver Veteran

XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Assassin, Stamina Maneuver Expert

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier II Stamina Maneuvers by ½.

Stamina Maneuver Specialist

XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Assassin, Stamina Maneuver Veteran

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier III Stamina Maneuvers by ½.

Focus Maneuver Expert

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Focus Maneuvers by ½.

Focus Maneuver Veteran

XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Assassin, Focus Maneuver Expert

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier II Focus Maneuvers by ½.

Focus Maneuver Specialist

XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Assassin, Focus Maneuver Veteran

You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier III Focus Maneuvers by ½.

Hired Killer

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

Your Stealth Strike Damage Die is increased to 1d8 + DEX or STR Modifier Damage.

Professional Killer

XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Assassin, Hired Killer

Your Stealth Strike Damage Die is increased to 1d10 + DEX or STR Modifier Damage.

Veteran Assassin

XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Assassin, Professional Killer

Your Stealth Strike Damage Die is increased to 1d12 + DEX or STR Modifier Damage.

Endurance Fighter

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You reduce the cost to Sustain all your Maneuvers by ½.

Nimble Evasion

XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

Gain Training in DEX Saving Throws.

Agile Recovery

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You may stand from a prone position using a Motion.

Lightning Reflexes

XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

You gain +2 to your Initiative.


XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You have one additional Reaction at your disposal.

Relentless II

XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Assassin, Relentless

You have one additional Reaction at your disposal.

Relentless III

XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Assassin, Relentless II

You have one additional Reaction at your disposal.


XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

You have one additional Motion at your disposal.

Efficient II

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin, Efficient

You have one additional Motion at your disposal.

Efficient III

XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Assassin, Efficient II

You have one additional Motion at your disposal.

Superior Focus

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

Increase your Maximum Focus by 2.


Assassin's Strike

XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Assassin

You are always considered to Critically Hit on Attack Rolls that Hit Creatures that have not detected or cannot detect you. You can only gain this effect once per creature hit, per round.

Agile Climber

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You may use your Dexterity Modifier + Training for Athletics Skill Rolls to Climb down.

You may use the Average of your Strength and Dexterity Modifiers + Training for Athletics Skill Rolls to climb up.

Lay of the Land

XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

You can use a 10 Minute Perception or Investigation Skill Roll with a DC of 14 to Scout Out up to 100 Meters of Area. When you do so, you gain +2 on all Skill Rolls made in that area for the next 12 Hours.

Quick Draw

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You can Draw and Wield any non-Large Weapons in a worn Holster at no Action cost.

Dual Wielder

XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

You gain +1 to your AC while you have a melee weapon held in two of your hands.

You gain an additional Melee Attack Action while you have a melee weapon held in two of your hands. The Additional Attack Action is always rolled with a -2 to Hit Modifier.

You gain an additional Ranged Attack Action while you have a Ranged weapon held in two of your hands. The Additional Attack Action is always rolled with a -2 to Hit Modifier.


XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Assassin

Each additional Hit on the same target deals +1 Damage after the first Hit(Maximum of 10). This bonus damage expires at the end of the round it was dealt.

Arrow and Bolt Recovery

XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Assassin

You never lose arrows or bolts as long as you have 10 minutes or more to Search the Battle Area for your Ammunition. Arrows and Bolts that Hit Targets that escape the battlefield are still lost as normal.