A large docile draconid often mistaken for dragons, wyverns and drakes.

Level 11 Creature Entry
Medium-Large - Draconid - Winged - Biped
Archwings are a Reptilian Avian with large leathery wings and a scaled hide. They possess a long dexterous neck and a powerful pointed beak. Each of their wing joints have a singular massive hook shaped claw that they often use to clip their wings together to glide and catch updrafts. While their wings are in this position they form a distinctive arch shape from which these legendary birds get their common name.
Due to their resemblance to dragons and drakes to the untrained eye many archwings are hunted and slain for fear of such beasts.
Archwings prefer to hunt large fish, deer, rabbits and birds and have only been witnessed attacking livestock in times of famine or particularly harsh winters. They have only been observed attacking humanoids in self defense. They tend to fly higher when approaching settlements, which prevents them from being shot by arrows but also causes them to be spotted and uninformed villagers would rather kill anything that looks like a drake than be sorry later. Because of this, many Archwings are hunted as trophies or as a preventative measure even though the Archwing would never have attacked in the first place.
18 | 16 | 16 | 10 | 14 | 6 |
4 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 2 | -3 |
Size | Large - Huge |
Movement | 10 Meters Flying |
Attack Modifier | +7 |
AC | 16 |
HP | 100 |
Armor | 40 |
Domain | Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Beaches, Mountains |
Native Realm | X |
Cold Blooded
Effect: The Creature is not Detectable via Infrared.
Flying Movement IV
The creature primarily moves by flying.
Movement Speed: 10
Scaled Hide V
The Creature Possesses a metallic scaly hide that acts like superb Armor, protecting it from harm.
Effect: +12 AC, + 35 Armor Points
Flyby Attack V
The Creature possesses a devastating flyby Attack.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: 1 Meter
Damage: 1d12 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash Damage. Movement prior and after this attack does not provoke reaction attacks.
Deafening Screech III
The creature is capable of emitting a devastating and deafening screech.
Action: Action
ARP Cost: 1 Stamina
Range: 5 Meter Blast
Effect: Target must pass a DC 18 CON Saving Throw or be dealt 1d8 Kinetic Damage and be Deafened and Stunned Until the end of their next turn. Creatures that save are Deafened and Dazed until the end of their next turn.
Overpower: The creature can overpower this ability to add 1d8 Kinetic Damage to this ability’s effect.
Air Blast III
The creature is capable of projecting a powerful blast of air.
Action: Action
ARP Cost: 1 Stamina
Range: 5 Meter Cone
Effect: Targets must pass a DC 18 STR Saving Throw or be pushed 5 Meters and Knocked Prone. Creatures that save are pushed 3 Meters.
Beak Strike IV
The Creature possesses a powerful Beak Strike Attack.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: 2 Meters
Damage: 1d10 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Puncture Damage
Claws Strike III
The Creature Possesses Deadly Claws that it wields as a Natural Weapon.
Action: Melee Attack Action
Range: 1 Meter
Damage: 3d4 + 2 + STR or DEX Modifier Slash or Puncture Damage
Stat adjustments for more or less powerful versions of the same entry.
Encounter Level | Stat Adjustments |
1 | Beak Strike I, Claw Strike I, Air Blast I, Deafening Screech I, Flyby Attack I, Scaled Hide I, Flying Movement I |
3 | Beak Strike II, Claw Strike II, Air Blast II, Deafening Screech II, Flyby Attack II, Scaled Hide II, Flying Movement II |
5 | Beak Strike III, Claw Strike III, Air Blast III, Deafening Screech III, Flyby Attack III, Scaled Hide III, Flying Movement III |
7 | Beak Strike III, Claw Strike III, Air Blast III, Deafening Screech III, Flyby Attack IV, Scaled Hide IV, Flying Movement IV |
9 | Beak Strike IV, Claw Strike III, Air Blast III, Deafening Screech III, Flyby Attack V, Scaled Hide IV, Flying Movement IV |
11 | None |
18 | Beak Strike V, Claw Strike IV, Air Blast IV, Deafening Screech III, Flyby Attack V, Scaled Hide IV, Flying Movement IV |
26 | Beak Strike V, Claw Strike V, Air Blast V, Deafening Screech IV, Flyby Attack V, Scaled Hide V, Flying Movement V |