Mage Archetypes
A Mage is any magic practitioner that utilizes the Mana Stream in order to use their magics and cast spells. The particular type of magic used by all mages is commonly referred to as "Arcane Magic".

A mage is defined as: "Any magic practitioner that utilizes the Mana Stream in order to use their magics and cast spells." The particular type of magic used by all mages is commonly referred to as "Arcane Magic".
Arcane Magic
Mana - A sub-dimensional or trans-dimensional energy stream, commonly referred to as Mana. The Mana Stream can be accessed via a release of mental energy or intent from a creature connected to the Mana Stream or a powerful release of energy that targets the sub-dimensional layer. Accessing the mana stream in any dimension causes a release of energy in excess of the energy required to access it. That energy briefly remains in a morphic state. While the released energy is in this morphic state it can be manipulated either physically or with sound waves or both. Manipulating Morphic Mana in specific ways can result in consistent and reliable effects. These specific manipulations are often referred to as spells by magic casters. They are often memorized, practiced, tested, recorded, collected and used as educational materials for new aspiring mages of all kinds.
Mana is both the source of all Mage Archetype’s spells and abilities and the means by which all Arcane Magic is cast. It exists between the layers of dimensions and can therefore be accessed in almost any realm. Some intergalactic realms have even found a way to travel through the mana stream as means of faster than light travel.
All Mage Archetypes will be able to use either their Brainstorms or Willpower as equivalent Mana for the purpose of casting their spells and activating certain abilities.
Types of Arcane Casting
Tap Casting
Wizards, Runewrites, Arcane Bards and Techno-Mages all utilize a form of magical casting commonly referred to as tap casting. Tap Casters briefly “Tap” into the Mana Stream and issue a series of commands in the form of motion and/or sound. This method of casting magic requires years of study, but even students with the smallest connection to Mana can learn to use this method. Casting is performed through various precise hand movements and spoken or written words that briefly tap into the Mana Stream. This requires absolute accuracy to properly cast even the most basic spells. The particularly intelligent excel at this type of casting.
Source Casting
Sorcerers and Chosen utilize a form of magical casting known as source casting. Source Casting requires a strong connection to Mana or some source of great power. Casting is done through emotional response rather than perfect pronunciation or penmanship and therefore requires less study and more practice, control and personal development. Sorcerers and Chosen are those that have tangled with raw magic and survived, slowly developing more control over the flow of their magic rather than burning out in an instant. The particularly wise and willful excel at this type of casting.