A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the creature to become affected by one of a selection of afflictions.
Tier I - Underworld - Witchcraft
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the creature to become affected by one of a selection of afflictions.
Spell Tier | I |
Action Type | Action |
Mana Cost | 1 |
Range | 10 Meters |
Requirements | Voice, 1 Free Hand |
Sustainable | 1 Mana |
Spell Traits | Audible, Visible |
Effect: Choose a creature within range. That creature Must Roll a Constitution Saving Throw, The DC is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC.
If the creature fails the Saving Throw they are stricken with the affliction of the casters choosing until the end of their next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained. Creatures suffering from an Affliction can Roll a CON saving throw at the end of each of their turns. Choose an affliction from the options below.
If they succeed, they may ignore the effects of this spell until the end of their next turn.
Affliction | Effect |
Warts | You cause the skin or flesh of your target to begin bubbling in unsightly warts. That creature is Numbed until the end of their next turn. |
Nausea | You cause your target to begin feeling ill. That creature is considered to be Sickened. |
Vertigo | You cause your target to begin feeling spatially disoriented. That Creature is considered to be Dizzy. |
Fever | You cause your target to feel as if they are burning up. That creature begins being dealt 1 Non-lethal Damage at the start of each of their turns. The Damage must be subtracted from the target’s HP. |
Overpower: The Caster may spend 1 additional Mana to Increase the Range of this spell by 5 Meters,
Or temporarily Increase the DC to resist this Spell’s Effect by 2,
Or add an additional affliction to the target of this spell, or target an additional creature within range with this spell’s effect.